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Midway Never Sleeps

Posted on Sun Jun 16th, 2024 @ 10:38pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Ensign Jason Reece

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Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 1: Bridge
Timeline: M5 MD07 (2268.07.30) 2000

The gentle hum of the engine and the random beeps and boops added to the ambiance of the bridge aboard the Midway. It was well into the evening, almost ready for third shift to take over.

Ensign Dienstag was manning the science console, working on the latest set of calculations for stellar cartography and astronavigation. The Triangle was mostly explored and filled with a variety of hazards and hostile worlds. He jotted a few more figures onto the wedge clipboard, finishing up. He picked up the clipboard and walked down the steps into the well, approaching the navigation console.

"The latest calculations, Mr..." Toby said to the officer manning the console. He didn't recognize the handsome young man who was about his age, "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met," he quickly added.

Jason looked over and grinned. "Jason Reece. I just came aboard yesterday. This is my first duty shift. And you are...?"

"Oh, eh, Ensign Dienstag... Toby," the young man responded, returning the smile, "I'm one of the science officers, computer expert. Welcome aboard."

"Thanks, Nice to meet ya, Toby. You can call me Jason." He took the offered clipboard and looked over thr numbers. He then entered them into his console before handing it back. "Thanks!" Glancing around, he asked, "So, as this is my first time one s Cobstitution class, what all is there to do aboard ship?"

"Quite a lot actually," Toby responded, leaning against the console, "We have a pool, a bowling alley, an arboretum, multiple recreation rooms, a few lounges... The largest, the aft crew lounge has a bar... We also have an... An experimental holograph recreation deck..." He sighed and then glanced at the viewscreen before returning to the console, "Which I have been tasked with managing," he added.

"I've heard about that," Jason replied as he worked his console, ensuring the ship stayed on the current heading. "Supposedly, it can recreate various scenes from the member worlds of the Federation?"

"Basically just scenery, although there have been some experiments with small objects and even avatars... But I haven't had time to work out the kinks with objects... Too busy building a scheduling system for it," Toby explained, "Although I have to add, the power cost is enourmous, everyone gets limited time and the waiting list is the length of my arm."

Jason nodded, seeming impressed. "Wow, you must really be brilliant, to be able to do all the math required for such a project."

The young man blushed and chuckled, "Well, I suppose so," he responded, "Just call me a human computer I guess..."

Jason smiled a friendly grin. "Well, if you're a human computer, what would that make me? An adrenaline junkie, who wants to fly faster and farther than anyone else?" He chuckled at himself, then said, "How about I just call you friend?"

"Heh, that'll work for me," Toby responded with a smile. He glanced at the stars whizzing past, emphasizing the general uneventful atmosphere of the bridge, "So, friend... What do you like to do for fun?" He asked, looking back.

Jason shrugged, as he imput a few more course adjustments. "Oh, stunt flying, orbital skydiving, even some poker, if the pot is good enough. What about you?"

"You're much more of an adrenaline junkie that I am," the young man responded with a chuckle, "I prefer to watch old movies, cool, play the piano and Tridimensional chess... If you enjoy poker, Dr. Kitchner runs a friendly but competitive poker game. Also a good way to get to know the Captain if you are so inclined." Getting the boss to know you in a good light was never a bad career move.

Jason nodded thoughtfully. "Thanks for letting me know. I'll definitely look into it. Do you know if the game is open to all, or just senior officers?"

"Sure," Toby responded, "And it's open to whatever rank as far as I know... Just invitation only... Mike.. err Dr. Amato told me Ensign Novak was there last time."

Jason nodded again. "Invitation only huh? Thanks again. Guess I'll just have to ask Doc if there's room for another player." He gave Toby another friendly grin as he finished speaking.

"Eh, Dr. Kirchner is always looking for fresh cash to flow into his game," Toby responded, "Fresh wallets to take money from."

This made Jason chuckle softly. "Well, he may find mine is a bit more difficult to pull from."

"All the better," Toby responded. He tapped on the edge of the console, "Well I better let you back to it," he added, "I'm sure the commander would chew us out if we sat here and yakked the entire shift."

Jason grinned. "Yeah, and I wouldn't want to pur a bad taste in their mouths about me, so soon into joining the crew.

"Eh it'll take more than that," Toby responded with a grin before heading back towards the science console.


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