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Here's the Deal...

Posted on Thu Jan 26th, 2023 @ 6:01pm by Arianna D'Tal & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Orion Pirate Ship
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 0630

With her medical needs seen to, and fresh plain clothes provided, Harmony had been escorted to a small interrogation room. Unlike what one would expect of Orion pirates, the room didn't look very different from a Starfleet interrogation room. The small room was furnished with one table, two chairs, and a one-way mirror. Sitting on the table was a glass of water.

Deep breaths, there's nothing to do at the moment but to go with the flow...

Harmony nodded a polite thanks to the person who escorted her to the room, then settled in the chair, taking a moment to look around before reaching for the glass of water. Maybe it was spiked, but she doubted would be silly to go to the trouble to grab her only to poison her with water. Besides, she was quite certain that if they wanted to kill her, it would be more obvious and more painful. Not only that, but a dead slave was no good to anyone.

The drink was welcome, although it only made her realize how hungry she was, too. That was the least of her worries, so she shoved that aside, took a deep breath and started to concentrate on the lyrics to a song her mother had sung to her ever so long ago...

If I were a tardigrade I'd move out from home
Why live in the shrubbery when you could have a throne?

After a bit of a wait, the door opened, and Arianna stepped inside, along with one male Orion guard. "One of my officers tells me you're a Doctor." She said, right out of the gate. "I could use someone with those skills."

Sitting up straight and squaring her shoulders, Harmony looked the woman in the eye. "I'm a medic, aye, but not a doctor." No sense in lying, they'd find out eventually if she did, and likely wouldn't be too happy! "My expertise is emergency care in the field." Also no sense in not trying to sell yourself!

Pressure wouldn't squash me and fire couldn't burn
These are the things that I never will learn.

Arianna made a note on the padd she carried. The guard moved to take a place by the door, but was stopped by Arianna.

"Leave us." She ordered. He did as he was told without hesitation, as she took a seat across from Harmony. "Let me just be honest with you... Most Human slaves end up eaten, or severely mistreated after they leave here, but medicine, even emergency medicine is a skill we need here... and you already see how I treat you here... Interested?"

"I..." Was she being offered a place on the crew? An 'easy' way out, although Harmony had no delusions that it would be any sort of freedom, nor easy way out. But, it was a way out.

"I can't." The answer was honest, while she'd always be looking for a way out, she couldn't bring herself to harm others just for the sport of it, and she couldn't desert her crew mates. "I do appreciate it, and I know it's stupid, but I'd never be loyal, and you'd know that."

"Very well... For the duration, your skills will be put to use in the slave quarters as needed." Arianna said with a sigh. "You're also going to answer some questions for me. Your refusal to cooperate would not be a wise decision."

"Wouldn't be the first time I didn't make a good decision." She grinned, then thought better of it and nodded. "Aye, ma'am." Although she wasn't sure what information she could offer that would be or any use, unless they wanted to know about plush cats!

"As a medic, you should have a pretty good idea of the crew compliment aboard your ship." Arianna continued the trend of honesty here, though kept some information to herself. "I need to know how many people are on that ship."

"Around three hundred fifty, I think?" Harmony frowned, shrugging, then explained, "I don't have access to records except on an as-needed basis, and I have no idea what our losses were during the attack." It was as honest an answer as she could give.

"What about the weapons we confiscated?" Arianna asked next, not bothering to tell her how many people were captured. For once someone was cooperating, and was going to get whatever she could. "Does everyone aboard carry them?"

"Not sure what you confiscated, but we all have access to weapons." Harmony shrugged. She didn't carry a phaser all the time, but they were distributed when trouble was expected, and they were accessible any time. "We're trained regularly, as well."

"What about prisoners?" Arianna asked next. She knew the information a medic had was limited, but she also had some idea of what they might know aboard a starship. "What does Starfleet do with it's prisoners?"

"I don't know." Frowning, Harmony shook her head, wondering if perhaps this was a concern for the woman? "I mean, there's a brig on the ship, prisoners are kept there, given medical care if they need it, fed, that sort of things." Starfleet had its regulations. "I'm not sure where they are sent when there's a chance. I guess that would depend on why they were being held."

"An important officer of mine is on that ship, and I want her back." Arianna said, frustration now coming out in her words. "I just need information to make that happen."

"I really can't help much with that," Harmony answered honestly, sensing the woman's mood turning dark. "It's not in my field, but I do know that Starfleet isn't keen on negotiating, either." She took a breath, realizing that that admission didn't bode well for the hostages, but it was what it was. "The captain might at least talk with you." That was something, right?

"I don't expect he'll be too keen on giving me what I want." Arianna stated dryly, writing notes on her padd. "However, I have more than enough leverage, if I need it." She said, giving a veiled threat.

"Just don't count on us as your 'leverage'," Harmony advised, "like I said, they don't advocate bargaining. I wish they did, so I could pretend there might be a chance for us and your friend, but..." She shrugged. Making deals set a bad precedent, so any rescue would come in another form.

"I grew up living on Federation worlds, and I know a bit about Federation ideals." Arianna said, as she set the padd down, clasping her hands in front of her on the table, She looked at Harmony in a way that showed she meant business, her next words sending a much clearer threat. "More often than not, Starfleet is too weak to accept sacrificing innocent lives to get the job done."

"We're enlisted, not innocent." It was as simple as that. Each and every soul who had signed on to Starfleet knew what they were getting into, and knew that there was the possibility of being in a situation like this one day. The Midway might fight to get them back, or maybe pull a trick, but they wouldn't negotiate. Harmony was just glad that she didn't have anyone to worry about.

"Surely you don't think your Federation crew are all that are aboard my ship?" Arianna asked with a raise eyebrow. "You and your Federation friends are only a portion of those we've taken. Many others are civilians."

"Not my call." Harmony shrugged. "It's worth a try, I guess, but don't hold your breath. I doubt they'd negotiate, regardless." She knew she wouldn't, unless it was to set the others up for annihilation!

"Tell me what you know about your Captain." Arianna said next. Being a simple medic, she knew there was likely not much more information she could get. "I want to know what kind of person he is."

"He's a good man," she answered with a shrug, "fair and tolerant, smart, dunno, I haven't been in enough trouble yet to really know what he's like when he's pushed." While she had her ideas, she hadn't really seen any of the crew under stress yet, so it was hard the judge.

Then a small smile crossed her lips. "He's a lousy poker player."

"I think that's about all I can reasonably get from you." Arianna said, after writing more notes on her padd. "You've been far more helpful than your other crew mates. This information will be put to good use."

Slowly standing, Harmony shrugged, letting the tardigrade song fill her head again, helping her cut off her emotions, such as they were.

Arianna stood up to leave the room. She paused just outside the room, letting the door remain open, as she address one of the officers standing outside.

"I've gotten all I can from her." She said simply. "Put her back with the others, and add her to Xod's list." With that, she moved away to let the door close.

On the list! Well, that was something, although she had an idea that it wasn't a very good something...


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