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Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 2:14pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 18: Aft Crew Lounge
Timeline: M1 MD14 (2268.6.01) 1900

As the ship sped off towards Starbase 10, Captain Faust was contemplating what to write for the ship's official after action report and official log. He knew commendations were certainly in order for those taken hostage by the Orions and those whose meritorious actions had rescued them. He sat on the one sectional at the extreme right of the Aft Crew Lounge where he would "hold court" since his cabin was too small to effectively administrate from.

Meredith approached the captain where he sat on the sectional. She was carrying a tablet and stylus. She offered a small smile. She rather liked the captain so far, but the events of the mission made it hard to be cheerful, despite the rescue of the crew. The Orions were still hurting a lot of people. "Captain," she said, waiting to be asked to sit.

"Yeoman, please sit," the Captain offered, "There's plenty of room." He noticed the tablet and commented, "I assume it's finally time for the reports?" He already knew the answer but asked anyway. He returned the beautiful woman's smile.

She took a seat, crossing her legs casually and setting the tablet in her lap. "It is, sir. Unless you'd like to reschedule?" She was always happy to adjust for the captain's convenience.

"No, we should probably get this over with," Tristan responded, "It's been weighing heavily on my mind for awhile now." He sighed and adjusted in the seat.

"Yes, sir," she said, readying the stylus.

"Alright... Less than 24 hours after launch, and we can pick up the stardate and time from the computer, Charlie shift received a distress call from the USS Detroit, a Ptolemy class tug assigned as a colony ship. Upon investigation we discovered her crew and colonists had been abducted by Orion pirates. Lt.. Novo, assistant engineer and a group of volunteers stayed behind on the Detroit to affect repairs and take her back to Starbase 10... Then we went off in hot pursuit of the Orions," he said and then paused, "Are you getting all of this yeoman?"

Meredith was writing busily on the tablet. She looked up and nodded. "Yes, sir. Distress call from the Detroit. Abducted by Orion pirates. Lieutenant Novo and a crew of volunteers remained on the Detroit. Hot pursuit of the Orions." She glanced to the side. "Ty-Yak Novo," she added, supplying the given name.

"Upon our interception of the Orions we were attacked and boarded," Tristan continued, "A commendation for Ensign Peter Novak, security for taking a disruptor blast meant for me... Anyway, the Orions took several hostages upon their exit namely Commander Heartfilia, Lieutenant Antoinette Jenkins, Ensign Ivy Kinsley, Cadet Avis Larant, Petty Officer Harmony Stardancer and Yeoman La'lei... Each of them deserve a commendation as well for standing up to the Orions, especially Ensign Kinsley who recieved such brutal treatment that it will take sometime to heal from."

Meredith continued copying the captain's words. She kept a list of the recommended commendations to the side as well. They would require separate paperwork. She couldn't help frowning to hear of Kinsley's ordeal, but she simply nodded. "Go on, sir."

The Captain continued, "We pursued the Orions to Station Exar and the engineering staff figured out a way to neutralize the Orion's EMP weapon. I reached out to a contact to facilitate the return of the hostages or at least our crew," he said, "Our away mission made contact with the hostages who were freed and given information by my contact of where the rest of the hostages were." He leaned back in the couch and closed his eyes, "We managed to rescue a percentage of the hostages but the Orions were on to us," he said , "Unfortunately some were already sold and dispersed... Please add the official list of missing from both the Detroit and the colonists."

"I will," she agreed, frowning. That was a very sad list. "I hate..." She shook her head. "Yes, sir."

Tristan paused and tried to collect his thoughts. "The recovery operation was barely completed as the Orion pirates came back... Security has tentatively indentified the pirate captain as a woman named Arriana D'Tal, a partial human, Vulcan and Orion who was thought to have been lost when her father's ship was destroyed years ago." He paused again, "After a quick skirmish we managed to leave the system and set course for Starbase 10."

She paused a moment, looking up at his description of the captain. "Yes, sir," she finally said. "I have it."

"Alright, I think that should be enough for the official report concerning the mission, but I suppose I should refer Starfleet Command to Dr. Kitchner, Ship's surgeon's report concerning Lieutenant David Meddows, MD-PhD's mental state and unfitness for continued service on the U.S.S. Midway as Ship's Psychiatrist."

"Yes, sir," she agreed, frowning at the topic. "Though medical branch will have it directly from him."

The Captain nodded, "I refered the matter to Mr. Zon, personnel officer, for his review and investigation, who relieved Meddows of duty. I was on the verge of that myself, but in the sake of fairness I wanted someone else to investigat the matter," he explained, "I think that sums up the state of affairs... Oh, one last thing... Lt. Commander Stoneking has decided to put in for a transfer and therefore we will be leaving him on Starbase 10. I wish him well."

'Duly noted, captain," Meredith said with a small smile.

"Now how about a drink yeoman, tell me about yourself," Tristan responded, dropping his "serious" captain demeanor. He was making the effort to get to know his crew, even it if it was only one at a time and a few minutes each.

"Oh, there's not much to tell," Meredith began unassumingly, even as she stood to get the drinks. "What would you like, sir?"

"Gin Martini," Tristan responded, "We can make an exception for the whole alcohol on duty prohibition." He chuckled, "Now don't tell me that. There has to be more to you than the uniform and the pretty face," he said.

She walked over and got him a gin martini and got a cosmopolitan for herself. "There are other..." She froze. She was talking to the captain. She walked back with the drinks. "I grew up in Maryland, on Earth. I wanted to see more of the universe so here I am. I play the guitar. I like to hike. I am terrible at chess, especially the 3D variety."

"Alrighty, well I'm from all over... Starfleet brat... I enjoy cars, 20th century history, 20th century music, gin martinis and coffee," Tristan offered, "I played baseball at the academy and I'm bad at playing coffee... Anything else" He smirked.

"What speaks to you about the 20th century?" she asked curiously. "It seems to be your favorite historical period."

"The freedom of the times or at least for some folks some decades... That coupled with the asthetics. I love my 1964 Pontiac Lemans," Tristan responded, "I guess it's one of those yearnings for simpler times... but perhaps not too simple. Driving that thing I feel in touch with the past and the freedom of the open road."

"Some folks. Some decades. Some countries," Meredith agreed. "It was the century of Woody Guthrie and Paul Robeson." Apparently, she remembered a little, but she paused at his next words. "I hope you want think me too ignorant but...What's a Pontiac Lemans?"

"To me it was more a century of Frank Sinatras and Eddie Cochranes but I'll take your point," Tristan responded, "An automobile... A big one." He chuckled.

"With those old hydrogen engines?" Hey! They seem old. Though she was a century or so off.

"Petroleum actually... Gasoline technically," Tristan corrected.

"Is that safe?" she asked, slightly incredulous.

"Absolutely, just don't breathe in the fumes," Tristan responded with a chuckle, "It's exhilarating what can I say?"

"It sounds fascinating," Meredith said.

"Well with all of the work out of the way, I think I'm going to try and get some sleep," Tristan said as he stood up and stretched, "I hope you get some rest as well... There's nothing that can't wait until morning."


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