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Cooking Tips

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 1:53pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Azrel Vox

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Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Mess Hall 1
Timeline: M1 MD13 (2268.28.05) 0630-0700

The ship's chronometer read 0630 and a large swath of the crew were eating breakfast in the mess halls. Toby and Mike sat at one of the tables chowing down. Mike had managed to get off duty a few minutes early to have breakfast with his beloved. Mike always worked nights but Toby was transitioned to days not long after the emergency. It was technically a promotion of sorts but it made things more difficult.

Aze walked into the messhall and obtained her usual granola and yogurt from the food synthesiser. She spotted Mike and Toby and decided to approach them.

"May I join you gentlemen? She asked.

"Of course, good morning lieutenant," Toby responded with a cheery grin. His tray was still piled high with all sorts of meats, eggs and pastries he could certainly pack it down.

"Thank you and good morning to you both." Aze replied as she sat down and began to thoroughly stir her granola and yogurt.

Doctor Amato just gave a nod and a smile before taking a sip from his cup of coffee.

"Having a good morning?' Toby asked, "Frankly I'm not looking forward to putting the reservation in for science lab II, but is what it is."

"Not bad so far. My morning run around the perimeter of Deck 5 was good. Got up a little earlier this time, 05:00 so managed to get an extra lap in as well as a good stare out of the viewports into space. " Aze commented.

"Ah ok, I don't run," Toby responded, "Frankly I don't exercise at all. Not sure if you could tell." He laughed, "I know Mike does," he said, "Err Dr. Amato does..."

"When I can," Mike commented, "Although working nights doesn't help. In fact I'm just getting off while you guys are going on." He sighed as he took another sip.

"Well if you ever wanted to join me for a run when it's more convenient for you then I can always try to accommodate. But, not this evening, I have plans, I have to get my quarters tidy before my second date with Tristan. Erm, I mean Captain Faust." Aze replied, looking quickly down at her bowl of granola, taking a spoonful, hoping her slip up was not noticed.

"Oh, alright ," Toby responded, catching the slip, "I didn't realize you and the Captain had a thing." He could see the look on the Lieutenant's face. He figured he should at least make himself equally vulnerable, "Well... Doctor Amato and I do as well," he admitted, shooting a tender glance at Dr. Amato who blushed.

"Well, we've only had one date as such so far so I am not sure you can really call it a thing at the moment. I made him a soup from my home world and he made dessert, from one of your recipes I believe. " Aze replied.

"Yeah I wondered why he asked," Toby responded before taking a sip from his glass of orange juice.

"I've been telling the captain he needs to do more than just work," Mike chimed in, "Glad he seems to be taking my advice, of course I'm just a friend." He shrugged, "I was hoping he'd return to one of his hobbies versus just drinking coffee and martinis in succession." He chuckled.

"I'm not sure about the Martinis in succession but he does still drink coffee but now one that I recommended, a Cortado. It's Spanish." Aze replied.

"Sounds rather exotic for the Captain," Mike commented with a smirk, "Glad he's finally trying new things... Man cannot live on bread alone." He chuckled before taking another sip of coffee.

"That one went right over my head," Toby responded.

Mike sighed, "Consider that a byproduct of growing up in a Catholic household," he responded.

"So Ensign Lee mentioned you like collecting selfies with famous Starfleet officers. Is that true? Who's the coolest you've met?" Toby asked. The junior officers mostly knew eachother by this point even if it was only by name. Ensign Lee was one of the other comms officers.

"Oh that's easy. Captain James T Kirk, obviously. I've also met Spock and Doctor McCoy." Aze replied.

"Oh that's neat, what are they like?" Toby asked, genuinely interested.

"Well Captain Kirk's very charming and very handsome. So is Doctor McCoy. I only had a brief meeting with Spock so didn't really get to know him." Aze responded.

"Oh, alright sounds about right considering what I've heard," Toby responded before standing up, "I hate to run, but I need to get to the science lab... Already close to being late."

"See you soon Toby," Mike responded with a smile.

Aze finished her breakfast. "I need to get going myself. Nice to meet you Mike. " she said as she made her way out of the messhall.

"Until next time," Mike said before raising his coffee mug as though toasting a champagne glass.


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