
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Mon Jun 3rd, 2024 @ 9:23am

Ensign Brooke Parker

Name Brooke Parker

Position Science Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 2"
Weight 101
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Brooke posses a petite but fit build with wavy blonde hair that flows gracefully just past her shoulders. Her expressive green eyes often radiate with curiosity and determination.


Father John Parker
Mother Laura Parker

Personality & Traits

Ambitions Brooke is driven by a profound curiosity about the universe. As a budding astrophysicist, she hopes to one day contribute to our understanding of the cosmos.
Hobbies & Interests Besides her academic pursuits, Brooke is a passionate pianist and enjoys reading historical novels. She also enjoys jogging and staying physically fit.

Personal History Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, on Earth, Brooke's passion for science was nurtured from a young age. Her parents, John Parker, a Police Lieutenant, and Laura Parker, an engineer, recognized her innate curiosity and encouraged her exploratory nature. They often took her on family outings to observatories and science museums, where Brooke's eyes would light up with wonder at the mysteries of the universe.

These formative experiences instilled in Brooke a profound love for the cosmos and a desire to explore the unknown. She spent countless hours stargazing and reading about astrophysics, her fascination growing with each passing day. Her parents' unwavering support and encouragement fueled her dreams of contributing to the scientific understanding of the universe.

As she graduated from the Academy and embarked on her Starfleet career, Brooke's journey led her to the USS Midway, a Constitution-class starship. Here, she encountered the challenges of working under the neurotic Lieutenant Karashka, whose demanding nature pushed Brooke to excel even further. But amid the pressures of her new posting, she found a kindred spirit in her fellow science officer, Toby, forging a friendship that provided her with the support and camaraderie she needed to thrive in the vastness of space.

Joining Starfleet had indeed been a natural progression for Brooke, given her zeal for discovery and learning. Her upbringing in the Pacific Northwest had laid the foundation for her adventurous spirit and her insatiable curiosity, which she now channeled into a career exploring the mysteries of the cosmos aboard the USS Midway.