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A Night To Remember, Part I: The Party No One Wanted

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2023 @ 10:43am by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Commander John Stryker II & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Thraxina & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer & Ensign Syaffia

1,778 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10: The Top
Timeline: M2 MD07 (2268.6.09) 1800

"The Top" had the nicest views of all of the lounges aboard Starbase 10. Located at the top of the Starbase it provided unobstructed views of the station, its docked starships and the views beyond. Tonight was a special night. Captain Faust wanted to throw a small party for his senior officers and others whom had distinguished themselves during the emergency situation. To him it was a small token of his gratitude and appreciation. The Captain was leaning against the bar in the lounge wearing his dress uniform. He went back and forth about whether this should be a formal or informal occasion but decided to lean on the former. Some serious decorations and promotions were to be bestowed tonight and he didn't want to downgrade the evening for the recipients.

Among the first to enter was a tall, curvaceous bronze-skinned woman with blonde hair, clad in dress uniform with cadet's sleeve embroidery. Senior year, by the looks of it, one foot in the door to officerhood. She wasted no time mingling with the crowd, speaking to with ease and then gently embracing the first person she met. Maybe it was her way of greeting people, stranger or not.

The doors of the lounge opened and Aze marched in closely followed by Thraxina shouting marching orders.

Once the two were the lounge, Aze stopped and swung around. "Alright enough. I'm here now, happy now? I need a drink after that one." She exclaimed in a huff and headed straight for the bar and ordered a double Aldebaran whisky.

"Oh dear!" shrugged Thraxina "Oh well, I'll go and help the Captain with his little tray of medals!" She had promised to do that the day before.

Marc hadn't wanted to come to this thing at all. He really wanted a solid night's sleep, he'd even asked Mike Amato to prescribe him a mild sedative, but in the end Tony Jenkins's prodding won him over. He stepped over to the bar. "Bourbon, 3 fingers, on the rocks." Marc said to the bartender. The young female bartender nodded and went to grab a glass.

Stryker was not one for these gatherings, yet what better way to meet some of the crew than to attend? So, he was into his dress uniform and on his way to the event. It was true that he was often called a loner, however, that was not so much about social events as it was about his work ethic. Sometimes, that had gotten him into trouble, though his file was clean.

When he walked in he noted that the Captain was at the bar, and he also noted that Thaxina was also there. So he already knew two of those in attendance. A great deal of nodding and smiling as he made his way to the bar, the last place he needed to be, but he needed to pay his respects to the Captain before anything else, at least that was how he was taught. "Good evening Captain." He said.

"Evening Commander," the Captain responded, "Drink up and enjoy, tonight is on the company's tab."

"Thank you, Sir." He replied. Drinking was not something he did, even in moderation. Too many bad results from previous bouts.

Aze picked up her drink from the bar and moved to a table with a comfortable chair. As more arrived, she began to people watch.

Meredith arrived in her dress uniform. Like Commander Stryker, she had been taught it was important to pay respects. However, she had also been taught not to interrupt and especially not to interrupt her superiors. So she waited a moment, taking in the place.

Aze spotted Meredith arrive. She waved to her, hoping to catch her attention and then maybe she would join her at her table.

Meredith walked over. "Hey, Aze. How are you?"

"Not bad. Have you got yourself a drink yet? " She asked.

"Not yet," Meredith answered.

"Can I get you something?" Aze asked offering to visit the bar as her own glass was nearing empty.

"Let me get you something," Meredith suggested. "I'm already up. Besides, I still have to pay my respects to the captain."

"How kind. Can I get a single Aldebaran Whisky please, no ice. Please. " Aze replied. " I have yet to do so myself actually so if you grab the drinks, we can go over together." she added.

"That sounds good," Meredith agreed, taking a step back so the other woman could stand up.

"Great" Aze stood up and the two got their drinks from the bar. They then approached the captain and waited for the moment to greet him.

"Good evening ladies," Tristan said with a smile, "Glad you made it. I figured a party like this would be nice before we shipped back out... I apologize for the dress uniform but the Commodore and I have a few medals and a promotion to bestow."

"Good evening, captain," Meredith said cordially. "I don't mind the dress uniforms. It's nice to feel fancy once in awhile." She grinned playfully and looked to Aze.

"I'm not sure the word fancy applies to Dress Uniform, formal is probably the most suitable word to describe it." Aze replied.

"There's certainly flashier than the standard duty uniform," Tristan agreed with Meredith.

"Well, formal is fancy and proper," Meredith said, smiling playfully. "It looks like everything is going well."

If there's pizza, than this will be worth it! Harmony thought as she stepped into the room full of people, tugging at the hem of her dress shirt. She wasn't particularly fond of gatherings like this -- less formal and more spontaneous suited her much better, and fewer people -- and being in dress uniform just made her feel like a character in a costume. But it was what it was, and she didn't have an excuse not to come, and if she really let herself, she would have fun...and besides, there might be pizza!

Nah, not likely, but at least there was a great view of the ship, amid others docked at the station, and maybe something interesting would happen!

Heading to the bar, Harmony ordered an iced latte, then started back toward the side of the room to gaze out the window.

Stryker Watched the petty officer order the iced latte and ordered one for himself. Why he had not thought of that was a mystery, except it was not a drink he commonly ordered, Plain old hot coffee usually filled the bill. Drink in hand he followed the woman to the side of the room.

"Excuse me, I don't wish to be forward, but were you part of the Retribution crew docked at DS seven sometime back? " He asked, it was as if he had met her before, and that was what came to mind.

Harmony turned to look at the man who had addressed her, shaking her head. "No, never served on the Ret, but I've heard it's a great ship, has a great reputation." She smiled, holding up her drink, then nodding to his. "Another designated driver?" Laughing, she added, "I'm Harmony Stardancer, field medic on Midway. Are you joining the crew?"

"Oh, oh I'm sorry, swear to God I could have sworn, but yes, I' just came aboard, Harmony Stardancer. Great name, I'd be your new Navigator, Wrongway Stryker. Only kidding. John Stryker." He joked, dispensing with his rank, it was on his cuff. "Well, you could say that, though I'm not the actual driver."

"The Ret was docked next to us, well it's been some time ago, and honestly I did mistake you for a first Class, Davies if I remember correctly. Anyway, it is a pleasure to meet you, I probably know all of three people on board."

"It's a good ship, good crew." Well, most anyone would say that about their own ship, especially in company like this, where they might be overheard, but she truly didn't have any major complaints. "DS7? Heard of that, too, of course, had some trouble with some sort of crime syndicate...some guy named...Wolfgar?"

"Oh? Well, you have been around," Stryker replied, a bit surprised. He had not heard that name in some time. "Yes, but it seems he went out on his own, With a character like that, you know, the deals get fuzzy, and distorted as time goes on."

"There was a planet below the station, what was it they had named it? Atlanica something like that. Never had the chance to get down there we were just there to re-supply." He smiled, "So, where are you from, if I might ask?"

"Earth," Harmony answered, glancing out the window, then back to Stryker. "California, the mountains, a bit in San Diego. Mostly, though, just cruising space with my parents. Dad owned a freighter, so I grew up on that, until he and mom were gone." Smiling, she shrugged. "So I have the heart of a pilot, but they made me a medic. You know how that goes! What about you? Were you running around Earth as a kid?"

"I was. Ah. yes, California, raised in LA, well, Monterey Park actually. Small town with a billion people. Dad, he was out here, security chief, was killed on Alfa Eight when I was twelve." He shrugged, "Might have thought I'd stay on Tera Firma, but no. Got into the academy after college and here I am, with my own son back there." He smiled. "Just a couple California kids, cruising around in space looking for a McDonalds."

"Ah, yes, but you have to admit, McDonald's has the best shakes!" Harmony laughed, then took a sip of her iced latte. "Don't you miss your son? That's gotta be tough. Do you think he'll join Starfleet, too, someday?" At least they could still talk face-to-face, but it didn't seem like the same thing, and she often wondered how families did it.

"He's fifteen, and they tend to be all over the place about what they want to be." John admitted, "It's a great career, but for a family man or woman, not so much I guess. No matter where home might be, we're always a long way away from it. Though at one time I thought to bring him out when I was at Alpha Centuri, his mother wouldn't hear of it."

"You know, sometimes, being a Navigator has its drawbacks. And you? any family back on Terra Firma, enjoying those McDonald's shakes?"

"No, no family, but there's some good friends, fosters who I put through hell..." She noticed Avis then, and nodded that way. "Here's my roomie, come on and meet her."

To Be Continued...


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