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Meeting the New Damage Control Specialist

Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 9:20pm by Lieutenant Commander Darrod Hanous & Ensign Erahlik Ezazzan

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: USS Midway; Deck 16 - Engineering
Timeline: M4 MD02 (2268.07.11) 1600
Tags: 2268, Character Introduction


Ensign Ezazzan exited his shared quarters on deck 17. It wasn't the most preferred setup, but until a senior officer assigned him an actual Junior Officers suite, it was the best he was getting. He had arrived via shuttle one night ago and had time to settle in. The crew there were understandably discomforted by his presence, being somewhat taller and intimidating, but otherwise treated him with the professionalism he desired. An attempt was made by one wayward Recruit to ascertain his personal information. Erahlik was quick to deny the request, and prevent further intrusions.

After sleep and hygienic requirements had been completed, Erahlik had set up an appointment with the ships Chief Engineering Officer the following morning so he could better understand the protocols and positions of his arrival. Despite being in Damage Control, his skills would clearly need to be utilized elsewhere when the ship wasn't in battle. He the read up on the Chief Engineer.

Lieutenant Darrod Hanous was an Orion from a family who had denounced the Cartel. He had spent his life in the Federation, for the most part, and had a public record with some minor marks. Altercations were normal for the humanoid species of the Federation, apparently, but otherwise he went on to serve on four Starships including the Midway. He was clearly qualified and most definitely someone to look up to.

As he rounded a corridor and headed to the turbolift, he exited on Deck 16 and made his way to Engineering. Despite the awkward glances and whatever else anyone gave his way, Earhlik stood at attention as he presented himself before the Chief Engineer. Earhlik wore the standard uniform for the time of the Engineering Department; red with the Starfleet insignia. He had equipped his tricorder and a ready-bag with engineering tools.

"Ensign Earhlik Ezazzan, reporting for duty, sir," announced the Gorn.

Darrod was looking over the profile for his new Damage Control Specialist, who would end up working alongside Ensign Page. He had a little knowledge of the Hegemony, but not nearly enough to be conversant with specific clans or lineages. A few of the crew looked at Earhlik as he walked in; but none of the looks were anything that Darrod took to be any more awkward than the introduction of a new man to their department of castaways. He nodded upward toward the reptilian man. "At ease, Ensign."

He extended a hand to shake with the new specialist. It was probably the strangest sight anyone ever had in a Starfleet ship; an Orion and a Gorn both wearing Starfleet engineering uniforms. "Saw you came up from freighter service, glad to see it. To lay it on the line, I make damage control a top priority; I'm not one of those engineers who thinks our job begins and ends with the warp core; and I expect my team to act accordingly. You and Page will be leading your own teams; it's not a competition, just a matter of keeping us ship-shape. If you need anything, you comm me or Solwick immediately."

Erahlik observed the mannerisms of his compatriots around him and closely observed those of the Orion, his superior officer. He liked what he saw. Confidence bristled out of each motion. It was sure, trained, and hardened. He was truly a leader, someone to look up to. The statement he gave the Gorn bolstered this initial assessment.

He had forgotten about the second Damage Control Specialist on board. Ensign Carter Page didn't really have a file to share. He was a relative unknown to the database, but otherwise had some good comments and commendations previously that led him to where he was at. The Gorn had somehow, for some reason, not thought it relevant to look further than that. He quietly chastized himself mentally. He would need to professionally introduce himself soon.

When prompted, Erahlik went at-ease and shook the offered hand. His scaled, clawed hand met that of the smooth-skinned Orions. The texture of his palms was much like his underbelly; smooth, almost crocodilian in texture and feel. His hide had a similar appearance; protected, rugged, and naturally defensive. His handshake was very visibly and consciously restrictive, the Gorn understanding his strengths in comparison to other humanoid lifeforms and taking an awareness of safety to it. The shake was swift and professional, with both palms leaving the greeting unscathed but not without a hint of the equal strengths.

"Yes, sir," replied Erahlik to his superiors words and expectations. He ventured to continue briefly. "I started on a freighter at ten, sir, and I too take repairs very seriously. Those ships were our home, property of the Clan, and our family depended on it. I realize this ship is your Clan and home as well. I will take care of your Clan as my own, sir, you have my word of honor. I won't let you down."

There, he said it! He was proud of himself. He laid it all down on the line. Hell or high water, this ship was his Clan and home now, and he'd defend and maintain her just as similar as he had to the Teeleus. This was exactly what his father expected, Erahlik knew. And he had confidently done it. He stood there, proudly, though not expressing such pride openly, awaiting the reply.

The Clan - that was a term they could both share; something the Hegemony and the Cartel had in common. Hopefully when Erahlik said it, it wasn't with the same venom that might have come from Darrod's history. He had a good handshake too, and a good knowledge of his strength - always useful in an engineer around delicate parts. The man was proud of his heritage, which was good, and so far he seemed to be a damn good Starfleet officer, which was even better. "I'm glad to hear it, Ezazzan. She's a good ship, so long as we treat her like a lady. Ten's about when I ended up going beyond tinkering myself, so I understand where you're coming from. "

"Thank you sir," Ensign Ezazzan replied. He noted the ... something there, behind the eye. A glint of something. Was that pain? He was too young to comprehend it possibly. The word "Clan" had prompted it. Then again the renewed expression on the Orions face at being pleased refreshed and washed away any assumption of pain. "I worked hard to get where I am, I admit I am not the best, but I will give my all to accomplish that goal."

A moment to ponder, then he cleared his throat. "Do you have any questions for me, sir? I saw the days assignment list of repairs across the ship for me. I'll be starting with Data Relay 1150 on Deck 17. If there's nothing else, I can get started on that, sir."

It wasn't an eager request to escape, but a request to get to work. The Gorn wanted to prove himself. He wanted to work. It showed in his eyes.

Darrod looked at him and nodded when he admitted his faults. "You don't have to be the best. Just do the best job you can. Trust your team, they're all good people." The man wanted to get to work immediately - he was an engineer to the bone, and it showed. That was usually a positive, but sometimes it needed tempering. Right now, he decided to split the difference. Let him work, but make sure he understood that he needed to follow protocol. "Sounds like a plan to me. Collect your team, make sure that Security knows that section is under repair. Report when it's done."

"Aye, sir," replied the Gorn. He briefly looked at his PADD. A nervousness shown through him. He was assigned to two crewmen. Johnson and Philips, both Engineers. Since he was in charge maybe he could split the difference of work, end up working alone. For a time at least.

"Thank you, sir," Erahlik said, genuinely. He then proceeded off to start his daily tasks.


Lieutenant Darrod Hanous
Chief Engineer
USS Midway


Ensign Erahlik Ezazzan
Damage Control Specialist
USS Midway


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