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A Night To Remember, Part VI: A Night Forgotten

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2023 @ 11:05am by Captain Tristan Faust & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly

1,567 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10: "The Top" and Deck 7: Medical Section
Timeline: M2 MD07 (2268.6.09) 2230

Lucy made her way over to the bar and leant against it. She smiled as her ordered glass of red wine was handed to her. As she stood there sipping the syntheholic wine, she couldn't help but notice the other officers nearby. Being the Exec, she had decided to keep a respectful distance from the junior officers, yet she could observe them from a distance.

"Not going to say hello to anyone Commander?" asked the Captain as he approached her from further down the bar.

Lucy smiled. "Just keeping a respectful distance sir," she replied before taking another sip. "It's been a rough first mission for many of the crew."

"That it has been," Tristan responded, "I hope the next mission is nowhere near as taxing... Although I'd hardly call what happened a mission. We were supposed to go on a shakedown cruise, but we walked into a mess." He took a sip from what was probably his 5th Martini at this point, "But is what it is," he responded, "I heard Bernhardt is getting medically discharged, the poor bastard."

"It's always a shame to lose an officer," Lucy replied. "So then," she started as she turned to face the Captain. "How are you finding your first command? Everything you expected it to be?"

"Yes and no," Tristan responded with a sigh, "If nothing else I am used to it now... More comfortable in the role than I was at the start."

Lucy took another sip of her wine. "Well, we're still young and another five years in the depths of space." She couldn't help but smile. "I think we have a fine crew and a good ship. Only time will tell I guess."

"Agreed, better than I imagined," Tristan responded, "Glad we offloaded a few problem officers though... Certainly not going to miss any of them." He took another sip from his glass, he was certainly speaking rather frankly by this point.

"Every crew has their teething problems. A young word about our next mission from Command?" She asked curiously.

"We are escorting the Federation delegation to Nimbus III, the so called planet of intergalactic peace," Tristan responded before finishing his Martini, "It should be fairly straightforward, but it probably won't be knowing our luck."

"Nothing is straightforward when it comes to Klingons or Romulans," Lucy sighed. "They also picked the worst planet they could find. Nimbus three is nothing but a dry wasteland. Why choose such a place where even staying alive is difficult?"

"It was a neutral planet in a neutral location," Tristan responded, "It's strategic location makes sense in a map... Still if they build the city in a habitable dome I suppose it wouldn't be too terrible... The envoy isn't here yet, but I met him once a few years ago. Albeit briefly."

"So basically, we're on a ferry mission for him." Lucy sighed. "I hope he's not some pompous stuck up diplomat. I hate giving to deal with those."

"Oh he is, although maybe with a touch of self-defeating world weariness," Tristan responded with a sigh, "Apparently he created some sort of diplomatic mess a few years ago and this is his reward..."

"Great..." Lucy replied sarcastically. "And this is the man they want representing the Federation." She let out a sigh before taking the last sip of her wine. "Well if you'll excuse me Captain. I'm on the early shift tomorrow, so I'm going to turn in early. Don't drink too much."

"Well no one is taking these talks seriously... All just to keep the Organians off our back," Tristan responded with a sigh, "And good night Commander. I probably won't be around too much longer myself."

Lucy smiled at the Captain. "Goodnight sir," she said as she turned on a heel and made her way towards the door.

Slattery watched as the captain and the first officer left the room, meaning that the official proceedings were finished. He kept looking around, trying to figure out the crew dynamics as regards to 'couples'.

Once all of the proceedings had finished, Aze decided it was best to make an exit and try her best to act normal despite feeling rather worse for wear. She carefully stood up from her seat and headed slowly and cautiously towards the doors, but she was finding it somewhat difficult to walk straight. She was muttering under her breath about that wrong brand of Midori.

Slattery saw Lieutenant Vox having difficulty walking, so he went over to check on her. "Lieutenant. Are you alright? Are you having problems walking? May I be of help?"

"Yes Doctor. I could do with a hand. I'm blaming three double Aldebaran whiskeys and an overly strong Midori. My um, " she tapped her head a few times. "Brain doesn't seem too kerfuddled. " She replied.

Slattery took her by the arm. "I'd like to take you to sickbay so I can run some tests, just to rule out any illnesses."

"Oh really Doctor, I am perfectly fine just somewhat drunk. But if you insist, I am not really in a good state to argue with you. " She said. "To sickbay." she said she headed out the doors with the good doctor helping her.

"It'll be better if you take my arm as we go to sickbay." Slattery suggested.

"Of course Doctor." Aze replied taking Slattery's arm.

They walked to the nearest turbolift, arrived on the medical deck, and entered Main Sickbay. No one else was on duty, at the moment, the majority of them had been at the gathering. "Computer. Log in Dr Slattery for duty." The computer responded, "Affirmative. Dr Slattery logged in." He walked her to the nearest bed and, "Up you go." helped her get on the bed.

"This really isn't necessary Doctor." Aze proclaimed as she laid back onto the bed. She could quite easily go to sleep right now, it was rather comfortable. "I am drunk not ill. " she added.

The scans showed high levels of alcohol in her system. "I'm going to give you an injection that will counter the alcohol in your system." Slattery picked up a hypo, pressed it against her neck and injected her. He went back to the diagnostic board. "Lieutenant, I'm seeing an unusual mass in your abdominal area. Can you explain that?"

Still feeling somewhat woozy but the injection was starting to help, Aze smiled. "Have you not met a Joined Trill before, Doctor?"

"Trill? I honestly can say I never met one before. In fact, I thought your species were a myth." He noticed her spots. "Interesting design. Tell me, how far down do they go?" He smiled.

"We are definitely not a myth and in answer to your question, all the way to my toes. " She replied.

"I would like to verify that...for purely medical research purposes, of course." He smiled at her. "Once you feel better, you can return to your quarters, lieutenant."

"Are you being serious Doctor? or are you flirting with me here?" Aze replied.

"Maybe a little of both, unless you don't want me to, which in that case, I won't in the future."

"I am still somewhat inebriated, so my curiosity is getting the better of me, how are you proposing I verify the extent of my spots?" She said smirking.

"We can go to my quarters, where you can disrobe so I can see your spots." he replied smiling.

"Doctor, I am drunk but I know when someone is taking advantage of me. " She exclaimed as she struggled to to get off the biobed. Once on her feet, she headed out of Sickbay still staggering as she went.

Slattery went after her, to make sure she made it to her quarters safely. "I wasn't trying to take advantage of you, a gentleman wouldn't do that in your current state. My curiosity is medical. I never met a Trill before. I need to know what medical needs you may require. I answered the way I did because you caught me off guard with your reply. I apologize."

"I am sorry Doctor, it's that dam Midori, the bar girl gave me. God knows where it was from but it most certainly wasn't made on Earth. Not with that level of alcohol. But I still drank it. I lead you on so I am sorry too. " She reached out to him and took hold of his arm. "Will this gentleman escort this tipsy lady back to her quarters?"

"A gentleman always comes to the aid of a lady in need." he took her arm in his, and they walked down the corridor.

Once they arrived outside of her quarters, Aze turned to the Slattery. "Thank you again kind sir. I am sure I will be OK in the morning. Perhaps when sober, I can help you more with your research. " she commented.

"Teasing me again?" he looked at her. "That injection should have sobered you up by if you wanted to continue......"

"No, I am serious. There is not much on file about us Trills and maybe I can, with the odd exception, fill in the blanks. See you in the morning Doctor. " She said as she stepped into her quarters and the doors closed.

"Good night." He said as the doors closed. Then he shook his head and headed back to sickbay, where a glass of Brandy was waiting for him.


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