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Jumpy...... Not !

Posted on Mon Jan 23rd, 2023 @ 6:29pm by Chief Petty Officer Meredith Corden & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 10:36am

905 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 7 Corridor
Timeline: M1 MD13 (2268.28.05) 1300

The Orion attack on the Midway and her subsequent capture had almost cost Avis her life. A lot of people had warned her this career was high risk and then choosing Security was only asking for it. But she survived. And while terrifying at times while it was all going on, the memories of some of it was exhilarating.

Assigned now to a routine sweep of a few corridors, Avis mind was wandering, all sorts of thoughts ajumble. In fact a pair of off duty engineer crew had walked past her going the opposite direction, nodded to her, and she had not even noticed.

That's when a side door slid open with the tell tale swish with someone coming out. Avis flinched, unprepared for this interruption of reality into her daydreams. As her head turned to glance that way, one hand went instinctively to her phaser. But she fortunately she did not go any further.

Meredith stopped short as she almost bumped into the young security cadet. She clutched the clipboard she was holding a little closer as blue eyes glanced down to where Avis was touching her phaser. "I'm not a threat, Cadet. I assure you."

Avis pulled her hand away the weapon as she replied, "I'm sorry. I'm sure you're not. Not a threat I mean. I was startled is all."

"I'm sorry," Meredith apologized. "I didn't mean to. I know it's been a rough little bit for the ship."

"You have nothing to apologize for, you simply went thru a doorway," Avis pointed out, "But yes some of us might be a bit jumpy after the run in with the Orions."

Meredith nodded. She wasn't sure quite what to say to that. "I'm glad we got out people back, at least."

"Well...........most of our crew at least. Not all of the Defiance crew or colonists. I'm still upset about that. Did you know that the Orions were selling captives to a dealer who then sold them to aliens who would be making meals of them?" Avis grimly pointed out.

"Meals?" Meredith said, sounding a little sick. "That's even worse than what I imagined." And what she imagined was pretty bad.

"Yes, so the poor captives we did not manage to free. They are doomed. I wish we could have....would have done more. Like ...I don't know...storm the base station and take it over. Violation of Star Fleet protocol though I guess," Avis related sadly.

Meredith hesitated a moment and then she reached out and placed a hand on the younger woman's shoulder. "I don't know what to say."

"It's not your fault though is it? I know that this sort of thing can happen and will probably happen again during my service. I just have to shake it off and concentrate on my duties. Right?" Avis was not one of those touchy feely types but did not shake her off either. Meredith was just being nice after all.

"It can happen and probably will happen again, Cadet," Meredith admitted, "but that doesn't mean you're expected to be emotionless about it.You're not Vulcan."

"True and thank god for that," smirked Avis, her academy experiences with a few Vulcans had not gone all that well. Logical bastards.

"Excuse me, if I might ask but what are your duties on the ship?" she asked. There were a large number of people on board and all had been newly thrown into this new command.

"I don't know. It might have its advantages," Meredith said. "I'm the captain's yeoman."

"Ohhhh, you don't say? Like his personal servant huh?" Avis teased, "So what's he like...our glorious captain?" She was curious.

"I serve the Federation, Cadet, and all of us serve under the captain," Meredith reminded her. "I actually admire him a great deal. He's a strong leader. He's always there for his people as much as he can be."

Avis nodded, "Good to know...about the captain. I've yet to actually talk with him other than duty. But he seems like he knows what he's doing. I've no complaints."

"He definitely knows what he's doing," Meredith agreed. "So how are you doing, Cadet?"

"I'm fine. Already saw action. While I hardly covered myself with glory, I thought I did pretty well. Survived an interrogation from the Orion captain. That kind of thing," Avis shrugged.

"I got a good roommate...unlike a couple I had back in the Academy," she added.

"It sounds like there's a story there?" Meredith pushed slightly.

"Simply that I had two different roommates at the Academy who I did not get along with. First one we were separated for fighting. I broke her nose, she broke one of my finger nails. Second one we just agreed to be more civil and hate each other quietly," Avis explained.

"You got in a fight at the Academy?" Meredith asked. She knew things like that sometimes happened. Maybe often. But she hadn't experienced it. "Did you get in trouble? Or did she?"

"We both did. It went our record. They told us if we fought again we would both be expelled. Obviously...we did not. So...we weren't," Avis answered.

"Well, I'm glad you're here," Meredith said. "I'll let you get back to your duties. It was nice meeting you."

"Thank you. Glad meeting you too. See you on the bridge someday if I get assigned a duty shift there," Avis smiled.


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