
  • 10 Mission Posts

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Tue Mar 7th, 2023 @ 11:03am

Ensign Syaffia

Name Syaffia

Position Helmsman

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Argelian
Age 21

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 55kg
Hair Color Black dyed blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Tall, muscular with bronze skin and long, smooth blond hair. She likes to wear loose but eye-catching clothing off duty, though if the mood hits she'll wear something a bit tighter.


Spouse/Partner NA
Children NA
Father Kalpas
Mother Edelia
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Syaffia is generally extremely open, friendly and curious about the world around her. She has been known to be very open about the giving of affection and comfort; she's been known to offer complete strangers she's just met a hug and a kiss on the forehead as a greeting. She can frequently be found in bars or other places with plenty of people.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Dedicated to honing her skills as a helmsman.
+/- Hardworking

- Sometimes works to overexhaustion and burnout
- Not very good with understanding personal space
Ambitions * Become the best pilot she can possibly be.

Hobbies & Interests * Working out in the gym
* Socializing
* Quite literally anything that she finds enjoyable.

Personal History Syaffia's father was the greatest influence in her life as a piloting instructor, growing up on Argelius II. Watching him fly off in shuttles always amazed her as a young girl; it certainly seemed fun to her, and she longed to be able to do it herself one day.

Tragedy struck on her 16th birthday, however, when she was forced to watch an accident that occurred on the training circuit, claiming her father's life.

It took her months to recover from the loss, but when she finally did she had a resolution: to become a better pilot than her father was, and make sure no one under her watch would have to die while she did so. Rather than stay on Argelius and become a civilian instructor herself, she decided to apply to Starfleet instead in the hopes of seeing the wider universe while working at her goal.