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Bringing Down The House: Part 1

Posted on Tue Dec 19th, 2023 @ 1:41am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Carter Page & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Ensign Erahlik Ezazzan

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Mission: Mission 5: The Price of Paradise
Location: Deck 5: Dr. Amato's Quarters
Timeline: M5 MD06 (2268.07.29) 1830
Tags: 2268, Character Development

The odd duo of the young, beanpole of a human Ensign and the big hulking Gorn drew looks from several officers as they rounded the corridors of Deck 5. Carter looked over at the vexing, emotionless face of the reptile. He still had no way of reading Erahlik's emotions. "I told ya, everything will be fine," he reassured the Gorn as they neared their destination, "Toby and Mike are cool."

Erahlik had agreed to this "meet & greet" on the grounds that Carter could promise that no one would run from him scared, or that he'd cause problems. It was enough to have gone into his shared quarters and discussed matters with his mate about how events were playing out. How the Gorn were being viewed with a sense of scorn across media and how Father was now being careful of exposing too much of the Clan to the public. It had gotten so bad that even Mother had suggested that Erahlik in Starfleet might pose a risk to Clan safety.

Yet Sreed, his ever-faithful mate, had calmed his mind. She had suggested he reach out. Try new avenues of approach. Bring honor to the Clan by not sheltering self. Bring honor to her by trying. He had been obligated from that very moment to do as she asked and he abided. Contacting Carter on a personal level, something he despised vehemently, had been bile-inducing. For the sake of Sreed and their love, however, he persisted.

And here he was.

He rounded the corner with Ensign Page and expressed no emotion, careful not to display too much affection or appreciation for fear he'd be misunderstood.

"If you insist," Erahlik replied, not in the very least convinced and still somewhat irked by his mates obligations. "I will endure this public display in hopes of something positive."

"I wouldn't call it public, just a casual gathering among friends," Carter responded, "Besides, the more the crew sees you and interacts with you the easier a time you'll have." He wasn't sure if this was going to work, but Toby and Mike were pretty open minded about things.

"I do not have any friends," the Gorn said, then chided himself mentally. "Save ... perhaps one or two," he offered, side-glancing at Carter briefly for emphasis. The he sighed.

"I agree, your reasoning is sound," Erahlik conceded. Carter was right, the more the crew saw him as one of them, as one of their Clan, the readily he could accept them as his. He would have to acclimate, to participate, to bring honor to his methods and Clan Ezazzan. That included even small things such as presentation of self.

Another corridor further and he faced the entrance to Dr. Amato's quarters. Involuntarily, he stopped.

"In here?" he asked, his voice somewhat unnerved.

"Yes," Carter responded as he pressed the buzzer.

The door opened and the hallway was flooded with the sound of light Latin music and the aroma of hors d'oeuvres. They were greeted by Dr. Amato who was dressed in a short sleeved plaid shirt and black pants. He smiled, his green eyes examining the pair, "Welcome gentlemen," he said, before ushering them inside, "I'm glad you could make it Ensign... Forgive me, you will have to help me with the pronunciation."

"Erah-Lick," the Gorn offered carefully, giving a nod and hiding an instant disgust for the scent. His tongue involuntarily slipped out, similar to a serpents, and almost instantly retreated. "It is ... a pleasure to meet you as well," he greeted in return and upon being ushered in followed Carter inside, careful of his tail.

"Of course," Mike responded as he followed them inside.

Toby was sitting on the small sofa, wearing a striped sweater, blue pants and black boots. "Hey Carter, I see you brought your friend," he said, standing up.

"It took some coaxing, but yeah," Carter responded as he looked over at the massive reptile standing next to him. He had of course clued Mike and Toby into his intention. Otherwise there may have been quite a bit more shock.

They were acting ... casual? Erahlik observed both Toby and Mike, taking in their figures and outfits. Everything about this situation was casual. Suddenly, the Gorn felt out of place. Having worn his uniform, crisp and clean, and being around two individuals who were more informal and relaxed. He realized he was feeling a range of discomforts here, some of which stemmed from his desire not to initiate personal contact or conversations.

Yet his mind also registered the requirement for him to honor his Clan and his mate. His mate, and by extension his Clan, had requested of him to teach others the goodness of their kind. To associate, to mingle, to initiate friendly discourse. It was deeply imperative that Starfleet - or at least the Officers and Crew he associated with - had a mental visage of Erahlik as someone they could associate with and not fear. By extension and by result, this would slowly open up the picture that not all Gorn were evil. It would ensure that future generations of Clan Ezazzan and other Clans who parted from the old, brutal ways would have a secure future in the Federation free from discrimination.


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