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Life's A Beach

Posted on Wed Jan 25th, 2023 @ 4:59am by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant

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Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Holographic Rec Deck
Timeline: M1 MD14 (2268.29.05) 1400

The door to the holographic recreation deck opened and Ensign Peter Novak stepped inside, followed by Cadet Avis Larant. After their first meeting Avis had graced Peter with an official date. Of course any sort of privacy was nearly impossible aboard ship but Peter had an idea on how to make the best of the situation. He had wanted to try the new holographic rec deck ever since hearing about it but it was always reserved. Well one afternoon when the Captain was in a particularly good mood he asked for a time slot which the Captain was nice enough to agree to.

The young man was wearing a pair of red swimming trunks as he figured a few hours at the beach would make them forget they were on a Starship heading to a Starbase at high warp.

Avis had (it turned out wisely) packed her swimsuit for this her first duty voyage. Just in case they stopped at a tropical sort of planet but now this was a pleasant surprise. A holographic one at that. It was also a first for her.

She was wearing a black bikini that left little to the imagination and really stood out in contrast to her pale white skin. If she had any tattoos or scars, Peter could not see any and there wasn't much that was covered.

"Wow, coming from a girl who does not impress easily....this really is impressive! It seems so real. And warm. Can one get a sunburn from this?" Avis gawked at the natural beauty of the beach, the oceans, the blue sky.

"According to the manual you can't but you can get a healthy tan, go figure," Peter responded with a grin. While Avis was gawking at the ocean, Peter was gawking at her. If his swimsuit were any tighter she would be able to visually see his excitement. Peter himself had no tattoos or scars on his pale skin, just muscle, lots of muscle.

Avis suddenly turned her attention to him looking quite solemn, "Gee, I hope I pass inspection?"

She eyed him up and down then, "As for you, I can tell somebody works out a lot." And then she grinned.

"Oh you passed," Peter responded with a grin, "I just hope I passed and being in shape is part of the job. Probably the most important part."

"Good to know...that I passed I mean. But you really believe that? That being in shape is the most important part of our job? Because I certainly don't," she countered.

"Well maybe not the most important... But it doesn't matter how smart you are if you can't run down the guy you're chasing," Peter countered.

"Anyhow....this ocean in front of us. Looks so realistic. By any chance do you know if it has hostile creatures in it? Like on Earth sharks?" that was an abrupt change of subject.

"It's empty as far as I know," Peter responded, "The instructions said scenery and basic objects... Maybe one day though."

"I don't want any of those things," she playfully punched one of his muscled upper arms.

"Well, we gonna go swimming or are we just wearing these suits to show off our bodies?" she grinned then took a run straight for the water, sloshing in until she was deep enough to dive and begin paddling.

Peter laughed and followed her into the ocean. The water was warm and the weather inviting. It reminded him of the beaches of home... No... He needed to keep in the moment. "I quite enjoyed showing off our bodies," he laughed after she emerged from the clear blue water.

Avis spat out some water after her head broke the surface, "Play your cards right and we won't even need any clothes at all."

"I do enjoy playing cards," Peter responded with a smirk.

"Not exactly what I mean," she pointed out but she was certain he caught her less than subtle reference.

Then she started to do some backstrokes, not going for speed just enjoying the water and the warmth of the artificial sun. Truly this deck was amazing.

Peter just sort of bobbed, he enjoyed swimming of course but he was content just to enjoy the warm water. It was almost like being in a massive hot tub and he could use some relaxation after the past few days. "Certainly will be nice to have a few days on the starbase especially after everything," he said.

"I guess. Can't say til I've been there I suppose," she circled back toward him, "So....when we're done here, whose quarters do we end up in?"

Again less than subtle.

"Oh, you're ready for that already?" Peter responded.

"What? And you're not?" she interrupted.

"Well my roommate works nights and we've had this agreement going that anything goes while the other is on duty. Unless someone destroys the place." Most of the men in the security department were basically frat boys, faces and muscles but simple pleasures. Peter fit the first two categories to a T but he had more depth to him than that.

"While I might like rough sex, I assure you we won't destroy the place," Avis promised...sort of.

"Sounds like a fun time," Peter responded with a smile. Of course she would enjoy rough sex. "Do you want to do it on the beach?" He offered with a smirk.

"Wait....can't other crew use this simulation? I would not appreciate interruptions," she warned.

"Nope, it's locked, reserved and we're off duty," Peter assured. Since she had given the green light he wasn't sure if he could wait any longer. The primal urges we're strong in the young man. "Although public sex is rather exhilarating," he commented.

"Really? So you've done that? Did you get applause or a standing ovation?" she smiled as she tread water.

"Frankly the thrill was from running away," Peter responded with a laugh, "Adrenaline rush... Of course doing it in the academy fountain at midnight was fun. Surprised you didn't hear that rumor."

"I might have now that you mention it? So who was the lucky girl? Or were there so many you can't remember?" Avis now asked.

"Not many," Peter said truthfully, "Madison Parker was her name, flight control cadet... Doesn't hold a candle to you though."

"Oh so now you diss her when she isn't here? Do you say that kind of thing about all your old conquests?" she pursued the subject.

"Things just didn't work out, weren't a good match," Peter responded, "I also don't go around referring to people I used to date as conquests." The interrogation was starting to kill the mood.

"I see," she wasn't at all sure she did. Was he so charming and also enduring of her earlier playing hard to get just so he could count her as yet another sexual notch?

Avis eyed him strangely as they both bobbed upon the water. Then she declared, "And no, I don't want to have sex on the beach. You said bring your swimsuit, we were going to a swim. I'm going to hold you to it then."

Then she turned to swim some more, the 'mood' had definitely been killed.

After a minute or so Peter walked back to the beach and sat down on one of the beach chairs and sighed. This wasn't going as well as the thought it would. He wasn't looking for anything, in fact she brought up the subject. He shook his head, he needed a break anyway.

Avis stayed out there for a good fifteen minutes, she hadn't been swimming in ..........well, too long a time. It turned out she had missed it, it was more than just exercise to her, it was memories too. Mostly good ones. But all good things come to an end.

She emerged from the water and padded on the warm soft sand to where he was sitting, stopping short to look at him, her hands on shapely hips.

"That was refreshing," she chirped with a smile, like nothing at all had happened just minutes earlier.

"Good, I'm glad you enjoyed it," Peter responded with a smile. He figured if she wasn't going to talk about what had just happened he wasn't going to either. Being a security officer he knew when to avoid an landmine and bow out gracefully. "The beach was just an idea that came to me from our walk through the arboretum," he said.

She shook her head vigorously as to shake off water, "And it was a good one too. I wonder though, what effect this sea water might have on my hair? It's dyed you know."

"It'll probably wash everything out and then I'll get to see your real color," he teased.

"Blonde," she answered just that easily before getting back on course.

"So you wannna go then? I seem to have worn you out - I don't mean physically but my abrasive personality. I figure you're only tolerating me about now and can't wait for this date to be over," she declared in a very conversational tone of voice.

"We don't have to, just needed a break as all," Peter responded, "And you're just a bit unpredictable, but that's a good thing." He stood up and looked at her with a smile.

"Predictable is boring. You don't want a boring girl," she smiled back then invaded his personal space, put her hands on his upper arms, stood on tip toes, then kissed him with sudden enthusiasm.

When it broke off, she added, "I might be a lot of things, both good and bad but one thing I will never be is boring, Peter Novak."


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