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Professional Opinion

Posted on Thu Jan 26th, 2023 @ 7:37pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Zon th'Tetz & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D.

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Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 10: Lt. Zon th'Tetz's Office
Timeline: M1 MD13 (2268.28.05) 1300

Captain Faust and Dr. Kitchner sat in Zon's corner of the ship's personnel section. Zon was young as Andorians went, a rare one whose complexion was more teal than blue. The doctor had laid out the entire situation from start to finish, and his thoughts on the table.

"Unfortunately since the issue has been brought to me, it is my duty to investigate," Zon said finally, "Investigate the entire situation... So that includes talking with Dr. Meddows, interviewing everyone of his patients and those connected such as Dr. Amato..." He paused for another moment, his tone even, "It will take several days," he said, "When my final report is issued then we can proceed on what a potential solution might be."

"That's the entire crew. Mike Amato conducted two thirds of the physicals before and shortly after we left Earth. Unless you are going to focus on the 30 odd that Meddows has seen in that 3 weeks." Marc leaned back in the chair.

"The ones starting with Ensign Dienstag, that seems to be where the train has fallen off the rails," Zon explained, "I hope this can be solved with a chat, but considering the lack of success you both have had, I make no reservations..."

Marc tried not to grind his teeth. "Lieutenant, no matter how your investigation turns out, I will be having a conversation with the Sector Chief Surgeon. We don't need a quack like that running around. Tris, I know you don’t want to throw a man on the beach without a damned good reason, but I think we have several."

Marc sighed heavily. "Medically specifically Mr. Dienstag had a borderline grade one maybe grade two concussion. Aside from some vertigo there hasn't been any outstanding trouble, and that is clearing up. If it wasn't for regulation with him being a bridge officer he wouldn't have needed to be evaluated by Meddows in the first place." He held up a hand. "I agree with it mind you, but I doubt it wasn't necessary."

"I spoke with Mr. Dienstag afterwards," Tristan responded, "And well, Meddows seemed to insinuate mental illness where there was none. In fact he did the same thing with me when Lt. Vox and I came to speak with him later. There's something seriously wrong with him, both mentally and professionally..."

The personnel officer nodded, "I understand," he said, "I have yet to meet the man, but I understand." He leaned back and thought, "We need to pull Mr. Dienstag in here, he seems to be the start of this, whether it was his fault or not." He pressed the intercom.

It only took five minutes, but Toby made it to Mr. Zon's office. As he roamed the corridors his mind kept going to one thing, that he was in trouble for dating Mike. That would be the only reason for such a meeting with personnel.

The Andorian looked up from his desk, "Mr. Dienstag, please take a seat... Ah there's the couch over there," he said pointed to the small plether sofa as the Captain and Doctor were occupying the Burke chairs.

The ensign nodded and sat down, he looked sheepishly up at both the Captain and the doctor.

"You're not in trouble Mr. Dienstag," the Captain assured, "Just the doctor and I have some questions concerning your counseling session with Dr. Meddows... Doctor if you would do the honors?"

Marc turned in the chair and laid all the cards on the table. "I hope you three will pardon me. Now I am going to violate a fistful of regulations, and make a major ethics violation but its unavoidable." Marc talked about some other members of the crew, he avoided mentioning names as much as he could. Zon sat there his expression didn't change much, but his antenna shifted back and forth as he listened. Toby shifted back and forth on the sofa, the situation obviously a touchy as it was.

After a good 20 minutes Marc finished and leaned back in the chair. "Did I miss anything?" He looked at Tristan and Toby.

The two officers shook their heads.

"He finished the session screaming in tongues like a mock exorcism or something and then declared I was ready for duty," Toby responded, "It was the weirdest thing I've ever sat through in my life... I was kinda messed up after that."

"And then when I tried getting him to tone down the nonsense a few days later, it was in one ear and out the other," Tristan responded with an eye roll, "He's incapable of respecting authority, following an order or anything required of a Starfleet officer. All he seems to care about is one crackpot theory after another."

"He did the same sort of thing with me. Nothing overly insubordinate mind you, but he was pushing it." Marc said crossing his arms. "So little boy blue, what do you think about all this?

"I'm going to talk to him," Zon responded. He looked at Toby, "That's all we need from you Ensign, thank you..." He nodded as the young science officer stood up and walked out of his office. "I think that's all gentlemen, unless there's something else you want to tell me," he asked.

The Captain and the doctor shook their heads. Tristan hoped this situation would be resolved before it escalated evern more, but he had a feeling it wouldn't. This whole situation was impossible.


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