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A Night To Remember, Part IV: The Ceremony

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2023 @ 10:55am by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Ensign Avis Larant & Commodore Brian Anderson

1,434 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10: "The Top"
Timeline: M2 MD07 (2268.6.09) 1830

After thirty minutes or so, the Captain called everyone assembled to order. "Attention," the Captain bellowed, "Attention."

The Captain stood up next to his little tray of medals, but people carried on talking, maybe they hadn't noticed, or didn't care.

Thraxina knew how to have a good time, she also knew how to be serious when she was on duty, but especially she knew the sense of decorum that was required when medals were being awarded: half of this shower didn't, including, sadly, the most senior officer present, laughing and chatting over the ceremony as Avis received the first award. She was seldom ever seen to be angry, but now her face grew livid over her dress uniform.

She grabbed a stylus from a clipboard and banged it noisily against a glass.

"Ding, Ding Ding!!"

"Could we have some QUIET, please, for the Captain?" she bellowed over the rude hubbub, looking daggers at those she decided were the worst offenders. Thick braid or not.

Lucy looked down at Thraxina. 'She has command potential... I should watch her carefully...' she pondered for a brief moment. She snapped back to the moment.

The Ship's First Officer cleared her throat after the room fell silent. "As the Lieutenant said" she spoke out boldly. "Eyes forward, attention on deck!"

Still standing by the window, holding his Iced latte when the Thaxina tapped on the glass, which got his attention, followed by the Exec, whom he had not met as yet, barked the command, 'attention on deck.' He set the glass on a nearby table and snapped too.

The crew assembled around him. "Good Evening everyone," he said, "I will keep this brief but I put together this party this evening and the extended everyone's shore-leave as an extended thank you for the way the ship's crew responded to the emergency with the Detroit. I am happy to report that those rescued are recovering on pace according to their own circumstances. Additionally, Station Exar is out of commission. Although not our intention, the slave trade has been halted for the sector for the time being... A bright spot to be sure." He looked to his right, Commodore Anderson was standing there while Commander Heartfilia was standing to his left.

Lucy glanced to her right looking at Tristan. Giving him a brief smile.

Aze sat back in her chair, taking slow gentle sips of her third Aldebaran Whiskey. It had been a while since she had attended an award ceremony. She not yet been awarded anything in her career. She was one of those people who understood the principle of an award but was not fond of them. From her perspective, she did her job to the best of her ability not to win awards but to do the best for the Federation and its future. She often pondered whether or not she would decline if awarded something.

Avis thought the captain did a diplomatic dance around what in her less than humble opinion had been a half-disaster of a mission. And that Orion bitch was still running wild out there in the galaxy.

"We have a few decorations to bestow this evening, some commendations to read and one promotion," the Captain announced, "First, I would like to call Cadet Avis Larant forward." He looked at the young woman who was standing next to Ensign Novak in the crowd. Tristan was glad she was sporting a normal hair color for once and ditched the Romulan haircut.

Avis quickly blinked and set down her drink, glancing at Peter, "Excuse me."

God, she hoped she was not expected to give a speech. In her best posture she headed up to the captain and came to attention, "Sir."

The Captain picked up one of the two medals sitting on the small table to his right. The one was a silver palm suspended from a blue and white ribbon. "For gallantry during the rescue of the hostages from Station Exar and your resolve during your captivity, I on behalf of Starfleet Command , award you the Silver Palm," he said as he pinned the medal onto her left breast under the Midway's assignment patch. "Congratulations, cadet," he said before giving her a salute.

Avis couldn't help but smile even if she had wanted to remain dead serious. It was her first medal, hopefully she'd get more in the future - or die trying.

She saluted back, "Thank you, sir. It's a privilege to serve on the Midway."

"It is a privilege to have you and your classmates aboard," the Captain responded. The crew all clapped in a polite, professional manner.

Next up Lucy stepped forward. "Next, Ensign Ivy Kinsley. Please come forward," she called out.

The young lady stepped out of the crowd. She wasn't expecting to be awarded anything from the mission, surviving the brutal treatment to return to the ship in one piece was more than enough thanks. She stood at attention in front of the Commander.

"Ensign. Your resolve in the time we were captured helped us all stay positive. You are hereby awarded the Preantares Ribbon of Commendation." Lucy announced. "Also, due to the fact you sustained..." she paused for a brief moment, "grave injuries, yet still continued commit to your duty, Starfleet has awarded you the Purple Heart".

The young woman nodded, trying not to show the pain in her eyes from being reminded about the ordeal.

Lucy pinned the ribbon medals to the ensigns uniform. "Congratulations Ensign."

"Thank you Commander," she responded. The crew once again clapped as Ivy returned to the crowd.

"Now, the Commodore and I have a promotion to announce," the Captain said, "Lieutenant Thraxina, would you please step forward."

The Ardanan woman did so, and stood to attention before her commander and the flag officer who, she had been surprised to note looked not only competent but also rakishly handsome with his little goatee beard. If he'd been a Rear Admiral, she might have fancied him.

She stuck out her chest, so the two senior officers could admire her two medals.


"Yes Lieutenant?" Brian asked softly.

"Er... the Captain just ordered me forward, Sir!" Gods, was this man deaf or daft?! No wonder he'd been kicked upstairs to command a desk instead of a Starship.

In truth Anderson’s mind had wondered for a brief moment. Something about Thraxina reminded him of someone deep in Anderson’s past. He cleared his throat. "Sorry folks ... brain went for a walk and left the body standing here like a dummy." That got a few chuckles and a groan from the back.

Thraxxy herself smiled nicely.

"Lt. Thraxina, as special recognition of your actions during your captivity with the Orions. Commander Heartfilia has asked and both Captain Faust and I approving, we are promoting you to the rank of full Lieutenant, with all of its privileges there too."

"Oh!" Thraxina pulled a sort of 'this is a surprise, but a completely deserved one, of course' type face. She hadn't actually been captured by the Orions at all, of course, just been bashed on the head by one and then helped shoot up their ship, but she wasn't about to contradict a Flag Officer when there was a possibility of promotion in the wind, and the man so obviously wanted to give her one.

"Brian reached behind him and pulled out a black and silver enameled box. He opened the box reveling a pair of Lieutenants cuff braid and a Lieutenant's delta. "Congratulations Lieutenant." As he leaned in to hand her the box he quietly said into her ear. "Find me later....."

The handsome man handed her the box and shook her hand. It was firm and strong and he was attractive, even if he didn't seem quite on the ball tonight. Maybe that was what commanding a starbase instead of a starship did to you, stultified the mind a little. And sure, he wasn't an Admiral... yet. In the olden days they used to say that behind every Great Man was a Great Woman; perhaps behind every Admiral, there was a great Aide.

Her crystal blue eyes met his.

"Yes, Sir." she replied...

Finally Captain Faust walked to the middle and said, "Finally, but certainly no less important... I would like to announce a multitude of commendations... Lieutenant Commander Lucy Heartfilia, Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins, Lieutenant Ty-Yak Novo, Ensign Tobias Dienstag, Ensign Peter Novak, Chief Petty Officer La'lei and Petty Officer Harmony Stardancer," he recited from memory, "Thank you all for your service."

To Be Continued...


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