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Sat Feb 1st, 2025 @ 3:16pm

Ensign Jason Reece

Name Jason Anderson Reece

Position Chief Navigator

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 22
Birthdate 16 Dec 2246

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 192 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description A handsome young man, he has the look of youth and wonder in his eyes. (And more than a few young ladies have commented on how nice his smile is.)

He does work out, doing what he can to keep himself in decent shape.


Father Captain Robert Reece (Retired)
Mother Professor Jill Reece, PhD (History Professor, Yale)
Sister(s) Lieutenant Elizabeth "Lizzy" Williams (28)(Chief Helm Officer, USS Republic)
Other Family Master Sergeant Howard Reece (81)(Retired MACO) (paternal grandfather)
Lilith Reece (76) (paternal grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Has a very strong sense of honor, always doing his best to do the right thing. He knows that he has much to learn, but is willing to put in the work to gain the experience needed to serve well and long, in Starfleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses +outgoing and friendly
+natural piloting skills
+good singer

-wears his heart on his sleeve
-sometimes acts without thinking
-can get overexposed at times
Ambitions To be the Captain of his own ship in Starfleet, and find the perfect girl to marry and grow a family with.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, drawing, swimming, orbital skydiving, stunt flying.

He enjoys playing cards (five card draw poker mostly) and hanging with friends. During his off-duty time, he always is always seen enjoying a cigar.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Family and Personsl Code or Honor

Personal History Born at the the Doctor Phlox General Hospital, on Long Island, New York, Jason was a happy and healthy little boy, who grew up surrounded by the love of his parents, big sister, and grandparents.

As he grew, it was clear that he was gifted in some ways, slightly hindered in others. While he did do well in his class work and home work, his knack for becoming overly excited about some things did end him up in the principles office a few times.

In high-school, he was a member of the swim team, winning several awards for his times in the pool. He even attended the Olympics once, in 2262, earning bronze in the men's 500 meter medly and silver in the 50 meter freestyle.

After he graduated high school, he knew he wanted to join Starfleet, following the tradition of his family. During training, his piloting skills became quite evident, and his instructors moved him towards navigation and Helm studies.

Upon graduation, he was assigned as the newest navigation officer of the USS Midway.

What happens next, is up to Fate...
Service Record 2264 - 2268: Attendance Starfleet Academy

2268 - PRESENT: Assigned, USS Midway, Navigation Officer (Ensign)