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Missing Data

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 @ 2:54pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Commander Dimitri "Dima" Stoneking M.Eng. & Commander Lucy Heartfilia
Edited on on Thu Jan 19th, 2023 @ 10:57am

751 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Science Lab 1
Timeline: M1 MD07 (2268.22.05) 1300

Two hours had passed since the away team had returned from the Bridge of the Detroit. Commander Heartfilia and Ensign Dienstag were analyzing the data recovered in Science Lab 1. The Midway was stuck here for at least another hour until the Engineering team finished their assessment of the Detroit. The last thing the Captain wanted to do was to strand members of the crew on a hulk.

"There's an odd gap in both the log and the recordings," Toby commented as the dashboard describing the data flashed on the large display screen.

"Let me see" Lucy said as she moved over.

The dashboard showed an approximate three minute gap in the recordings, log and every other report from the Detroit's computer, as though someone had flicked a light switch.

"Either someone erased the files, or there was some sort of power failure," Toby theorized.

"Well, the ship was attacked. It would explain the loss of data" Lucy replied. "Maybe, we can reconstruct some using our computers. Try running those tapes through the analysis databanks"

"Of course Commander," Toby responded as he keyed in the sequence into the computer terminal. A perplexed look came across his face, "Definitely a systems wide power failure according to the logs still available. Mr. Novo reported the ship's dilithium crystals had shattered during the attack."

"What could cause dilithium crystals to crack?" Lucy pondered as she moved over to the computer terminal screen and slotted one of the data cards into the access port. "Ensign, is there any indication of damage to the ships nacelle? Could we be looking at some sort of power feedback through the conduits?"

"None," Toby responded as he continued to type incredibly fast across the keys, "It's as though their entire electrical grid was compromised.

Lucy pondered for a moment. "Ensign, do you suppose an Electro Magnetic Pulse could do this? Granted it would have to be very powerful to overload the systems on a Starship..."

The ensign nodded as his eyes widened, "Yes, exactly. It would exactly do something like that to a starship's power grid," he said as a hint of excitement entered his baritone of a voice, "It it would need to be programmed to the exact frequency of the ship's electrical grid."

Lucy froze for a moment. "Ensign, all Federation Starships use the same power frequencies... That means it was either a lucky guess, or they know more about our systems than we think they do." She quickly inserted one of the data cards from a storage wrack into one of the slots. Toggling a few switches she copied the data.

A few seconds later she pulled out the card. "I think we need to go have a word with our Chief Engineer. I could use a second opinion on these readings" she suggested.

"Agreed," Toby responded as he stood up from the computer console.

The two science officers arrived in Main Engineering several minutes later. Toby spotted Commander Stoneking across the bay and pointed towards him.

"Commander." Lucy called as she approached the engineer. "Got a minute?"

Without turning around to see who was speaking he replied, "how many times do I have to remind you guys, just call me Chief?" He turned, having finished what he was doing and saw who had addressed him. "Oh, XO, sorry." He had thought it was a member of his engineering team. "What can I do for you?"

Lucy held out the data card. "I need you to take a look at these readings... Chief." The blonde walked over towards him and held out the datacard. "We believe that the Detroit might have been hit by an Electro Magnetic Pulse, one tuned precisely to the ships energy signature..."

She paused for a moment. "I would appreciate your opinion on the theory."

Dima took the datacard and slotted it into a viewer and began sifting through the information held on it. "There was definitely an EMP at work here, which brings several questions to my mind." He said, removing the card and spinning it in his fingers absently. "How did they tune their weapon's settings to the specific frequency of Starfleet power systems first and foremost?"

"That's what we can't work out" Lucy replied simply. "Either it was a lucky guess, or they knew exactly where to hit, and what to hit." She paused for a few moments as she thought it over. "Is there a way to change our power signature to defend against this?"

"The simple answer is yes, the complicated answer is maybe." Dima replied. "Yes I can do it, but without knowing what delivered the pulse, how strong it was and so on it'll take me more time to nail down and I may not have enough time to get it before we need it."

"I hope you're not saying the best way is to have them attack us and then record the results... Sir," Toby chimed in but them remembered himself.

Dima shrugged. "Well actually, that would be effective... but no, I would prefer not to have to rebuild the engines so soon. I'm saying it will take time, how much time depends on how many fires I have to tend so-to-speak."

"Do what you can Commander. At the very least protect our Dilithium Crystals," Lucy ordered.

"If that's possible, Commander," Toby stated.

"First thing I should do is build some EM shielding around our spare crystals, just in case. Anything capable of taking out the mains would also take out the backups... I'll do what I can XO. Permission to requisition additional personnel as necessary?" Dima asked, not only was he short handed with close to half his team on the Detroit he may need specialized assistance.

"Use as many people as you need," Lucy replied. "Make this a top priority, the last thing anyone wants is to be stuck out here in space like a sitting duck."

Dima nodded in agreement. "Hundred percent." Then, he turned to one of the other engineers in the bay. "Gather the nerds, I'll call in the other shifts, team meeting in ten."

He turned back to the XO and Ensign. I'll get started on this immediately, so unless you want to lend a hand I'll keep you updated."


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