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A Distraction

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 4:02pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Ensign Syvar Delton

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Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Ensign Delton & Dienstag's Quarters
Timeline: M1 MD14 (2268.29.05) 0600

The small three room set of quarters shared by Ensigns Delton and Dienstag were filled with the light piano tune of "The Entertainer" was being played by Toby on the small roll up keyboard he had set out on the small table. He kept stopping and restarting as it was an incredibly difficult piece to play.

Matt yawned as he walked through the opened door. As he entered the room, he heard the sound of music filling the smallish space that was his shared home. His roommate was playing something on the piano, something he vaguely recognized, but would never be able to name. Toby appeared to be practicing the piece.

"Evening... or is it morning," Matt said with another yawn. "I can't tell anymore. I think my days are blurring together. I'm beat," he said, nearly falling into a sitting position onto the chair across the small space. He slumped down a little as he relaxed.

"I honestly don't know," Toby responded as he stopped playing, "I think it's morning... Been pulling odd hours ever since the emergency situation. I seem to be on call 24/7 as though there aren't any other science officers."

Matt stretched his head back, trying to use the top of the chair as leverage to help stretch his stiff neck. "Same," he said. "I know I said I wanted to explore the ship, but I've been on so many patrols, I think I could tell you where every room is at this point." It was close to true. He'd patrolled nearly every deck on the ship. The duties of a junior officer...

"At least there have been several away missions this trip," Toby responded. Both of them had been on the away mission to the Detroit and were slated for the away mission to Station Exar once they arrived. "And somehow I seem to be filling Commander Heartfilia's role in the sciences... At least I'm the officer the captain is always looking to," he said and the. shrugged, "I guess it's good to be useful."

"Keep that up and you'll be the main science man on the bridge in no time," Matt said looking over at Toby. He raised his head slightly, indicating towards the piano. "What is that you're playing? I feel like I recognize it."

"Heh I doubt it, not with the Camp Commandant our boss... The Lab boss," Toby responded, "Although for whatever reason she seems to be friendly all of a sudden. Before you ask the question, no she's after our Lt. Thraxina for whatever reason..." He paushed for a moment, "Oh, that... Been trying to get The Entertainer by Scott Joplin right for years. It's an incredibly difficult peice despite how happy go lucky it sounds. The finger placement and the speed make it a challenge."

Matt nodded. "Well I'd love to hear the final rendition when you get there. I haven't played any kind of musical instruments in years, but I always enjoy a good show." He leaned his head back, feeling a headache coming on. He mildly winced at the onset of the pain, but it was bearable and nothing a good nap couldn't fix.

"Thanks," Toby responded, "I think I'll pack it in, have to get some breakfast before going on duty... And do you need something? You look like you're about to fall over." He rolled up the flexible keyboard.

Matt shook his head, "No I'm all set. I'm about to dive right into bed and let my dreams rejuvenate me," he said. "Or at least try," he added. Matt stood up and started towards his bed, where he was almost literally going to dive, face first, right into the pillow. As he reached the door, he turned back and, as words of encouragement, he said, "Go forth and do important science things!"

"Thanks, we'll see how important," Toby responded with a laugh as he stood up and started to walk in the opposite direction.


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