
Third Round

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2024 @ 8:27am by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Arianna D'Tal

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Security Section
Timeline: M5 MD09 (2268.08.1) 1400-1430

The doors of the interrogation room burst open and Dr. Amato walked through, medkit in hand. He looked at the Orion bleeding out on to the table. "Sheesh, yous did a number on him," he commented with a chuckle as he walked to the table and opened up his medkit.

"He's a stubborn piece of shit, I'll give him that," Tristan responded with an annoyed look trained on the pirate, "Patch him up and you can practice your Katas on him."

"Boy in blue..." Said the pirate, giving the Doctor the same smirk he'd given Tristan before. "Who are you supposed to be? Chief Buzz Kill, with his little box of shiny magic tricks? Go fuck yourself!"

"No, I'm just here for the dissection," Mike responded as he rolled his eyes. His hands skipped the painkiller and went right for the auto-suture. He didn't think the Orion would be mind. He started to use the instrument on the brute. "Hate to break it to you, but you're going to live," Mike commented.

The rather large green man didn't get the chance to respond, as extreme searing pain hit the back of his head, causing him to yell out. After Mike was done with the auto-suture, the pirate opened his mouth to speak, but the words never came. Instead, his eyes rolled into the back of his head, before he slumped over in the chair.

"Son of a bitch.. ' Tristan cursed in an annoyed tone as he pushed the metal table top, "I thought you said he wasn't going to die..."

"Oh he's not dead," Mike responded with a smirk, "He's just a bit out to lunch..." He set down the auto-suture and picked up the large syringe like hypospray. "This should wake him up," he added as he stabbed the Orion in the neck with one fluid motion.

After a few seconds, the pirate came awake with a start, growning from the pain he still felt. "What a rush!" though he was awake, the amount of blood he'd lost meant that he certainly wasn't all there. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked up to see Tristan, giving him a drunken laugh. "Oh... You again... Don't have it in huh?"

"No, no we don't," Shinobu shook her head.

"Anyone else feel like this is a waste of time," Tristan responded with an eyeroll. He looked over at Mike, "Want to practice pressure points on a live target?" He asked.

"Eh I could cook up something worse," Mike responded, before looking down at the medkit.

"I thought I saw an asteroid field a few light years back. Gotta be something interesting in there." Said the pirate. He shook his head, trying unsuccessfully to clear the cobwebs. "Maybe you should go pick an asteroid and throw yourself into it."

"Maybe that's a clue?" Shinobu remarked.

The Captain nodded, "And what will we find there?" He asked, "And before you have a chance to make a smart remark, we could just leave you there in a space suit with just enough oxygen for you to contemplate your blood boiling while you run out of air."

"Rumor has it there's a freighter going up for auction, but it's not just any freighter..." The pirate said, looking around as if trying to decide if what he was seeing was real. "I hear it's full of some cure for Regulan Bloodworms... Yours for the right price."

"Hmm, I'll bite," Tristan responded as he crossed his arms, "Where is this auction going to be? We're an interested party..."

"It's the only Asteroid field within a 5 light year radius of the Nima system." The pirate said, seemingly fighting to stay awake again. "I'm sure you won't be disappointed..." As he said the last, he slumped over in the chair again, the combination of the pain and blood loss putting proving to be too much even for the stimulant.

"Get him to sickbay," Tristan said before looking at Peter, "Under heavy guard and then straight to the brig... He may be of further use to us..." He watched as Peter and another security officer carried the limp Orion out of the room as Dr. Amato followed them out. He looked over at Shinobu, "I don't want a record of this," he said, "This interrogation never happened."

"Aye, Captain," Shinobu nodded before leaving to destroy any evidence of the interrogation having taken place.



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