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Healthy Exercise

Posted on Tue Jan 24th, 2023 @ 11:36pm by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Petty Officer, 2nd Class Harmony Stardancer
Edited on on Sun Feb 26th, 2023 @ 5:49pm

922 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Rec Room
Timeline: M1 MD08 (2268.23.05) 1500

Meredith was out of uniform and working out on the matts. She was stretching one long leg upwards and then the other with weighs on her ankles. She was on her back. A sheen of sweat already coated her. She was absorbed in her exercise. She didn't notice someone else come in.

Exercise wasn't something that Harmony particularly cared for, although she figured that eventually she'd be here for that purpose, once the cruise started and she settled in. But for now, she was getting her share of exercise padding through the ship, learning her way around, just in case there was an emergency that took out the transporters and she had to get to a patient the traditional way.

And, she had an ulterior motive, if the room was empty. Well, that would have to wait for later, since there was a young woman there working out.

"Hey!" she greeted with a grin. She enjoyed meeting people, and it was good to know who your crew mates were. "I'm Harmony, Medic extraordinaire!" She was clad in loose-fitting pants that were in earth-tones with patterns of elephants and palm trees, and a baggy full-sleeved shirt that was tied at the waist with a blue sash.

Meredith looked up. She pushed herself to her feet and smiled, extending a hand to Harmony. Only too late did she realize it was a bit sweaty. "I'm Meredith. I'm a yeoman." She smiled warmly to the younger woman.

"Good to meet you." Smiling widely, Harmony shook the woman's hand. "I'm a PO2, new to the ship. I'm just getting my bearings, never hurts to know your way around in the dark!" Hopefully, that wouldn't be a useful skill, but you could never tell!"

"No, it never hurts," Meredith agreed. "So what do you think so far?"

"She's a good ship, I like her, she has a good vibe!" Harmony laughed. "Well, I guess I like anything that isn't stationary, I want to see what's out there, meet other races and all." A common desire among many who joined Starfleet.

"Me too!" Meredith said. "Even in Starfleet itself, you meet a lot more of the peoples of the Federation than I ever did back home. It's great being out here."

"Yeah, I grew up on my parent's freighter, so we did get around, but there's a lot of space that's restricted, so I'm looking forward to that." Harmony looked around the room, then back at Meredith. "Do you work out a lot? I know I should, but I find it kind of, well, boring!"

"I try to," Meredith answered, looking thoughtful for a minute. "There are more interesting ways you could do it. There are games and sports and things."

"I guess you're right, it might be better exercising with someone else." Grinning, Harmony shrugged, then added, "I know my roomie likes working out, maybe we could plan something?" Her grin widened. "Then we could hit the mess hall and get us a burger and shake!"

"That sounds like fun!" Meredith agreed. "Who's your roomie?" She wondered if it was anyone she knew.

"Her name is Avis Larant, she's a cadet in Security, but she's really nice and level-headed." It might be a lot of fun to get some sort of team thing going, and it would certainly be better than doing push-ups alone.

"And, um...I was kind of making rounds to do some cleansing rites, if you don't mind?" Some people thought it was hooey, and she wouldn't do the ritual if Meredith was opposed, but there certainly was no harm in asking, nor in covering your bases!

"Is that a religious thing?" Meredith asked curiously. She sounded very unfamiliar with it but not in a hostile way.

"Not exactly religious so much as holistic," not that there was much of a distinction, really. "It's just sort of getting some nature into the spaces." Harmony shrugged. "They used to burn sage, but they're not too keen on burning things on the ship, so I have a sage spray. It smells good!"

", when something is graded holistically? Taking it as a whole?" Meredith didn't quite seem to grasp the concept. "Nature I can understand. I don't mind."

"Sort of...but yeah, taking everything as a whole...the ship is in nature, so it's part of nature, and it can attract negative energy." Harmony shrugged. "I know most people don't believe in that sort of thing, and I'm not going to freak out if I can't do the cleansing, but...well, no harm done."

"I don't really believe in it," Meredith admits, "but I'm not going to stop you if you do. Please go ahead."

"Thanks! Won't take but a minute." Quickly, she went to each of the corners and spritzed a tiny amount of sage water, muttering a few words. Then she nodded and returned to Meredith. "That should do it! Just a few more spots left...well, not counting the places I don't have access to. You wanna come?"

Meredith looked down at herself. "I'm not sure I want to be all over the ship in my workout clothes. The men will think I want their attention."

"Oh, well, that's a good point! But I'll talk to Avis, see about doing something together some time." Smiling, she held out her hand. "It was good to meet you. Here's to a great voyage!"

"You too!" And she shook the other woman's hand.

PO2 Harmony Stardancer
Medic, USS Midway

CPO Meredith Corden
Yeoman, USS Midway


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