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A Night To Remember, Part V: Chaperones at the Academy Social

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2023 @ 11:01am by Lieutenant Zon th'Tetz & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Laviana zh'Nolon MD & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Commodore Brian Anderson & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman

1,309 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10: "The Top"
Timeline: M2 MD07 (2268.6.09) 1930

Commodore Brian Anderson noticed Kitch standing at the end of the bar. "I don't know about you but I feel like a chaperone at an Academy social." Marc chuckled, and set a look of .... You too eh .... on his face. "My special bourbon, and one for my friend here." He said to the barmaid. "You'll like this. 20 years old, slightly sweet, with notes of cherry and apple." The barmaid set down two glasses and picked up a few loose empties.

Marc picked up his glass giving it a swirl and a sniff. "Cherry, apple, and vanilla." He took a swallow. "Touch of oak on the back end too. Good stuff." He took another sip. "Quite good stuff."

During the award ceremony Zon had noticed a young and attractive Andorian officer in with the mix. She must be the new surgical resident whose service record, like everyone else aboard ship, had come across his desk. He was still unbonded so part of him wanted to investigate that possibility. With their declining population it was every Andorian's duty to seek out potential matches. He approached the young lady who was by now standing by the bar and smiled, "Good evening lieutenant," he said, "I don't think we've been introduced. I am Lt. Zon th'Tetz, the ship's personnel officer... But I usually go by Zon." His blue skin complimented his youthful, handsome face along with his gelled silver hair.

Laviana had to admit, this thaan was definitely incredibly handsome - in addition to the relatively rare sight of Andorians in Starfleet even nowadays. "Well, hello, Zon. My name is Laviana zh'Nolon. It is good to see another from Andor even out here among the stars." She said, sipping from her glass of Andorian ale. The liquor coated her lips in a thin, gleaming sheen. She wore a smile, bright and a little playful, in addition to her attention-catchingly curvaceous figure. "Now that we've been introduced, care to join me for a drink?"

"I would be truly honored dear lady," Zon responded with a smile. Those who had dealt with Zon in a professional capacity would think him incapable of both showing emotion other than contempt, but he had a soft side...

It was not until she saw she was alone that Meredith waked up to Thraxina. Her stride was long and purposeful and she had her hands clasped behind her back. Her smile, however, was rather broad. She had liked watching that. "Congratulations, ma'am," she said crisply.

"Thank you, Corden." the now full Lieutenant replied, giving Meredith that strangely cool little smile she reserved especially for the beautiful Yeoman, almost ten years her senior. "I suppose I'd better start working on my next bit of braid now..." her eyes flicked over the taller woman's uniform "... and yours."

"We had better," Meredith agreed, switching to the plural. To her way of thinking, she was also taking the promising young officer under her wing, despite, or perhaps because of, how much they had initially clashed. Then she smiled a bit more lightly. "Well, after the party."

Then the haughty Andaran lifted a hand to her left breast. "Do you like my medals?" she asked casually "This little silver one is for boarding and taking a D-7 and this coppery coloured one is for coming third in a pottery competition. Do you know, where I come from the second one is considered far more important than the first?" she asked. Was she... making conversation?!!

Meredith smiled at the Ardanan woman's rather direct pride in her accomplishments. "I didn't know that. I know only a little about your culture." Meredith colored slightly. Perhaps she was remembering some of what had been said before about the Ardanan viewpoint. "Do you have any of your pottery aboard?"

"No, it all fell to bits, that's why I came third." Thraxina answered, matter of factly. "Maybe I should start a pottery class on board ship. Might look good on my record, contributing to crew morale and all that. Would you come?"

"I think I just might," Meredith agreed.

Thraxina stared into space for a second, and then shrugged.

"It just seems like too much trouble, though, doesn't it?"

"I don't know," Meredith responded, "but I would like to learn. I suppose I could also teach something.

"Really? What could you teach me? After all. I am teaching you to fly." Thraxina said with a serious look in her eye, as per usual when talking to Meredith, but a twinkle in her eye.

Meredith looked at the young officer contemplatively. There were a few things she could say here, but she decided to go with something closer to the pottery example. "I could teach you the guitar," she suggested, "or the piano."

"Oh, they're musical instruments aren't they. That sounds. I'm interested in music, too: although Ardanan music is a little different to Earth music, from what I've heard of it. We should have a... erm...a 'jam' I think it's called. We could ask Ensign Dienstag to join us with his little musical mat."

Meredith nodded. "It would be a bit of a cultural exchange," she suggested. "You teach me some of your music and I'll teach you some of mine." Her smile only broadened when Ensign Dienstag was mentioned. "The more the merrier."

Thraxina was about to reply, when she suddenly pulled Meredith aside. “Oh, look out, here comes that dreadful Pimplepopper creature!” It was Cadet Poppy Koppelman, acting as the most unprepossessing cocktail waitress ever...

"I don't know her," Meredith commented, as she let Thraxina pull her to the side.

Aze was sitting comfortably. However, the three double Aldebaran whiskeys were taking affect. She was debating on whether to get another one but she wasn't sure if that was a good idea or whether she could get up and walk to the bar without her inebriated state becoming obvious to all. She decided, for now, to sit still.

One of the low ranking minions assigned 'cocktail waiter' duties approach the seated Communications Officer. "Can I fetch you another drink, Ma'am?" asked Poppy.

Aze stared at her empty glass. She tried to resist but her willpower was weakened. "Can I have a small. I emphasize that, a small glass of Midori please." She asked handing Poppy her glass.

"Yes Ma'am!" beamed Poppy who, having led a very sheltered life and knowing nothing about alcoholic beverages, terrestrial or alien, didn't think to ask how the Lieutenant might want the liqueur prepared: neat (too sickly sweet for most people), in a cocktail, frozen on a stick... "So she came back with a small tumbler, full to the brim of the green, melon scented grog. "One small Midori!" she smiled happily.

She also didn't realise that there was a difference between the 20% proof earth Midori, and the 45% proof Medusan Midori (sometimes identified by the simple name 'Green') made from the fabled Medusan Melons, that was even now evaporating out of the glass that Poppy was handing Lt. Vox.

Aze took a sip and her eyes rolled in their sockets and crossed. She waved Poppy back. When she approached, Aze leaned towards her and whispered. The the hell is that? That's way too strong to be Midori from Earth. " She commented.

"Oh! Er, sorry, Ma'am, I must have gotten the wrong bottle." she wondered what to do "Say, how about you drink that one up and I'll go and try and get you the right kind."

"Tell you what. I will sip this slowly. No need to get me another after this. " Aze replied.

"Okalydokily, Ma'am!" beamed Poppy and moved off to get another guest a wrong drink.

Aze took another sip. She was getting use to the strength but was pretty sure she wouldn't be having it again, anytime soon.

To Be Continued...


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