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Far From Okay

Posted on Thu Jan 26th, 2023 @ 9:10am by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Ivy Kinsley
Edited on on Tue Jul 11th, 2023 @ 11:47pm

982 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Corridors and Captain Faust's Quarters
Timeline: M1 MD11 (2268.26.05) 0600

Although the emergency situation had concluded and the Midway was far away, there were still lingering effects. Despite the clean bill of health from Dr. Amato's Ivy still felt terrible. She felt abused and even worse, used. She walked down the corridor still wearing her Class C Starfleet sweatsuit in yellow having just come from sickbay. She was lost in thought and bumped into the someone, causing her to trip. The person caught her fall.

She looked up and saw the Captain's handsome face. "Captain... I'm sorry," she said, an embarrassed look spreading across her face.

"It's alright Ensign," Tristan responded as he set her back into her feet. She was several inches shorter than him and weighted next to nothing. "I was going to check in on you and everyone else," he said, "Are you alright?"

The young woman looked up at the captain with big blue eyes, her gentle lips were trembling, "No Captain, I'm not alright," she said, "Can we talk somewhere?"

The Captain could see the despair on the young woman's now forlorn face. She was far from the usual cheerful and determined officer he was getting to know. "Of course," he said, "We're not far from my cabin."

"Ok," Ivy responded as he escorted her down the hallway. Once inside she sighed deeply, almost a sigh of relief. She felt safe with the captain and he had been her source of hope through the ordeal... The belief that he would come and rescue them.

"Please relax," Tristan said as he offered her his Eames chair lounger which she accepted. Tristan sat down in one of the chairs by the desk. "Can I get you anything?" He asked.

"No sir but thank you," she said. She looked at him, "The Orions beat me," she said answering the question that Tristan clearly wanted to ask, "Beat me, savagely continuously... But I didn't tell them anything useful," she said.

Tristan stood up and then sat down next to her and put his arm around her. She was tense but clearly relaxed a bit more. "Take the time you need," he said, "This... This should not have happened. But thank you for doing your duty... I know it's not much comfort."

The young woman looked at him, "I'm glad I didn't let you down sir," she said. Ivy had a crush on the Captain, but couldn't act on it. He was a gallant starship Captain and there weren't many of those.

"You didn't, none of you did," Tristan said. He sighed, "Look we haven't served together very long... Only a few weeks, but you and everyone else taken by the Orions are valued members of the crew and we couldn't let them have you. We couldn't let you go."

Ivy smiled, "Thank you sir," she said, "To be honest, this is what kept me going... Knowing you were coming to rescue us... All we could really do was endure."

"I'm glad you kept the faith," Tristan said with a smile, "And I hope you start to feel better soon. If there's anything I can do, let me know."

"Of course sir, having this chat certainly helps a lot," Ivy responded giving him a sheepish grin.

"Now are you sure there's nothing I can offer you?" Tristan asked.

"How about a cup of hot tea?" Ivy asked, finally accepting the offer.

"Alright," Tristan responded before he stood up and walked over to the synthesizer built into the wall, "Black tea?"

"Please," Ivy said.

After a moment or two Tristan set the cup of tea onto the coffee table, "Hate to spoil this, but you know the next thing you... you all need to do is sit down with Dr. Meddows before you can be cleared to return to duty," he said.

The young woman groaned, "I've heard about him," she said, "I heard he's completely bonkers."

The Captain sighed and nodded, "Yeah," he responded, "Unfortunately he's still the psychiatrist aboard, for better or worse. But it sounds like you'll be meeting with them together, so at least you all can get it over with."

"Well that's a relief," Ivy responded before taking a sip from the cup of tea. She looked into the Captain's gentle blue eyes and then stopped for a moment. She needed to tell someone about what had happened and it may as well be the Captain. "They beat all of us..." Ivy said before setting down the cup, "But me the worst. I guess because I was the most defiant. They were savage... Despicable animals... One of them tried to rape me and got extremely close too but when I didn't give him what he wanted he took it out on me down there."

The Captain tried to keep a reassuring look on his face, but instead his face was filled with horror and disgust as she spoke.

"Then their captain beat me more... I wouldn't give her the frequency or codes to the ship's shields," Ivy continued, "But before I passed out from the pain and exhaustion he put me on Xod's meat list... I've never felt that way before... A piece of meat..."

The Captain nodded grimly, "Fortunately, Xod is an aquaintence of mine... Not a super reliable one of course but I'm glad he came through this time. He is incredibly unpredictable," he said.

Ivy nodded, "It was a shock when his... Pigs killed the Orions and deactivated the slave collars, although one of them was kind enough to grope me too," she said with a sigh.

Tristan sat down next to her on the Eames lounger and put his arm around her. "Everything's going to be alright from now on," he said, "You'll see."

"I know it will be," Ivy responded giving him the sheepish grin again. She'd never been this close to the Captain before, "But thank you for the reassurance."


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