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Posted on Thu Jan 26th, 2023 @ 9:01am by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Yōji Itami

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Ship's Corridors
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 1600

Engineer Yōji Itami was pacing up and down in his quarters. He was frustrated, annoyed and frankly upset. The Orions had take La'Lei and there was nothing he could do about it. He slammed his fist down on the desk, the pain shot through his hand like fire. Withdrawing his fist He stood for a moment and tool a deep breath.

Finally he decided it was best for him to get out and take a walk. At least that might help this feeling of being useless.

Captain Faust was walking quickly down the corridor. Ever since the emergency he had been running from meeting to meeting. He saw Lieutenant Itami walking in the corridor lost in thought. "Lieutenant," he said, greeting the engineer who wasn't much younger than him.

"Captain..." Itami greeted, he was about to carry on walking, however stopped misstep. "Sorry, sir. But I have to ask, what's going on about finding La'Le... I mean, our people?"

"We're in hot pursuit," Tristan responded, "Commander Stoneking is devising a way to counteract the Orion's EMP weapon and I'm calling in some favors. We're doing what we can."

"I see. Its just the crew down below deck don't often get updated on what's actually happening. I'm just worried about La'Le..." he cut himself off again. "Sorry. Captain, emotions are not my strong suit, a bit like a certain someone I know..."

"I'm sorry, I'll make sure everyone is kept up to speed from now on, especially those who are most affected by the situation," Tristan responded, "A lot has happened so fast we're struggling to keep up with all of it."

"I'd like to help sir." Itami replied. "But I'm just an engineer, if you're planning a rescue away team. Please, I'd like to be on it. There's a... certain someone who I need to get back. If something has happened to her, I might be the only one who can retrieve her."

"We're going to need engineers certainly," Tristan responded, "I am certain we are going to need transport pattern enhancers." Tristan stopped, "Yes I know whom you mean," he said, "I'm sure she's alright. The Orions don't execute prisoners and time is on our side.

Itami nodded, at least this put his mind at ease. "I apologise for bring pushy sir. Its hard when you have a mental link with someone. It's like a part of me that's missing" he told him. "Not many people know about La'Lei and I. Its kind of a secret, can I ask you keep it on the 'down low' sort to speak? I know her family wants her to eventually have a Vulcan mate, not Human."

The Captain nodded, "I understand," he said, "Believe it or not there are many officers aboard in relationships. It skirts regulations to be sure, but I'm not one to make trouble. I have enough headaches as it is." He sighed, "Do you need a drink Lieutenant? Or at least a break?"

Itami sighed. "I suppose it might help the nerves sir. Know if any good bars around here?"

"Heh we have a few," Tristan responded with a chuckle, "The aft crew lounge is pretty decent. The place has basically turned into my office during this emergency if nothing more than for the large sectional couches."

"I've not visited that one yet" The engineer replied. "Plus, I think I'd rather talk to you or our Doc over that crazy shrink. From what I hear, he's..." he pondered for a moment "Not good. La'Lei refuses to go to him."

"He's a constant irritant," Tristan agreed, "And sure it's not far... I have a stack of work waiting for me there anyway." The two officers walked into the nearest turbolift. The Captain pulled the handle and said "Deck 18" I to it.

"Stack of work?" Itami enquired. "La'Lei hasn't been giving you everything has she? I did tell her to 'ease you in' sir..." he paused. "Sorry, that might have come across as a bit condescending, I meant with no insult."

"It's alright and I've been around this boat longer than she has, so I know the ins and the outs of the work," Tristan responded as the turbolift door opened, "Luckily we have an entire clerical staff to pick up the work load."

Itami just smiled. "Aye sir. Although, with respect, you also need to find time for yourself. Especially now with both La'Lei and Commander Heartfilia not here."

"I've been, but thank you the advice," Tristan responded, "And you need to focus on what you can do to get La'lei back and not on the fact that she was taken."

"I'll do anything to get her back." Itami replied simply as he cracked his knuckles.

The Captain nodded as they walked down the corridor towards the aft crew lounge. He sighed deeply, "How about that drink then?" he asked as they reached the door.

"Sounds good" Itami smiled. "Lead the way" he added.


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