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The Property of the Orion Syndicate

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 11:55pm by Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Arianna D'Tal & Ensign Avis Larant & Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins & Chief Petty Officer La'lei
Edited on on Fri Jan 20th, 2023 @ 10:18pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Orion Pirate Ship
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 0000

As the groups returned from the Midway, they found themselves in a fairly large room, surrounded by several armed Orions. Some of them began moving around the room, taking weapons, and attaching small devices to the necks of their new prisoners. Any who resisted were forcibly held down, while the device was attached, but none were told anything right away.

Avis did not resist, it would have been hopeless. Just maybe at some point she could find a better opportunity. But even then she was on another ship, not exactly going to have golden escape chances! She did rip off one sleeve of her tunic to wrap around her forearm to stop the bleeding. It wasn't serious. She hoped.

After a few minutes, a door opened on one side of the room, and a young Vulcan looking woman entered. Unlike the other non-Orions, she was the only one not wearing a slave device. She stopped near one of the guards, observing for a moment, before she spoke.

"As of this moment, you are the property of the Orion Syndicate." She started. She didn't bother waiting to hear what anyone would say, as she continued on. "You will remain on this ship, until we reach our destination. As long as you're on this vessel, you will follow my orders. Anyone who resists will regret their decision." As she said this last, she tapped her finger on a small device attached to her belt.

Ensign Kinsley felt a sharp pain emanating from her neck. A while hot sensation was unlike anything she had ever experienced before, dropping the young woman to her knees.

Lucy's head hurt, the stun affect from the Orion disruptor was far from pleasant. As the device was attached forward she spoke up. "I am Commander Lucy Heartfilia of the Starship Midway. What gives you the right to attack and hold us? What exactly do you want from us?"

Feeling as though she proved her point, Arianna took her finger off the device, causing Ivy's device to stop producing pain. "If you address me, you will call me Arianna, or Captain."

Just before she continued, one of the Orion women from the Midway's bridge party approached her, whispering "They have Marina." in her ear. As the woman stepped away, it was easy to see that Arianna's mood had changed, and not in a good way.

After another moment, Arianna unceremoniously yanked the disruptor from the Orion woman's hand, shoving her backwards a few steps. She angrily shot two disruptor rounds into the chest of a random person in the crowd, then shoved it back into the Orion woman's hands. The Man she shot clutched his chest, and dropped to the deck as he started screaming in agony for several seconds, before he simply stopped moving all together.

"If you betray me, you'll die an agonizing death, like your friend here." Arianna added, her voice laced with anger, despite her Vulcan appearance. "I don't recommend it."

"Betrayal assumes loyalty," Ivy responded as she tried to get back to her feet, "We have none for you." She wiped sweaty strands of blonde hair out of her eyes.

Avis blinked. That was a risky comment to make given what this mad woman had just done. Although the young security officer definitely agreed with the sentiments expressed.

It seemed a bit funny -- if anything about this could be considered 'funny' -- that Harmony's rebellious years as a teen actually conditioned her for something like this. It had taken her only a few seconds to get her bearings when she'd woken up, and even though she had been confused, she knew enough to 'go with the flow' until she could figure out what was happening.

And things happened fast, it was quickly apparent that she, along with others from the Midway, were 'property' of pirates. Eh, she was no one's property, not that that meant she had any freedom at the moment. Before she had a chance to look around and see who else was property, a device was snapped around her neck, and then Ensign Kinsley dropped to the deck.

Harmony was impressed, and as much as she was tempted to move in to help, she realized that sometimes it was best to wait, and at least Ivy was still moving.

But then there were some words exchanged, some sort of whispers, and 'Captain' went a little nuts and shot a man who didn't seem to have done anything. This time, instinct was stronger than good sense, and she ran to the man's side, kneeling down to feel for a pulse, although that was futile and she knew it.

Avis sidled next to Harmony, prepared if necessary to come to her aid should her gesture be somehow interpreted by these crazies as dangerous when all the medic had wanted to do was help. Not that Avis would be able to do much in the first place. But this was her roomie.

Arianna moved to stand in front of Ivy, her annoyed look suddenly changing to a sweet smile. "I promise the pain that man felt was far greater than what I did to you." She said to enforce her point, before she turned serious again. "Removing the device we've provided for you, or trying to escape will also get you killed."

All Ivy could do was give the pirate a glare. She knew the Captain would rescue them. It was their only hope.

Tony Jenkins didn't know what had hit her, but she felt as though a shuttle had landed on her. One minute she remembers being in the outer office treating a burned engineer, and the next something had hit her from behind and she woke up here. Where ever this piece of hell was. "Pssst ... Harmony ... Harmony ..." She said rolling onto her side.

Harmony was startled and dismayed to see that Avis was here as well, she wouldn't wish this on anyone, but then, she had to admit that it was good to see someone she knew more than in passing.

"Avis...well, heck, who's going to feed Buster?" Stupid humor for stupid situations! And as she had a chance to really start taking this all in, she noticed the nurse by them. "Tony! Are you all right?" Were any of them all right? Although it seemed that there were no major injuries, praise God!

The two quietly chatted and looked around judging the situation. "Is anyone seriously hurt? Besides what beats the worst hangover I've ever had, that is." Tony half groaned. She tried sitting up only to fall flat on her back again.

"Here." Harmony helped Tony sit, then nodded to Avis. "This is my roomie, Avis, Avis, Lieutenant Jenkins." So far, no one was annoying them. "I don't see anything major. And I'd prefer they let us treat our own injured." That was up to the lieutenant to ask, although there was undoubtedly the risk of reprisal.

"Lieutenant," Avis nodded acknowledgement.

Once Tony got her sea legs again she all but smacked a med kit away from an Orion thug big and started treating the few wounds there were with Harmony's help. "That arm will sting for a few days, but you'll be fine." She said putting a fresh bandage on a burn.

"Harmony ... hopefully this excuse for a scanner is accurate." Tony handed the device over. "I know I have a concussion. Just tell me how bad, eh?"

"Can't be too bad," Harmony observed, trying her best to stay positive, "you've only asked me about it once!" Besides retrograde amnesia, another clear sign of a concussion was repeating questions and statements, to the degree that it could be positively annoying!

She wielded the scanner for a moment, then nodded. "Mild, enough to give you a good headache, but not to put you out." Taking a breath, she glanced at Avis and whispered, "We need to bide our time, wait for an opening." Not that she expected these people to give them an opening...they knew what they were doing, and the situation was pretty dire.

But dire didn't mean lost.

"Agreed," Avis whispered back, she wanted to keep as low a profile as possible, be almost submissive. Til she got a chance.

Tony glanced back. "Thanks." She looked around. "Right. Our time will come. We'll just have to keep an eye open for it.

Arianna gave Ivy a smirk, before stepping over to Lucy, quietly studying her for a moment. "You, Commander, are coming with me." She said with all the authority of a Captain. "As for the rest of you, these fine Officers will see to your medical needs, and prepare you for interrogation."

Lucy crossed her arms and stood firm. "And where exactly is it you plan on taking me?" She asked, firmness and stubbornness in her voice.

She felt someone tug on her sleeve, she turned to see Yeoman La'lei. "Commander... May I point out that is... not logical to... you know, resist. They are the ones holding the weapons..." the young Vulcan told her in a hushed voice.

"You and I are going to have a little chat." Arianna told Lucy, matter of factly. "If I were you, I'd listen to your Vulcan friend, and get moving, because I won't tell you again!"

Lucy stood firm. "You'll have to do better than that!" she replied with a smirk. "There's no way I will abandon any members of my crew!"

"I guess one example wasn't enough." Arianna, said as she tapped the device again, with Lucy as it's target. "Defying me is not an option."

A sharp pain ran through Lucy's body. It was excruciating to say the least. She winced as the pain seemed to overwhelm her senses. After it had finished she looked up at the Half Vulcan, she didn't say anything just looked at her. Obviously this woman chose forced loyalty over anything else, and she used these devices to maintain it.

"That was the low setting, Commander." Arianna returned the woman's glare with one of her own. One way or the other, this woman was going to submit. "If you don't start moving, I'll turn it up higher... Now move it!"


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