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Posted on Fri May 19th, 2023 @ 8:28am by Lieutenant Michael Slatterly & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Cadet Freshman Grade Poppy Koppelman

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Mission: Mission 3: The Peace Ship
Location: Aze Vox's Quarters
Timeline: After the Crash
Tags: Slattery

It was a few days after the 'Crash' as everybody was calling it, though this was a total misnomer. Those few who had lost their lives had been 'buried at sea' - jettisoned into space in an empty photon torpedo casing. There were so many injured that those who could be were put back in their own cabins with volunteer nurses to look after them.

Lieutenant Vox and her head injury was one such case. For better or worse, her volunteer nurse was Freshman Cadet Poppy Koppelman, who even now was fussing with her pillows.

"Now, how is that?" Poppy asked, fluffing up two of them for Aze to rest her pretty, bandaged head upon.

Instead of her regulation red uniform, as she was not on her official duty, she was wearing a short lime green and pink dress, lime green tights and boots, freshly coiffured hair and a thick layer of clumsily applied makeup which highlighted, rather than disguised, the acne bumps that besmirched her face.

This effort was not aimed at the Trill woman, of course, but at her boyfriend, the dishy Doctor Michael Slattery, just in case he popped in to see how Vox was progressing.

'Thank you Poppy. That's much better. I know I've been injured but I'd rather be back at my post to be honest." Aze replied.

"I know" nodded Poppy sympathetically "But you've had a nasty knock on your noggin and you've got to follow doctor's orders and stay horizontal. Look at Ensign Dora, he went back to his post with three broken arms and broke a whole bunch of test tubes. You must wait until you're all nice and ready." she cooed soothingly.

"Now, can I get you anything Lieutenant? Food, drink..." she whispered "... bed pan?"

Aze gave Poppy a stern look. "A drink and a lite bite would be nice but there is no way I will be using a bed pan. I plan on dragging myself to the bathroom to ensure I keep my dignity."

Koppelman looked concerned. Whereas the Lieutenant was, of course, able to use her legs, she might have a dizzy spell or even a complete fainting fit if she stood up. A simple trip to the throne could result in a fall and maybe worse injuries if she hit her head on the porcelain.

“Well, all right, you can keep your dignity, Lieutenant, as long as I can come along with you!” bartered Poppy.

"OK Poppy. I understand you just want to make sure I am safe. I am OK for now anyway. " Aze replied.

The door chime sounded.

"Come on in." Aze shouted.

Michael walked in and walked towards Aze's bed where she was laying. "So, how's my patient?" He pulled out his medical tricorder and start scanning her. "Not bad. You keep this up and you'll be ready to report for duty in 10 days."

Aze groaned. "10 days? really? That long? Grozit!! " Aze exclaimed. She hadn't used a Trill swear word for a while and it was fair chance that neither Michael or Poppy would know it.

That big green hairy gooseberry, Poppy, came dashing up.

"Oh, hi Doctor Slattery!!" she beamed up at the handsome man "Don't you think Lieutenant Vox is doing well?! She ate all her dinner today and she's taking all her medicine like a good girl!" she reported, somewhat infantilizing her temporary 'patient'.

"Oh, do you like my dress?" she asked, showing off her lime green and pink monstrosity "I couldn't find a nurse's outfit, he he he!" she giggled, annoyingly.

"Where did you get the dress Poppy. " Aze replied, sitting up in her bed.

As Slattery continued to scan Aze, he looked at Poppy and the hairs on the back of his head started standing up, and that only happened when sometime was wrong, or was soon to be. "Yes cadet, where did you get that dress?"

Aze noticed the look on his face. She had seen it before, well not on Michael but on other people both as Azrel and Torbin. She looked at him, her head slightly tilted. She was trying to convey she could sense he was worried without saying anything.

Poppy blinked. Her dress?

“I got it at Star Base 10 - the whole outfit: dress, boots, tights, even matching...” she looked a little embarrassed “... underwear. Well, you know these short dresses that’re in fashion, Lieutenant, a girl doesn’t want to accidentally flash a colour clash!”

She returned to the subject of the provenance of the outfit. “It was a little store off the main drag, the lady who sold it to me said it was a bargain. I think she was a Vulcan, because she had very pointy ears. I told her I was hoping to become Ambassador Talbot’s personal assistant and she said I’d need a smart civilian outfit to wear in that role and to come back tomorrow and she would have just the thing.”

The cadet shrugged sadly “I messed up my chance of getting that job though.” She looked between the Doctor and the patient.

“Why, what’s wrong with it? Pastel shades are ‘in’ you know!”

"Are they? I don't really follow what's in fashion. For me, if it looks like, suits me, and fits me well then I will consider getting it. Whether or not it is in fashion doesn't really come into my decision making process." Aze explained. " Its nice though." she added.

Phew, Aze had just been concerned about The cadet being a ‘fashion victim’! But Poppy now looked at Doctor Slattery: he had found something more alarming about her somewhat gaudy outfit - what could it be?

"Cadet," Slattery spoke in a stern voice, "cadets are only allowed to wear their uniforms. Return to your quarters and change back into your uniform. You can keep the dress, but don't let me see you wearing it on the ship again. Also, you do not have to take care of the lieutenant tonight, I will be taking over. Dismissed!"

“Oh but...” Poppy’s voice trailed off and she looked down at the floor shamed, her cheeks burning as ruby red as the acne on her greasy forehead. She did not even dare glance at Lt. Vox: it was bad enough being given a dressing down by the man she had started having such powerful fantasies about, let alone her humbling being witnessed by the Doctor’s girlfriend, of whom she was so horribly jealous.

She ran from the room biting her lip, unsuccessfully fighting back the tears. She wanted to run to the transporter room, rip off the dratted, stupid dress and beam it into space!

After Cadet Koppelman left Aze's quarters, looking somewhat deflated. "A tad harsh there Michael. It's quite clear to me what is going on here. Poppy has a crush on you. She wants you to be hers." Aze commented.

"She also had a crush on the captain, from what I hear, but he just ignored her. Now she's decided that I am next." Michael looked at her. He placed his hand on hers. "I can understand why she has a crush...she did see me naked, so who can blame her." He smiled at her. "I don't think I want her near you, I wouldn't put it past her to try to hurt you. I think she needs professional help. And I don't mean the ship's counsellor. I want to send her back to Starfleet Medical where she can get more help than she can get here."

"Poppy? hurt me? No way. She's not like that. I doubt it I am in any danger but if you think differently, I am happy to go with your judgement on this. " She squeezed his hand. "I am yours. You know that right?" She asked.

He looked at her. "I will apologize to Poppy, but I still want to have her sit down with someone. I know she's self-conscious about her looks. If there was a way that she could get surgery to correct everything, I would recommend it." He squeezed her hand. "And I am yours." He leaned forward and kissed her.

"Be gentle with her OK." Aze replied after a short but passionate kiss. She then smiled at him. "If I am not mistaken, someone promised me a sponge bath."

"I did, didn't I?" Michael went and got a basin of warm water and a sponge. "Now...where shall we begin?" He gave her a sly smile.

"How about starting with my feet and working your way up." Aze replied.

"That I can do." Michael grabbed a sponge and placed it in the basin of water, wringing out the excess moisture, then started cleaning her feet.

"Do I really have to be stuck in here for 10 days. I don't mind too much but I love my job on the bridge. That's where all the fun happens." Aze asked.

Michael had moved up to her calf's, gently massaging them. "Well, depending on how good you are the next couple of days, I might be persuaded to let you return to work sooner then 10 days."

"I am sure" she said pausing as she is enjoying the massage of her calves "I can be good for the next few days. So long as nothing temps me to be naughty" she added with a cheeky grin on her face.

"Oh, naughty is it?" He gently smacked her bare bottom. "I like a little naught from time to time."

"I was hoping you would. Life would be dull without a bit of naughtiness from time to time." She smiling as she rubbed where he had slapped her.

Michael kept massaging her, and he started running his tongue on her spots.

She threw her head back into her pillows, moaning deeply and the touch of his tongue on her sensitive Trill markings.

Michael started at the bottom of where her spots start, to her head, where they end.

She looked at him as he reached her face. She whispered softly into his ear. "Take me"

He positioned himself between her open legs and entered her.

"Uggh. Maybe this bed leave isn't going to be so bad after all" she said wrapping her legs around his behind.

"I would have no objection for us to stay here." He started moving a little faster with each stroke.

"You....ugh can stay,....oh man,... as long as youuuu.... like. Ohhhhh god. " Her hands grasped his shoulders with a her nails slightly digging in. "Best, mmmmmm bedside manner..... ever."

He alternated his speed and depth, and he lasted for at least 30 minutes, breathing hard.

Aze breathing was getting heavier as she laid on the bed, sweating. She climaxed. pulling Michael closer to her, digging her nails into his back.

Finally, Michael climaxed and breathless, lifted over her and collapsed on the bed next to her. "That was...something." He kissed her shoulder and put his arm around her. "Probably a bad time to say something, but how would you feel about us getting quarters together?"

She looked at her nails and saw a bit of blood. " Oh have I hurt you?" she said. " I am sorry about that. As for getting quarters together, yeah I am OK with that so long as I can have my book collection. " Aze replied.

He reached over to the table by the bed, and pulled out a medkit. Then he took out some sterile treated pads, handing them to her. "Wipe these on any wounds you find. You sure you want to keep your book collection, seeing how it got us into trouble last time?" He smiled at her.

There were a few scratches on Michael's back, bleeding, so she used the pads gently as Michael instructed. "Oh that's right. Hmmm. I would have to get them back to Trill. Hey, you want to come with me?" She asked as she finished treating his back.

"To Trill? Sure, why not? But why would you have to get the books back to Trill? Aren't they your books?"

"Well they are mine whilst aboard the Midway but if there isn't room for them in our joint quarters, they need to go home as they are technically my father's books. " Aze explained.

"In that case," he rolled over towards her, put his arms around her, and started kissing her neck, "we'll find quarters big enough for them."

"Great." Aze replied. She let him kiss her tenderly down the side of her neck. She then looked straight into his eyes. "Round two?" she asked with a grin on her face.

"Who says we're stopping at round 2?" He pulled her on top of him.

"Our stamina determines if we get passed round two." She replied. She adjusted herself, now that she was on top of him. "Docking completed" she exclaimed laughing as she leaned forward, putting her hands on his muscular chest and began to rock her hips.

Michael had his hands on her hips. "I should warn you, I have excellent stamina. Always did. Natural, not medically induced."

"Mmm I'm counting on it." Aze replied. After what felt like an eternity but was actually just 40 minutes, Aze climaxed. She did everything she could not to make too much noise for all to hear. She slumped forward, laying forward on Michael's chest.

"I think I'm spoiling you." He rubbed her back.

"Yes and wearing me out. " She replied as she rested her head on his hairy chest.

They laid that way for a while, then fell asleep.



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