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Relay Station H-57

Posted on Thu Jun 20th, 2024 @ 8:21am by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Commander Darrod Hanous & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden

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Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 1: Bridge
Timeline: M5 MD09 (2268.08.1) 1100

The Midway approached Relay Station H-57, which was just outside the solar system near the Binars' Mining Colony. The shipment of Xenoderm's last status report was relayed through here...

"Commander, assessment of the relay station?" Captain Faust asked from the Command chair, although the damage from disruptor fire was obvious.

Lucy turned to her scope. "Well, the station took a beating. Heavy damage on the outer hull, however I am reading breathable air over there."

Darrod wandered up to the Bridge as they approached the Relay Station, his position behind the rail a clear indicator to the Captain and the Bridge crew that he had nothing but confidence in his team - Lemaire and Zara down in Engineering. He looked over at Shinobu, but looked back at Tristan, his blood running cold. "I know that attack pattern, Captain, all too well. They'll leave the control room and main maintenance team with life support, I'd do the same. They've cut comms to local radio only, if there's anyone aboard alive. Request permission that Lieutenant Miyake and I beam over - alone. We're the subject matter experts here, sir."

Meredith looked over at Darrod for a second and bit her lower lip. Then she looked back at the screen. She also stood a little to the back. Mostly observing.

"Denied," the Captain responded, "I want you to take along Ensigns Novak and Dienstag..." Additional security and computer expertise was need and consider the commander and lieutenants tense working relationship and concerns over the Orions, he wasn't about to let them loose, alone spinning in a tin can.

Aze spoke up. "Sir, I am unable to link up to the station's onboard systems in terms of gaining any control. I can get a basic readout of the station, which suggests life support is active. The station's automated beacon appears to be malfunctioning as well. Not sure whether it is a result of the damage or deliberate sabotage." She advised.

"Understood lieutenant," Tristan responded and thought a moment, "Lt. Vox, I want you to join the landing party as well. Hopefully you can get a handle of the communication mess over there..."

"Yes sir. I will bring my tool kit incase it's a real mess." Aze replied to her Captain.

"Is that acceptable Commander?" Tristan asked looking at Darod, although it wasn't a request.

Darrod nodded, and tried to remain calm. He wanted to keep the potential losses to a minimum. If they made even a single mistake, the entire Away team could be killed. That bothered him greatly when he thought about bringing other people with him. In all honesty, he wanted to go alone, so that none of the people aboard the Midway would see what happened to Dar when all the training and decency he'd spent years developing was burned away from him. But the Captain's order wasn't something he had a choice about. "Aye, sir. Miyake, Vox, Novak, and Dienstag, you're with me. Transporter Room 1, ASAP."

"Yes sir." Aze replied. She handed her station over to another officer before heading off the bridge to get prepared for the away mission.

He thought for a moment. "Sir, we're going to be bringing life belts and portable transport tags." He looked at Miyake. "Rifle and pistol for each team member, and a spare power pack for each, Lieutenant. If you have grenades to spare, a belt each for you and I."

There was no question but that Darrod was, in fact, scared, but it was also certain that the way he expressed his fear was to face it and charge into the danger to put himself between the Syndicate and the ship.

"You can bet we've got grenades to spare," Shinobu nodded. "After our last run-in with these guys? I'd prefer that we be well-equipped for Round 2."

Darrod nodded grimly in agreement with Shinobu. "Agreed. We can never be too prepared against the Syndicate and the Cartels. We'll discuss specific marching orders once we beam over. Get the weapons, I'll get the other gear. We'll reconvene with the boarding party in Transporter Room 1. Be quick about it."

He gave her a tight nod to signify they were done talking, and gave another to the Captain as he headed to the Turbolift. It was obvious he was focused on the mission, and his entire mind was on the Orions on that station.

"Mr. Knowles, take us a long side," the Captain added, "And Lt. T'Kara, keep the torpedoes armed and maintain yellow alert status."


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