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Voyage to Starbase 10

Posted on Fri Jan 27th, 2023 @ 10:09am by Lieutenant Michael Slatterly

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Earth

Cadet Slattery graduated from Star Fleet Medical, with degrees in general surgery, thoracic surgery, plastic surgery and xenobiology.

Upon graduation, he was promoted to Lieutenant, and being the valedictorian of the class, he selected the USS Midway, for his first assignment and to finish his formal training. The CMO of the Midway was renown in Starfleet as an excellent surgeon.

The Midway was on a mission that took it out of reach, so since SB 10 was to be their next stop, he arraigned transport to wait there for the ship.

When he arrived, he didn't unpack, since he didn't know how long the Midway would be. He just took out what he needed for that day and sent out his dirty clothes to the base's laundromat.

In terms of entertainment, the base lacked choices, choices being the main mess hall, and a cinema. So most of his time, he read.


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