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Springing The Trap

Posted on Sun Jan 8th, 2023 @ 12:59pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Braun Bernhardt & Lieutenant Thraxina & Arianna D'Tal
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:31am

972 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 1: Bridge; Orion Vessel
Timeline: M1 MD08 (2268.23.05) 2200

Captain's Log supplemental, it is nearly 2200 and according to the ship's sensors we should be set to intercept the Orion vessel within the next few minutes. I must admit I have been distracted this evening by crew woes. From what I've been told every Captain goes through situations such as this, but the timing couldn't be worse. No matter, soon we will find if any of our preparations will pay off...

After giving the senior officers a few hours off duty to recharge, the Captain ordered them back to the bridge in preparation for what was bound to be a tough fight. As Charlie shift vacated the ship's stations, he looked over at Ensign Dienstag who was walking towards the turbolift. "Mr. Dienstag, if you would?" he said, gesturing for him to come over.

The young officer nodded and approached the command chair, "Sir?" he asked. His black eyes were thankfully faded as was the swelling. He looked at Tristan with his usual doe eyed expression.

"How are you feeling?" the Captain asked in a low voice.

"Fine sir," Toby responded, "Thank you for asking."

Captain Faust nodded, "I'm taking care of it," he said and gave the young officer a reassuring half smile. His own face was quite drained from the evening, "Go get some rest" he said.

"Thank you sir," Toby responded returning the grin. He nodded and headed back towards the turbolift.

"Commander Heartfilia, are we all set?" Tristan asked his executive officer.

"Ready as we're ever going to be I guess." Lucy replied as she turned around in her chair. "We're going to need a bit of luck I reckon'.

The Captain nodded as the ship dropped out of warp. The Red Alert lights were flashing around the bridge. Lying ahead was the Orion ship. The cruiser looked quite dead in the water. Tristan squinted his eyes. "Commander, scan the ship," he said.

"Scanning now," Lucy replied as she stood and began to look through the viewscope on her station. She played with the sensor resolution as she focused the Midways sensors on the Orion ship. "Low power readings, the ship has no shields, and it seems to be powered down... unusual..."

"Looks like you may be right, Mr. Bernhardt," Tristan said, "This reeks like a trap. Commander, launch those sensor bouys. I want as many signals out in subspace sending interference as possible. Lieutenant Thraxina, execute that erratic flight path.”

“Impulse. Shields up. Engaging randomised flight path.” Thraxina repeated mechanically as she activated the pattern Bernhardt had devised. She also raised her targeting scanner in case she was required to aim and fire the ship's Phaser array during the forthcoming encounter.

“Mr. Bernhardt once we are in range fire torpedoes at their engine and be prepared with aft torpedoes."

"Yes, sir," Braun replied as he stared at the targeting scanner, fingers on the trigger. watching the distance steadily close...

"Launching sensor beacons," Lucy replied as she stepped away from the sensor scope and began to toggle switches on her console.

Orion Pirate Ship

A young humanoid woman with the pointed ears of a Vulcan sat in the center chair, looking at the view screen.

She'd known they were being pursued, and had even counted on it. Though she hadn't quite expected the counter measures they'd been using. Having gotten wise to their fake distress calls, she'd ordered them filtered out.

"A ship is dropping out of warp." came a voice from behind her. "Federation, constitution class."

"What's their status?" Arianna asked without looking away from the screen.

"Their shields and weapons are powered, and they are ready for a fight." The burly green man turned to face her. "We are no match for a ship like that."

"Maybe, but it's not always strength that wins the day." Arianna said, giving him a barely imperceptible smile.

"Well you'd better figure out what it is, because now they're trying to interfere with our sensors!" He replied quickly.

Arianna turned back to the screen, watching as the ship began to approach in erratic movements. "Helm, keep an eye on their movements, and let me know just before they enter transporter range." She ordered after a moment. "We're going to do something a little different today..."

"Are we in range Mr. Bernhardt?" Tristan asked from the Captain's chair. He was watching the viewscreen intently, looking for any signs of movement. He knew the Midway's sensors would pick up anything much more quickly and accurately than he could, but still.

"!" Bernhardt called out. With the skill of a surgeon he let the two torpedoes fly...!

The Helmswoman beside him couldn't help peer into her targeting scanner for a close up look at how well her fellow gold-shirt had done, counting under her breath 5... 4... 3.. 2...

Orion Pirate Ship

"Damn..." She said as she saw them launch torpedoes. "Do it now!"

View from Space

As the two torpedoes neared their target, all of the Orion ship's systems suddenly became active. Her warp nacelles flashed, and for a moment, the pirate ship appeared to be in two places. In her original location, and directly beneath the Midway's engineering section.

The Midway's torpedoes missed harmlessly, as they vanished from their original spot. Beneath the Engineering section, they unloaded all their weapons against a single point on the Midway's shields, busting a hole through it.

Before the hole could close, a massive EMP wave emanated from the Orion ship, enveloping almost the entirety of the massive starship.

Orion Pirate Ship

"Begin the usual boarding procedures." Arianna ordered, then as an afterthought, she added. "In fact, let's take the bigger prize. Include an armed team on the bridge to take the ship."

To Be Continued...


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