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Incoming Physical

Posted on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 8:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Ensign Jason Reece
Edited on on Fri Jul 5th, 2024 @ 8:51pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: USS Midway, Sickbay
Timeline: Tbd

After leaving T'kara, Jason made way down to Sickbay, so he could get his inprocessing physical taken care of. Upon reaching it, he called out. "Hello?"

"Be right there!" Came from around a corner. Tony Jenkins stepped into the front of Sickbay with a cup of tea in her hand. "Sorry I needed a wake up."

"That's alright, Doc!" Jason replied in a friendly tone. He then handed over a yellow data card, containing his complete medical and psychological file. "I'm Ensign Jason Reece, I just arrived and will be the new junior navigator. I'm here for my incoming physical."

Tony grinned as she set down her cup with one hand and took the data card with the other. "I'm actually the head nurse, but thank you for the compliment all the same. Tony Jenkins ..." She extended her freed up hand.

Jason took it and shook it, blushing a little from his mistake. "Pleasure to meet you."

"You too. Okay, Jason, have a seat on the bio bed over there and I'll tell Dr. Kitchener you're here." Tony said putting the card down on the counter and stepped out of the room again.

A few minutes passed and an older man cleaning his glasses with the corner of a lab coat stepped in. "Mr. Reece. Marc Kitchener, but most everybody around here either calls me Dr. K or just Kitch, so take your pick." The two men shook hands.

"Dr. K...." Tony said passing him a data clipboard. "His records look complete to me."

Marc put on his reading glasses and looked everything over. "Tony, get his vitals while we kibbutz." Marc read through the file quickly. The two men made small talk for a bit,

"Blood pressure 115 over 83. Respiration 45, oxygen levels 97." Tony read off numbers as she went along. "Take a deep breath Ensign your pulse is racing."

Marc chuckled. "Relax son. You're in better shape than I'll ever be." He pulled a pen light from his pocket. "Follow the light." He moved in around. "Look to your right." Marc reached forward and lifted Reeces eyelid. "Tony ... make a note ... possible scratch right eye upper sclera. Does that eye bother you at all?

Jason shrugged slightly, as he replied. "Sometimes, but I just put in a few eye drops and it's good again." He suddenly became concerned as he asked, "Will it affect my flight status?"

"I doubt it." Marc said squeezing Reeces glands in his neck. "You probably just need something stronger than replicated drops. Ophthalmology can recommend something sure enough." He made a few notes on the clipboard. "On your feet, take a wide stance. Now bend down, try and get your palms on the deck." Reece did as he was told, Marc put his hands on Recess shoulders. "Try and straighten up." He held him down for a few seconds before letting him up. "I wish I was in half the shape you're in son." Marc said pulling a pad from his pocket. He made a fast note before handing Reece the former top page. "When you report to the Captain or XO, give them this. Tony, make the Ensign an appointment for the lab, standard CBC's, and inoculations. Another one with ophthalmology, and have that eye looked at."

"Already ahead of you Doctor. The lab can take you now, just head on over." Jenkins said half talking half mumbling to herself. "Ophthalmology stop in there tomorrow afternoon, 1415."

"There you go Mr Reece." Marc said a small smile on his lips. "Now I have to ask. Is there anything not in your records that I need to know about without having to play 20 questions?"

Jason smiled and nodded as he listened to both the compliments and instructions. After hearing the CMO's question, he considered it for a few heart beats, then shook his head as he replied. "No, Sir."

"One last thing. I ask one thing of all my patients. If something does come up, for Christ sake say something. Hang nails, warts, persistent gas. Teldorian VD ... ' Marc stopped himself mid sentence. '... the turning purple part you're on your own to explain, but the rest I can do something about.' He gave a shrug. "Unless it's endangering the ship, what is said in my Sickbay stays in my Sickbay. Got it?"

Tony Jenkins had to swallow a smile and a laugh. She'd heard this speech easily 300 times and while she knew that Kitchener was being serious, she knew the last thing he said was probably made up at the spur of the moment.

Jason nodded as he replied. "Aye, Sir. Anything goes wrong with my health, you'll be the first to know."

"Good. Now, put your shirt on an get out of here before she gets any bad ideas." Marc said with a slight grin. "I'll be in my office if you need me." He gave Tony a wink when he turned to leave.

"You got it, Doc." Jason replied as he stood up from the biobed and pulled his uniform shirt back on. When he was done, he nodded his thanks to both individuals standing there, then, turned and left sickbay.

A half hour passed before Tony poked her head into Marc's office. "Teldorian VD ... that was the best one yet. I almost broke on that one."

"I gotta have some fun around here. At my age, I make it where I can." Marc looked up trying to keep a straight face but they both took to a fit of laughter.

Lt. Cmdr. Marc Kitchener
Chief Medical Officer

Ens. Jason Reece
Junior Navigation Officer

Ens. Antoinette (Tony) Jenkins
Head Nurse - NPC of M. Kitchener


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