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Just Meat...

Posted on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 @ 7:25pm by Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Arianna D'Tal

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Orion Ship
Timeline: M1 MD09 (2268.24.05) 1030

The door to the small interrogation cell opened and two burly Orion pirates tossed in the semi limp form of Ensign Ivy Kinsley. She was pretty roughed up and one of the Orion pirates had tried to rape her but she fought and he gave up. Ivy landed with a thud on the cold hard deckplates. She started to shiver.

The room she was in was furnished with a small table, two chairs, and a one-way mirror. On the table sat a glass of water.

A few minutes later, Arianna entered into the room, carrying a padd. The moment she saw Ivy shivering on the floor, and visibly bruised in several places, a frown crossed her features.

"My my, it looks like someone has been mistreating you." she said, as she set her padd down on the table, and knelt down in front of Ivy. She offered a hand to help her to her feet, giving her a genuinely sympathetic look, though there was fire in her eyes. "Tell me who did this to you."

"Your crew are animals," Ivy responded before coughing incessantly. She looked behind Arianna and noticed the Orion pirate who was responsible. He was a big burly bastard with a stupid grin stretched across his face. This entire thing was clearly a joke to him. "Red bandana," she said, indicating the distinctive piece of headgear the pirate as wearing.

Arianna studied the woman for a moment, before turning to face them both. She looked at the one Ivy had mentioned, and a frown crossed her features. "You've been warned about harming the slaves, and so your skills will be put to use elsewhere." she said, then looked at the other. "Hook him up, and put him with the rest of the slaves."

Ivy collapsed into one of the chairs. She was quite bruised, abused and exhausted. She didn't want to know what was going to happen next. Arianna was talking sweet now but Ivy had seen how ruthless her crew had been... Now she also had felt it.

"When you come back, bring someone with you to treat her injuries." Arianna told him. She watched as he escorted the other guard out of the room, before turning back to Ivy. "My apologies. I usually prefer to keep my slaves comfortable during their stay, since where most of you end up is quite... unpleasant, to say the least."

"A comfortable slave is still a slave," Ivy responded. There were two outcomes, as Ivy saw it, either the Midway would rescue them or her life was basically over. She would rather die than live as a slave.

"Perhaps, but circumstances are what they are, and this is your life now, so it might be wise to make the best of it." Arianna said, as she stepped closer to inspect the woman's wounds herself. "Looks like he really did a number on you. At least nothing is broken, which makes you far luckier than his last victim."

"I don't accept that," Ivy responded. She crossed her arms, "He didn't get that far..." She knew the Midway must in hot pursuit and that belief was enough to keep her going.

"Be that as it may, the fact still remains..." Arianna said, as she straightened up, raising an eyebrow at Ivy. "Until we reach your new home, your ass is mine,and there's nothing you can do about it."

It was at this point, the Orion guard returned. Along with him was a Human girl with long brown hair, of no more than maybe 15 or 16. In her hands was a medical kit which had been taken from the Detroit during the raid. By her looks, and mannerisms, it was plain to see she'd been here for some time.

"See to her medical needs, while we have a little chat." Arianna ordered.

The young girl set the kit down on the table, opening it up. She reached for the Tricorder, then stopped as she looked at Ivy. "I promise I won't hurt you." She said timidly, as she began scanning the woman from head to toe.

"I'm told you're a bridge officer." Arianna stated plainly as she turned back to Ivy. "Bridge officers have more information about a ship than anyone else, so tell me... What is the crew compliment aboard your ship?"

"If you read a news bulletin you could probably find that answer," Ivy responded giving the useless answer in a neutral tone. Whether the Orion was gentle or rough it didn't matter, the pirate was still a barbarian.

"Your refusal to cooperate is quite unwise." Arianna said, leaning over the table, as if to appear more menacing. "If you don't start answering questions, what my men did to you will be the least of your worries... Any new wounds will be healed, but the pain will not be taken away."

"My life is over anyway, as you say, so I may as well make you work for it," Ivy responded with a smirk, "Starfleet Officers don't scare." She was terrified but put up a good front. Years of training and the knowledge that a massive starship was in hot pursuit of them.

"One of your Federation cadets said something similar to me a little while ago." Arianna said, watching as the young girl tended to Ivy's wounds. "Quite a useless girl really, but I have a lucrative buyer who will find her most appealing... At least once she's on a plate."

"Of course... We are just meat to you barbarians," Ivy responded, "Although by the time Captain Faust gets through with you, that'll all be what's left... You realize his name means the Fist."

"To me you're merchandise, because I like to get paid for delivering undamaged goods." Arianna said, taking a seat on Ivy's side of the table, next to where she sat in the chair, deciding to lie straight to her face. One of the others had already told her that the Midway had adapted to her weapon, so she had to think of another plan. "Let your Captain come... I will be ready for him."

"Heh, you're ready for him? He'll be ready for you," Ivy responded with a confident smile, "And you won't make any profit, so maybe you should save yourself the trouble and just return us now."

The young girl was about to treat the wounds on Ivy's face, but quickly moved away as Arianna suddenly stood up facing Ivy, and kicked the chair hard enough to knock it over, with her still in it.

Ivy fell forward our of the chair to the floor, her chin impacting against the hard deck plates.

"Save the hero talk for someone who gives a shit!" Arianna snapped, standing there looking down at Ivy with fire in her eyes. "I want information, starting with your ship's shield frequency!"

"Save it for someone who gives a shit," Ivy echoed before spitting a mouthful of blood onto Arianna's go go boots.

Arianna let her anger win again, as she kicked the chair out of the way, then promptly brought her leg around to kick Ivy hard in he back of the knee. "Stop being such a bitch, you red-blooded freak!!" She said in a rage. "Tell me the damned shield frequency!!"

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5..." Ivy spit out as she gasped for breath. If she could just mentally hold our a bit longer of course this assumes she could remember the shield frequency, under duress or not...

Arianna reached down, forcibly pulling Ivy to her feet, holding her nearly off her feet in front of her as she spoke again. "Give me the shield frequency!" She spoke low, but her voice was heavily laced with anger. "If you don't, I promise you'll end up where your death will be slow, and excruciatingly painful!"

"What do you think this is?" Ivy asked with a smirk, "Besides don't you think by now the Captain has figured out your little EMP device and changed the shield frequencies?" At this point she accepted her fate. This was her first space voyage and this may be her last all at the tender age of 22.

Arianna promptly decked Ivy across the jaw. As she let go to watch the woman fall, she shook the pain in her hand away. "You Federation types are total fools!" she snapped, stepping back a few feet, taking a seat in the other chair. "You'd rather die in absolute agony, instead of doing what you're told!"

Seeing that Arianna was done beating on Ivy, at least for the moment, the young girl again moved to her side, this time holding up a tool to start actually treating her wounds, as if asking Ivy for permission.

Ivy was barely conscious as this point. She looked like hell, her shirt blonde hair was filthy with blood and sweat and matted against her dirty forehead. Her tender face was swollen and bruised. "It is the only way," she managed to say.

"Useless!" Arianna snapped as she stood up, looking down at Ivy with no less than utter annoyance. "Treat her wounds, and put her back with the others. Make sure you add her to Xod's food list." She didn't bother saying anything more, as she walked out, leaving the three of them alone.


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