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Tight Squeeze Part III

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 @ 5:25pm by Lieutenant Shinobu Miyake & Lieutenant Thraxina & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:34am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Holding Cell, USS Midway
Timeline: M1 MD03 (2268.17.05) 1430

"It's very important to keep fit when in captivity!" the red-leotarded Thraxina was explaining to her fellow inmate as she executed a series of stretching exercises within the confined space of the spartan cell. The front of the cell looked completely open to the corridor, but a pair of lights, either side of the opening, showed that any attempt to leave would be met with a firm and painful forcefield.

"I prefer not to be in captivity at all, thank you for that brawl," Avis grumped as she simply sat against the wall.

Thraxina had tried chatting to the guard who stood outside, but he had remained immobile and silent. However, as she finished her exercise regime with an impressive demonstration of the splits, she noticed the man visibly stiffen and stand up straighter, and Thraxina scrambled to her feet, saying to Avis "Oooh, looks like brass is coming!"

Avis jumped up and snapped to attention.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Lieutenant Miyake demanded, her voice sounding not too pleased about the fact she had been called down here. "I get a summon that two crewmen got into a physical altercation and had to be forcibly separated by my security team ? The two of you better have a damn good reason why this incident shouldn't be noted on your public record!"

"Sorry you were disturbed, sir. But we were not in a fight, we were simply ...scrimmaging....rather vigorously so it no doubt looked to others like we were serious. Which - of course we were not. Also I disagree with whoever stated we had to be forcibly separated," Avis wanted to get her version in first and hopefully the other woman would be smart enough to back it all up.

Thraxina chimed in, too. "That's right, it wasn't a real fight. If it had been, I'd probably be in sick bay or the mortuary right now - this girl's pretty tough!" she nodded vigorously, pointing at the smaller girl with the Rommie hairdo beside her, behind the forcefield.

"And... and, well, if anyone's going to be punished for things getting out of hand it's me, I started it." she added.

Avis snapped, "And by started it, she only asked if we wanted to spar, not actually picked a fight."

Lieutenant Miyake blinked in surprise. "As in wrestling?"

"Oh, you name it! The lot. We were wrestling and whacking each other with those stick things and throwing each other around..." she turned to Avis "... I thought you were going to thump me in the face at one point: you definitely had an opening!" She seemed sort of proud of her scrappy little sparing partner.

"We should try proper boxing sometime!" she suggested.

"We could do that only we might have to make it quite clear to any others present we would not be fighting in anger but simply competing," Avis agreed but with a stipulation.

Then she addressed her department superior, "I am sorry you had to be dragged into this, it was certainly not our intention, sir."

"And we promise never to do it again!" added Thraxina, sounding more like a naughty schoolgirl who had been caught sneaking out of the dorm for a midnight snack than a Starfleet officer.

Lieutenant Miyake pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "I got dragged down here for a misunderstanding?" she grumbled, before shifting her attention to the brig officer standing watch.

"Let them go," she sighed. "It appears this was all blown way out of proportion."

Nodding, the Brig Officer moved over to a nearby control panel and lowered the force fields to Avis and Thraxina's respective holding cells.

"I'm letting you two off with a warning this time," Lieutenant Miyake explained. "It's perfectly fine to be competitive and all that, but just try and keep things in moderation next time? Lest another misunderstanding arise, that is."

"Yes sir! Thank you, sir," Avis both nodded and saluted emphatically then spun about and marched out, glad it was over.

"Me too!" nodded Thraxina, throwing the Andaran salute, as was her right. "Oooh, and maybe when we have our boxing match, you would honor us by being our referee, Ma'am, so there are no more misunderstandings?" It would be nice for the little Japanese woman to be in a social situation, pondered the social butterfly Thraxina, she looked like she didn't get out much.

Lieutenant Miyake watched the two of them leave before turning her attention back to the brig officer. "Lieutenant, you wouldn't have happened to have gotten the name of the officer who reported these two?"

"I believe it was one Lieutenant JG Simon Osborne, Ma'am," the brig officer informed her. "He works in Operations, if I'm not mistaken."

"Send him up to my office," Lieutenant Miyake ordered. "If he's going to waste my time like this, then I ought to be wasting his..."


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