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The Cavalry Rides Onto The Bridge

Posted on Tue May 30th, 2023 @ 8:32pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Deck 1: Bridge

The turbolift door finally opened, apparently engineering was able to unlock them. Dr. Amato stepped into the bridge followed by a pairs of stretcher bearers. They acknowledged Commander Stryker and Poppy as they walked into the turbolift. He noticed Commander Heartfilia under the console and immediately ran to her and knelt down. Two pairs of stretcher bearers walked briskly towards the Captain and Lt. Vox.

Dr. Amato took out his medical tricorder and began to scan the Lucy. It was serious but not life-threatening, but she was losing a lot of blood. He began to close the wound as quickly as he could using the medical device, "Vincent over here," he called to one of the stretcher bearers, "We need to get the Commander to sickbay." He looked over the bridge. The ship itself seemed in decent shape, but he was no engineer.

The turbolift doors opened and Toby with a relief bridge crew stepped out onto the bridge. He wasn't sure who was in charge as the senior officers were mostly out of commission but he noticed Thraxina was still there. "Lieutenant, relief is here," he said as he stepped into the well. The Captain looked pretty banged up as the stretcherbearers carted him passed Toby and towards the turbolift.

Slatterly was up the moment the lift doors opened, and help arrived. "Dr Amato." Slattery stepped forward. "I've triaged the patients and ranked them according to seriousness of wounds. I know we can only get 2 stretcher's in the turbolift. Many of the wounded will have to have assistance to walk to sickbay."

"All right well get on with it then!" Thraxina ordered rather tersely. Until they sent up a relief helmsman and navigator, she was doing both jobs. She would apologise for her ather frosty tone when she ended up having the doctor assigned to her to see her through her pregnacy.

Aze looked up at Slattery, "If you put your arm around me, I think I can walk to sickbay, but I might be a bit slow, say thrusters only." she said with a little laugh.

"That's not going to happen." He knelt down and picked her up and carried her to the turbolift. "Can you grab the handle?" asked Slattery.

"Erm yeah sure." Aze replied still in a state of surprise at being carried in Slatterly's arms. She grabbed the control handle of the turbolift "Sickbay" she requested. The lift set off.

When they arrived on the sickbay deck, Michael carried Aze into sickbay, laid her gently on an empty bed, then grabbed a medical tricorder and started scanning her.

"I thought we wouldn't get off the bridge. I wonder how long it will take to sort the warp drive out before we can get back on our way. " Aze commented as Michael diligently scanned her with his medical tricorder.

"I'm a doctor, not an engineer, so I have no idea about that." He closed his tricorder. "Both of you are fine. All readings are within acceptable parameters. You'll have a headache for a while, but that should pass soon. I'm placing you on medical leave for a week, during which time I will fulfill my promise about desert," he leaned over so no one else would hear, "and sponge baths." He smiled at her. "You rest here for a little bit, while I help with the overflow of patients." He placed his hand on hers.

"Okay, I will rest here for a while. But I hope to get out of here soon. Ive never been a fan of medical facilities which is crazy when you think about it. Becoming a joined Trill pretty much guarantees me getting prodded and poked by doctors on a regular basis." Aze comments.

Michael turned back. "I know of your dislike for sickbays, so....I will discharge you to rest in your quarters, and I personally will check in often to gauge your progress. Will that be acceptable?"

"Of course. But I will stay here if need to." Aze replied.

"I will put it in the computer that I am the primary doctor for you, so that no one will poke or probe you." He leaned over. "I am the only one that's going to do the poking and probing." He winked.

She leaned in towards him "Dam Michael, you can be so naughty. " she giggled. Then being all serious. " Thank you Doctor, I do appreciate that." she said.

"Happy to be of help, Lieutenant. The well being of the crew is our highest priority."

"Of course, it is." Aze replied. She laid back on the biobed and tried relax but she did have a headache.

20 minutes later, after Slattery completed his rounds, he returned to Aze. He looked at her. "How are you feeling? Still have pains in your head?"

"I am feeling better. Head still a little achy but nothing I can't handle. Do we know what went wrong with the warp engines?" She asked.

Slattery ran his scanner over her head. "The chief engineer of the ship doesn't tend to confide with me, matters pertaining to engineering, as hard as that is to believe." He looked at the results of the scans. "You're suffering from post-concussion syndrome. Should pass in a day or two. I can give you something for the pain, if you want."

"If you could that would be great. Its not bad, just annoying. " Aze replied. "You know, one of those dull aches that just wont quit." She added.

Slattery was concerned. "It could be an after effect of the crash. I'll give you something now, and then run some tests to make sure everything is fine." He kissed her gently on her head. "Don't go anywhere." He left to get a hypo.

"Don't worry. I don't plan on going anywhere. "Aze replied as Michael walked away from the biobed. She hoped she could get back to duty sooner rather than later. She wasn't a big fan of following strick doctor's orders, regardless of level of necessity, Although, in this case, she might make an exception if Michael kept his word about a sponge bath,.

Michael returned a few minutes later with the hypo. He pressed it against her neck and injected her with a mild sedative. "That should help." He smiled. "I'm going to do a couple of scans to make sure there's nothing wrong." He activated the scanner that was above the bed, and the machine started working. "So....." he looked around to make sure no one could hear him, 'still looking forward to those sponge baths I promised?"

"Of course I am. Hmmm that reminds me, I think I am due a ladies health check up next month. I will check my medication as I don't think we want any unexpected surprises yet do we." Aze winked.

"Well....I know I am up to date on my shots, and according to the computer," he checked his PADD, "you are indeed scheduled for a follow up. Let's get you healthy first, then you can make your appointment." He checked her readouts, "and according to these results, your first sponge bath will be in, with no complications, in 6 days."

Cadet Koppelman, who had been in sickbay with her friend Lt. Commander Stryker, saw the handsome Doctor Slattery having a very private conversation with the beautiful, supine Lt. Vox and her eyes lit up. Despite it being obvious to everybody else that they probably didn’t want to be disturbed, she skipped up to them with a big smile.

“Oh hi Doctor, Hi Lieutenant! Sorry to see you got hurt, Ma’am, is it bad? Is there anything I can do to help, Doctor?” the completely un-medically-qualified eager-beaver asked excitedly.

Aze looked to the side of Michael as the young Cadet's face appeared. "Hello Poppy, are you ok after the incident?" She asked.

"Oh sure, Lieutenant. I was just walking down the corridor when it happened and I did a sort of forward roll: all those gymnastics Lieutenant Karashka's been putting me through really paid dividends!" she enthused before turning her gaze to the poor Trill woman's injury.

"But you look like you bonked your noggin. Good job you've got a big, handsome doctor to look after you, huh?" she asked, her eyes sparkling up at Slatterly's handsome mug perhaps just a little too luminously. What had happened to her all consuming crush on Captain Faust?!

"Ha ha, noggin. I like that one. My previous host Torbin, liked to use the term bonce for the forehead. He picked it up from visiting the city of Sheffield in the United Kingdom on Earth. I am fortune to have the care of Doctor Slatterly." She said winking at Poppy.

Poppy pulled a face "Urgh, I hate Earth! The people from there are so snooty about colonists, especially Plutonans. Oh, not you though, Doctor Slattery, you're the exception that proves the rule!" she smiled up at him again.

"Thank you, Poppy, I think." He smiled at Poppy then back to Aze. "Who's taking care of you, Poppy?"

"Oh, I'm not injured, Sir. I'm just helping out! Fetching things for the doctors and nurses, getting drinks for the injured people. Can... can I do anything for you and Miss Vox, Doctor?" she asked eagerly "You wish is my command!" She was little a little Genie from the bottle. Or a little creep, depending upon your point of view.

"Poppy, you are such a lovely young woman. If you don't mind, a glass of water would be nice. " Aze replied." If the good doctor approves of course." She added.

Michael looked at Aze with a puzzled look on his face. After a minute or so, he understood. "Yes, of course." Michael smiled at Poppy.

Poppy beamed a smile at both of them, and disappeared in a swish of red. When she came back, she had two Styrofoam beakers. She gave one to the recumbent Vox and offered the other to the doctor.

“People forget that doctors and nurses get thirsty, too!” she said, jauntily.

"Thank you Poppy. I wonder, if after this incident, they might decide to fit seatbelts on the bridge." she said laughing for a brief moment then clutching her head. "Laughing hurts." She said frowning.

Poppy smiled sympathetically at Lt Vox, and then asked the Doctor "Will Miss Vox have to stay in sickbay long, Sir, or will she be able to rest in her quarters, because I'd happily volunteer to look after her."

Slattery sipped from his cup. "I think she'll be able to return to her quarters in a couple of days. And I'll be checking on her often, so while your offer is very nice, your services will not be needed."

"Ohhh" pouted young Poppy, disappointed. She clutched at straws: "Is there anything else I can do?" she offered brightly, looking at Aze, who seemed more open to her overtures.

Aze leaned towards Michael and whispered in his ear. "Let her come and do something, she will sulk. She admires me I think and I would hate to see her upset."

Poppy stood there like a dummy while Lieutenant Vox and Dr Slattery whispered about her: right in front of her. Aze was right that the cadet did admire her, but it was her handsome doctor of a boyfriend she admired even more! She awkwardly pretended to watch another patient's biobed readings on a far wall while her rival (unbeknownst to Vox) pleaded her case.

Slattery nodded to Vox. "Cadet. Upon further thought, maybe your assistance can be of some use. I will draw up a schedule for you to assist the lieutenant."

"Oh, thank you, Sir!" gushed the girl, going weak at the knees just to have Dr Slattery deign to talk to her.

The Doctor was a shrewd judge of character, and his initial instinct to reject the little pest's offer had been correct. But, as so often happens, a woman's voice had swayed his better judgement.

Most people thought of Poppy Koppelman (if they thought of her at all, which most people decidedly didn't) as a, yes, a loathsome creep but also a bit of a goody-two-shoes. In fact, when it came to getting what she wanted, she could be a very underhand little wretch. It was hardly very nice to use the injury of an officer, who had been very nice to her in the past, as a steppingstone to get near said officer's boyfriend - whether or not the ugly teen had a snowball in Hell's chance of getting anywhere with one of the most attractive men on the ship.

Well, that was Poppy, it would seem!

"It'll be 2 days a week, helping the lieutenant. She should be out of bed by next week, so you might just be making sure she is taking her medication, and anything else she needs. This situation will last for only a maximum of three weeks. Any questions?" Slattery looked at Poppy.

"No questions at present, Sir!" Poppy said, standing to attention and sticking out her unimpressive chest. "If I have any questions in the future I will report to you and ask, Sir!" she promised: and that was one promise he could count on whether he liked it or not.

"Don't worry, Lieutenant, I'll be the best stand-in nurse you could wish for." she beamed a sickly smile at Aze.

Aze just looked at Michael with a look roughly translated to 'naughty boy'.


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