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Bridge Shattered

Posted on Tue May 30th, 2023 @ 8:30pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Deck 1: Bridge

Harmony nodded at Slattery's orders, deftly wrapping a pressure bandage around Aze's head, glad to see that that was enough to stop the bleeding. This wasn't her first time in an emergency, but it was never easy to see your friends and crew-mates injured, even when she could switch to her 'clinical mode' and set emotion aside.

"Lieutenant, can you hear me?" She checked Aze's pupils, pleased to see that they were equal, although sluggish to react. "We're getting help."

Glancing at Meredith, who was sitting close by, Harmony gave her a reassuring smile. "What about you? How are you doing?" The fracture of her leg was obvious, and had to be painful, even with pain medication. "What happened, anyway? What did we hit?"

"I'm not really sure," Meredith said. "It happened just seconds after I came onto the bridge. I'll be ok. I..." Meredith took a deep breath. It was hard to stay still when so much was going on, but moving hurt like hell.

"Once we get a chance to set that leg back in line." Harmony shook her head. "Sufficient pain meds to really help the pain will put you completely out of commission." Not that any of the bridge crew were much in commission, but at least conscious, they could advise, if it was necessary.

"Thank you," Meredith said.

Aze tried to open her eyes. "Harmony?" She said looking around. She put her hand onto Harmony's leg who was kneeling at her side. "Oh my head" Aze exclaimed.

"You and me both, Lieutenant," Lieutenant Miyake groaned from her station.

Michael pulled out his communicator. "Slattery to engineering. How long to get the turbolifts working? I have people here that need to get to sickbay!" He started going from patient to patient, stopping at Aze. "How you doing?"

"I've been better. " She replied. "Have we stopped now?" She asked.

"Dead stop, if you pardon the pun." He scanned her again. "As soon as the engineers get those damn turbolifts working, we'll get you to sickbay for treatment, and I promise not to 'accidently' remove and spots." Slattery smiled at her.

"Nooo Look, touch not remove, Michael. Hear me?" Aze replied.

"Don't worry, I like the spots right where they are. Been thinking of getting some for myself as a matter of fact." Michael replied.

"Ha ha ha." she laughed at him. "I am so tired." she said trying to keep her eyes open.

"Hey, hey! Stay awake! You likely have a concussion, so you can't go to sleep." Mchael almost yelled. "Make you a deal. You stay awake and when I get you to sickbay, I'll personally make your favourite desert for a week and deliver it to your quarters."

Aze eyes opened and looked straight at Michael. "Tiramisu, when I want it, for a week?" she asked. "Deal." she replied, doing her upmost to keep awake.

"Then it's a deal."

"Good. Can I get to Sickbay yet?" Aze asked.

"As soon as the engineers get the turbolifts working." Michael answered.

Lucy was still out cold, laid near the science console. The pool of blood gradually getting larger from her head injury.

Vox looked up at Slatterly. She was trying her best to remain conscious but was having trouble focusing on things. As she looked up at him, with her inner filter clearly offline. "Your quite sexy you know that right?"

"Yes, I know that. I get told that often." Michael smiled at her, then scanned her with his medical tricorder. "And you're very sexy yourself."

"Is there a setting on your tricorder that says that? " She asked.

"Yes there is. It's under 'what's obvious' settings." He replied.

Aze laughed then clutched her head. "Oh my head. Can someone patch me up?"

"I can patch your wounds, but I'll need to get you to sickbay to take care of the concussion." replied Michael.

"It's not just me you need to check over regarding the concussion, my symbiont needs to be checked for any issues as a result. " Aze reminded him.

"Of course," he held her hand. "that was a given. You will get the best medical care, by your favorite doctor." He smiled at her. "You know I give great sponge baths"

"Promises promises" Aze replied.

Slattery got up and checked on all the patients, making sure everyone was stable. Then he returned to Aze. He sat down next to her, "Miss me?"

"I'm sorry I didn't realised you had gone. I kind of drifted off a few moments. I am tired." Aze replied.

"Now that hurt my feelings that you didn't miss me." Slattery waved his medical scanner over her head. "Didn't I tell you not to go to sleep? You appear to be improving, but you still need to spend some time in sickbay." He looked up at the turbolift doors and wished that they would open and medical teams would come pouring in to take the wounded down to sickbay.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Aze replied. "I'm just tired and frustrated, but grateful that I've got you to take care of me and that I didn't go head first into the viewscreen." She added.

"All is forgiven. And you'll always have me to count on and to take care of you." Slattery gently kissed her on her forehead.


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