
  • 3 Mission Posts

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Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 4:02pm

Ensign Syvar Delton

Name Syvar Matthias Delton

Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Vulcan
Age 26
Aliases / Nicknames Matt

Physical Appearance

Height 185 cm
Weight 84 kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Being only one quarter Vulcan, Matt has a primarily human appearance. His ears are rounded, like humans, and most do not know that he is part Vulcan. He is physically fit, owing his slightly bulky prowess to a strong weight training regimen. Normally he sports a goatee, but since his entrance into starfleet, Matt has adopted a very clean shaven look.


Spouse/Partner None
Children None
Father Tyvek
Mother Sarah Delton
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Syvar - paternal grandfather.

Personality & Traits

General Overview The whole of Matt Delton can be easily described as someone who has not yet lived up to his full potential. Over the years, Matt has for the most part, been able to keep his Vulcan heritage somewhat of a secret. Though blessed with a gifted mind, Matt tends to rely on the physical limits of his body rather than the mental limits.
Strengths & Weaknesses Matt has a strong aptitude towards the academics, though he rarely spends time with them. He has the physical prowess of a standard human.
Ambitions Though his early life may not be the best example of this, as a Starfleet officer, Matt is determined to bring his best to every single shift.
Hobbies & Interests Matt Enjoys reading murder-mystery novels as well as case files of unsolved mysteries. He also avidly cooks and participates in martial arts training.

Personal History Matt was born on Earth in San Francisco in 2342 to Tyvek of Vulcan and Sarah Delton. Tyvek was a xeno-botanist in Starfleet while his mother Sarah was a primary school teacher. At age six, Matt lost his father Tyvek to a landslide accident during a planet-wide evacuation that his ship was sent to assist with. Matt therefore spent his early years with his mother, who was looked down on by his father's family on Vulcan. It was not until he came of age that Matt spent any time with Syvar, his paternal grandfather and namesake. Though he lived a human lifestyle every day, Matt's aptitude was tested by Syvar, who suggested that Matt enlist in Starfleet. Of course, Matt always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps. His father was a hero!
Service Record 2364 - Entered Starfleet Academy

2368 - Graduated Starfleet Academy
- Assigned to USS Midway - security Officer