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Surveying The Damage

Posted on Sun Feb 5th, 2023 @ 7:29pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Avis Larant & Chief Petty Officer La'lei
Edited on on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 10:32am

1,714 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M1 MD11 (2268.26.05) 0500

As part of his added workload, since Dr. Kitchner felt he shouldn't get off scott free, Dr. Amato had been assigned to evaluate the hostages for injury and potentially lasting mental effects. Kitchner didn't trust Meddows to help the situation any.

Mike was finishing up evaluating Ivy, the beautiful young officer with the a long pixie haircut. She looked worse for wear but seemed to generally be alright. Before Mike was ready to discharge her for 24 hours of rest he asked, "Is there anything else you need?" This general catch all is usually where a check up could easily go off the rails.

The young woman looked up at him, her blue eyes wide, her mouth was slightly open as though trying to find the words. "Could you check me? Down there?" she asked.

Dr. Amato's eyes widened for just a moment before they returned to their normal bored expression. He nodded. He closed the curtains around the examination bed. "Lie back if you would Ensign," he said, "And lower your pants an undergarments."

Ivy, like the rest of the repatriated officers were wearing class c sweatsuits after undergoing extensive decontamination. The captain had ordered all of them to take at least 24 hours of rest given the circumstances. She lowered her yellow nylon sweatpants and her underwear.

Dr. Amato conducted the examination carefully but quickly. When he was finished he said, "You can get dressed," he said in a soft voice. He helped her to a sitting position and then said, "You have quite a lot of bruising... Some scratches, but I don't see any evidence of penetration, thankfully."

"Thank God," Ivy said with a sight of relief before putting her arms around the doctor.

Mike was slightly taken aback, his cheeks became slightly flushed but he accepted the hug nonetheless. He tried giving the ensign a reassuring smile, "Nothing permanent," he said, "Although I suggest you talk with someone about what went on... Maybe if not Dr. Meddows then a trusted friend."

"Thank you doctor," Ivy said with a smile before releasing her grip around the young man. She stood up from the table. "Thank you for making me feel human again and not just a piece of meat," she said softly.

"Of course," Mike responded with a reassuring smile. He opened the sheets and then escorted Ivy back out to the waiting room. Petty Officer Harmony Stardancer and Cadet Avis Larant were sitting there wearing red and teal sweatsuits respectively. Dr. Kitchner had taken charge of checking out Commander Heartfilia and Nurse Jenkins personally. The junior officers and enlisted personnel were Mike's responsibility.

"Alright, who wants to go next?" Dr. Amato asked, "I promise to be quick so you can both get some rest.

Impatient by nature, Avis glanced at Harmony but then stood up, "I'll go. Let's get this over with."

She marched up to the doctor, trying to project an outward calm.

Dr. Amato nodded and led Avis back to the examination room. He tapped on the examination table signalling her to get up onto the table. He picked up his handscanner, "How are you feeling since being back?" He asked.

"A bit sore from getting roughed up but my arm wound is fine. The wonders of modern medicine, right?" Avis said as she made herself comfortable on the table.

"Yeah thankfully," Mike agreed, "Let me double check that arm though while you're here. I wouldn't trust Orion medicine."

"You're the doctor," Avis shrugged, rolling up the affected arm sleeve.

He set the scanner down and picked up another medical device and started to work. "And it pains me to say this, but you all will have to sit down with Dr. Meddows before you can return to duty," he added.

"It's fine. I had to go to him the other day. Took all of three minutes for him to clear me for active duty," Avis personal experience with the controversial doctor had been smooth, she had no issues with the man.

"You're lucky," Mike responded. A moment later he set the instrument down, "Alright you are all checked out and ready for duty. Is there anything else bugging you? I can give you some cream for the collar marks. They may itch for a day or so..." He looked at the pink ring around the young woman's neck from the slave collar.

That was easy and quick enough. Well, he had one more thing.

"Nothing bugging me physically, nope. But yes, I will take the cream please, don't want someone to think they're from hickeys," she grinned.

The doctor's normal bored expression cracked and he laughed, "That's usually something to hide," he said, "Although some consider them badges of honor."

"I'm not some then. I pride myself in my appearance," Avis fully admitted as she waited for him to dispense this cream.

The Doctor took the prescription from the medical dispenser and handed it to her, "I know you do," he responded, "As do I." He gave a reassuring smile.

Avis didn't even glance at ointment but nodded, "Thank you. Am I free to go then, doctor?"

Amato's usual professional expression returned and he nodded, "After your twenty-four hour rest period you are clear for active duty," he said before walking with her back to the waiting area. He looked at Harmony and La'lei, "Ok, who's next?" He asked.

Harmony wasn't particularly thrilled with the mandatory physical, she was just fine save for some bruises, and the small burn on her arm that was nearly faded now, and she understood the reasoning, but that still didn't make her happy. As a medic, she knew well-enough about injuries and health conditions that she wasn't concerned about her physical well being, and as for her spiritual needs, she'd preformed a cleansing ritual that left her smelling vaguely of sage.

As Avis exited, she smiled and gave her roomie a nod, then stood. "I'll go, get this over with so I can get a burger and shake!"

"You go, girl," grinned Avis as they passed by each other. With that she left.

"Ok we'll make things quick," Mike responded as she walked passed him. "Boy I could go for a burger and a shake," he added as they walked to the exam area. "I don't suppose the synthesizer does them justice?" He asked.

"Not even close!" Harmony grinned then shrugged. "I got knocked around a little, and those collars...that was something I never want to visit again. So, where do you want me? And do you need me stripped down?"

She wasn't sure how thorough an exam he wanted to do, and she wasn't really embarrassed by any of it, it was just part of the job.

"Unless you need to draw my attention to anything specific, then no you can keep your clothes on," Dr. Amato said, "I know you know the drill." He said as he picked up the medical scanner, "Just a quick scan and taking care of any injuries still lingering. Then sending you off on a 24 hour siesta. The Captain certainly is generous."

"All righty, then." Harmony shrugged and pulled up her sleeve on her left arm to show the remains of the weapon burn over the existing burn scars. "This was the worst of it. A couple of bruises here and there, and what the collar left behind."

The doctor grabbed his medical scanner and the a few other medical devices and the bruises started to fade but did not completely disappear. There were limits to 23rd century medicine, "That should help a bit," he said.

"Yeah, it does, thanks!" Harmony smiled and nodded, looking over the mended areas. "Was achy, but that helps." Chuckling, she shook her head. "Guess I have to play the patient now and then to appreciate how much it can hurt! And I'm glad to be home."

"Glad I could help... And we are all glad that you are home," Mike responded, "Safe and sound. At least as safe as we could manage."

"Better than I was bracing for." Harmony shrugged. "I wasn't planning on being rescued at all, I was kind of resigned to being someone's pet and dish washer, so I'm glad to be here at all."

"I can imagine so," Mike responded as he escorted her back to the waiting area. Once they arrived he said, "That just leaves you Chief."

Harmony grinned as she passed the other petty officer in the waiting area. "Good luck! That wasn't too bad! And his hands are warm!"

The Doctor escorted La'lei towards the examination area and gestured for her to have a seat.

La'lei sat quietly, occasionally fidgeting until she was spoken to. Upon which she sat still. "I am unharmed physically" she stated.

The doctor nodded as he quickly finished his scan, "What about mentally or emotionally?" he asked, "I know the Vulcan people possess strong mental discipline but it doesn't mean you are immune to torture or an intense situation such as the past few days."

"I would rather not discuss it..." La'Lei said a hint of anger surfacing in her voice. She turned to look away as if ashamed at the outburst.

"Ok, I'm sorry yeoman," Dr. Amato responded, taking a step back, "I have to ask... If you are dealing with something please talk to someone, a friend, a family member, whatever." He set the medical scanner down onto the table, "If there's nothing else you are cleared to report for duty after your 24 hour rest period... And we mean rest period..."

La'Lei stood up quickly. She quickly pressed down her uniform and held her head high. "I shall rest then," she stated simply before striding towards the doors of the sickbay. She stopped before she left and turned back to the doctor. "I would appreciate not being disturbed during my off hours doctor. I need to meditate."

"No problems yeoman, we'll check in with you in a few days to see how you are," Dr. Amato responded as the young Vulcan woman exited the examination area. The Doctor looked down at his checklist on the clipboard. This was the last one his list. The physical scars of the Orion ordeal were already healing, the mental and emotional trauma would take a great deal longer.


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