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Settling In

Posted on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 9:23am by Ensign Carter Page & Ensign Brooke Parker & Luminous Traite Ms
Edited on on Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 9:34am

2,137 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Luminous Traite's Quarters
Timeline: M5 MD06 (2268.07.29) 1600

It was 1600 and Brooke Parker stood in front of the small vanity mirror in her quarters aboard the Midway. She was wearing a rather short blue cocktail dress and was applying bright red lipstick. She was about to head out on a date aboard the Starbase. Hopefully things would go well. She also figured she would give her new roommate some time to settle in.

Just then her new roommate burst thru the door as fast as it would slide open. Luminous looked like she had been running in the rain, her sleeveless top soaked and very revealiing.

"Oh hey, just came back from my holodeck hour. It was great, I ran down a trail in gorgeous sunny weather with sand and greenery. I'm now sweating like a pig," she announced grandly even as she started kicking off her sneakers.

"Glad you enjoyed it, it's an interesting experience, definitely," Brooke commented.

"I need a shower something fierce," she then paused and took a closer look at Brooke preening before the mirror.

"Nice, you look hot, roomie. You heading out on a date?" she strongly suspected. She definitely was not looking like that for a duty shift.

"Ah, yes, on the Starbase, I should be gone a few hours," Brooke responded as she finished and set the lipstick down, "I don't know how it will go, but it's better than nothing. I also figured I'd give you some time to settle in and get a feel for the ship."

"Funny you should mention that, it so happens I too have a date. And he's stopping by for a drink. We met at the holodeck. So yeah, take your time alright about coming back," Luminous revealed her own plans.

"Alright, hopefully you don't break him in two," Brooke responded with a chuckle, "I will see you later then..."

"Break him in two?" Lume was confused by that one.

Brooke chuckled as he left their quarters.

And apparently she would have to remain confused as Brooke ducked out. Oh well, she had a shower to take.

Twenty or so minutes later the door chimed and a more put together Carter was standing there waiting. He was wearing a black t-shirt, a pair of black skinny jeans which made his legs look like toothpicks and a pair of black Addidas Sambas. His hair was fiercely parted to the side in the typical Starfleet fashion.

"Come in," Luminous called out. Her hair was still a bit wet from the shower and she was garbed in a multicolored bath robe. Gaudy did not begin to describe it. Otherwise she was barefoot.

"Oh wow, tall, dark, and handsome I see," she grinned.

"Oh, well thank you," Carter responded as he stepped inside, "Frankly I didn't put much thought into it." He shrugged his slender shoulders, "And I see you are wearing a lot less" he added.

"Actually I am quite covered, being the shy modest person I am," she twirled around in her bathrobe.

"Have a seat on the couch. I will get us that drink," she then turned to a small table where there was a tall darkened glass bottle and two crystal glasses. She poured both glasses half full, it was an almost bright blue color liquid.

The young man complied and sat down onto the couch, wondering what Luminous had up her sleeve.

"Here you go. Got anything in mind for a toast?" she handed him one glass, kept the other in her right hand.

Carter took the glass and said, "To keeping the ship in one piece and getting back to Starbase 10." He gave a boyish smile.

"Well, I would have to agree with that sentiment," she smiled then clinked her glass with his.

Romulan ale was strong stuff so she took a small sip of it, she had had it before, illegal or not. She carefully watched him to see how he reacted to it. Hopefully he would not cough it out.

The young man's eyes widened significantly before lowering the glass, "God, what is this? Battery acid?" he asked, "Strong stuff..."

"Romulan ale and before you tell me it's illegal, I got this bottle from a Star Fleet officer as a gift. But yes, it is strong stuff," she explained.

"Like getting drugs off of a cop," Carter responded with a chuckle.

"If you hate it, you don't have to drink it. I seldom ever do myself. Prefer wines or brandy," she added then took another dainty sip.

"Ah, it's... Different," Carter said, "The jury is still out... I don't drink much myself, to be honest... So what sort of questions do you have for me... If any?" He smirked, "I know I'm not that interesting," he added.

Luminous looked surprised.

"I never said this was for an interview. That's you jumping to conclusions. I don't consider this working hours, this is me on my free time to enjoy myself."

"Is that the reason you dropped by? Seriously?" she didn't know if she should be disappointed or maybe even offended.

"No," Carter responded, "I didn't think that was why you asked me here... Just didn't know if you wanted to know anything about me or if you wanted to talk about anything..." He shrugged, "The whole getting to know you thing," he said.

"OK, then. Off the record of course, tell me about yourself," she invited him.

"Well, I come from a small town in Indiana," Carter explained, "My father served as a chief petty officer before retiring to be a maintainence man at the power plant. I played basketball and ran track in high school. I'm a first generation academy graduate..." He looked at her, "But I'm sure you live a life of excitement," he added.

"Aha! I wondered if you played basketball, you're perfect for it," she nodded, that was about the only thing he said that wasn't boring.

He smirked at the comment.

"Me....sometimes it's been very exciting. Depends on what I'm covering and even more critical, is it something controversial. Rubbing people the wrong way you can get into some real trouble on occasion," she shrugged.

"So, let's get more personal then. You have any relationships going on the ship? You don't even have to tell me who after all I know almost no one on the ship anyhow. Yet."

"Nothing romantic," Carter responded, "Decent friends with Toby, friends with Brooke. A few others, none you've met yet. Been on the ship since launch this spring."

"OK fair enough. And now the big question, be honest. You won't offend me no matter what you say. Before you leave here tonight, what are you hoping will happen?"

Hopefully the guy wasn't completely oblivious to what was going on?

"I have a feeling you want some hospitality," Carter responded, staring at her, "Some companionship... Why else have Brooke clear out? Of course why me? Not exactly a hunk."

"Hmmm," she nodded meeting his gaze with one of her own.

"Hospitality...companionship. Why are so many people reluctant to come right out with it? It's a simple enough word and then both parties know exactly what the other is talking about. Sex."

"Well, I was taught to be polite about such things," Carter responded, trying not to blush a bit

"Why run yourself down like that, Carter? I mean a hunk, define a hunk? I was interested in you because you seem like a genuine nice guy. To me that's far more important than if you are a hunk."

She meant that sincerely but if he believed her, well that was something she could not control.

The young man nodded, "I was just wondering, that's all," he said. He had done things before but he wasn't the most experienced and was a little unsure of himself.

"So now that you know how I feel about you, maybe I should ask how you feel about me? Back at the holodeck I thought you were interested. But hey, I could be wrong. I've been wrong before."

"Do you find me sexually attractive? Again - be honest. I'm not looking to push something on you that you really don't want to do. "

"Oh you are quite attractive," Carter responded, "Quite beautiful at that, which is why I asked why you were interested in me." He took another sip of the blue liquid. It was starting to grow on him, in a cough medicine sort of way.

"Thank you, as long as you are honest about it, I appreciate the compliments," she smiled, it felt good to hear it.

"I suppose to be fair, I should give you a chance to ask any personal questions about me? Not that I would ever admit that I am a serial killer or a surgically altered Klingon spy," she grinned.

"Well, I'm a mechanic which I enjoy," Carter said, "Why did you pick journalism?" He like many were curious as to her motives aboard ship. All divisions had been briefed about a reporter being aboard for an indeterminate amount of time, but Carter had no idea she would be beautiful.

"Good question. As a kid I didn't even think about something like that. But when it was time to go to college, I had to pick a major. On a whim I took journalism. Found out I enjoyed a lot of things about it. An internship convinced me that was my future," she explained.

"Sounds like everything worked out then," Carter responded, "I hope everyone has been friendly so far," he added before taking his black and white sneakers off. He was well over six foot, so his feet were quite large.

"Captain was less than thrilled but I've had brass be a whole lot grumpier with having me," she noticed he was removing his shoes. Hmmm.

"No, I have no complaints though. You were certainly nice before. Why I invited you here," she then smiled.

"Hey, don't stop there if you want to keep taking things off, I will just watch," there was no subtlety to that hint.

The young man chuckled before he removed his black t-shirt, revealing his long toned form. Each muscle of this thin frame was well defined and rather pale. He looked at her, "You are free to join in," he commented with a sly smile.

"When I do mine, it'll be over in a flourish. You see this bath robe is literally all I have on. I take that off and I'm in my birthday suit," she grinned, looking him over.

"Heh, I suppose so," Carter responded before removing both socks. He stood up and undid his belt and unzipped his fly. Dropping his skin tight jeans to the floor. "I'm running out of stuff myself," he responded.

"So you are, I thought you might say your best is yet to come?" she teased, "Guess I'm about to see."

Luminous now loosened the tie on the bath robe, giving just hints of her body under it.

"Very... Illuminating," Carter responded with a smirk as he slid his boxers down his youthful thighs. They fell down to the floor. He stood there confidently, leaving nothing up to the imagination.

He wasn't shy as she had first suspected he'd be. And as she glanced down she assessed he had no reason to be. He might be rail thin but he was endowed well enough in that department. Now she would have to do her best to see to it he got aroused.

"Nice," was all she said then opened the robe, letting it tumble off her shoulders and down to the room floor in a heap.

She might not be a classic beauty by any means but she had a nice enough shape with breasts that were perky and ample enough though not large. The rest of her short frame showed she was in tip top physical condition with a flat belly and shapely legs.

"Do I pass whatever grading system you might have?" she grinned. She too was certainly not shy.

"Yeah, I would definitely say you pass," Carter responded , his baby blue eyes scanning her from head to toe. He then started to walk slowly towards her, "How am I doing?"

"You look the part so far, that's my unbiased assessment," she waited til they embraced and kissed each other.

"Let's jump in bed and do some exploration?" she suggested then let her eyes go to where her bed was.

"Absolutely," Carter responded as the young lady led him towards the bed like a prize waiting to be enjoyed.

Once they were both sprawled onto the bed, she studied him a moment then inquired, "Don't be shy, exploration should be a hands on endeavor."

Then she laid there with her head back on the pillow and waited for him to make the next...first move.


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