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Thu Jun 13th, 2024 @ 5:13pm

Luminous Traite

Name Luminous Meris Traite Ms

Position Reccuring Character

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human Being
Age 30
Birthdate 2238
Aliases / Nicknames Lume
Theme Song I'm Gonna Show You Crazy

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 126 lbs.
Hair Color Varies with her mood
Eye Color Blue-green
Physical Description On the short side, natural hair is brown but she colors it or wears wigs on occasion. Her build is on the petite side but she has a good hourglass figure, one she works out to keep. For festive or public appearances she wears a lot of makeup. She owns a sizeable collection of very fashionable outfits. She is one of those people who prefers the spotlight rather than shuns it.


Spouse/Partner None
Children No way. They would get in the way of her career.
Father Arden Traite
Mother Marlys Traite
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Cassiopeia
Other Family No one close to her.

Personality & Traits

General Overview One thing about this young woman, no one would mistake her for being shy. She walks into a room like she owns it. Her clothes are fashionable, she's beautiful and she uses that to her advantage every chance she gets.
Strengths & Weaknesses Luminous loves her job and she is very competent. University educated, she is well spoken...actually outspoken fits her too.
Though her career does not really require it, she is quite physically fit and works out diligently to keep it that way. All about her image after all.
Luminous has already made quite the name for herself in the news correspondent world but it has also created a sizeable bunch of enemies too. Her penchant for investigating scandals and corruption is a two edged sword. She doesn't care, says it's the price one has to pay in this job.

Ambitions Right now she just wants to search up and cover as many news stories as she can, she gets paid when her work is picked up by the major networks in the Federation or even elsewhere.
But maybe when she is older she can imagine herself as a news anchor though that does not have the excitement of roaming the galaxies. And she is an adrenaline junkie of sorts.
Hobbies & Interests Trying new activities, new recipes. She enjoys a good time, parties. Oh yeah...and men.
If flirting was a sport, she'd be a professional.
Religion/Guiding Philosophy Cynicism.

Personal History Born into a well to do, highly educated family, she was the only child of Dr. Arden Traite, PhD Microbiology and Marlys Traite, an artist painter with quite a following amongst the abstract expression crowd.

Even she admits she was pretty much spoiled rotten as her parents doted on their only offspring. Her teen years were very much rooted in wild rebellion against most authority but fortunately she was ambitious so she did well enough scholastically to enter a fine university. And that's where she discovered her calling. Journalism, with emphasis on investigative journalism. A roving independent correspondent.

She and another partner uncovered a major scandal regarding industrial espionage. That was what made her name at least known to the news networks.

Only two years ago she ran into some trouble with Star Fleet being unhappy with another investigation she was working on and was even arrested....twice...but in the end released without charges. While she still claims she was walled out, an admiral did step down mysteriously from his position under rumors of corruption.

Now the FNN has hired her to spend some extended time on a StarFleet vessel to produce news reports on what it is like to be on a starfleet ship. After all most citizens will never know personally so it is hoped this will be a well watched series.

She's excited and besides, she might even be able to dig up some dirt while doing so.
Service Record No service record in Star Fleet, she never had any desire to join. Oh, she had little doubt it would have been exciting but she was quite certain she would not have tolerated the discipline. Taking orders was and is not a strong suit of hers.