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Posted on Sun Dec 10th, 2023 @ 11:12pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Commander Lucy Heartfilia

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 1: Bridge
Timeline: M4 MD03 (2268.07.12) 1930

The Midway had skated through her first encounter with the Defiant relatively unscathed. If anything they knew what they were up against. Things were rather tense on the bridge and still under Red Alert conditions.

The doors of the turbolift opened and Ensign Dienstag stepped out onto the bridge, wedge clipboard in hand. He headed towards the science console. His blonde hair flapped slightly as one of the yeoman whizzed by him, nearly knocking him into the console.

"Commander, here are the calculations you wanted involving the transporter and sensor synchronization," the young man said as he waited for her to acknowledge him.

Lucy turned to the young man and took the clipboard from him. "Nice work on this" she replied with a smile. "Tell me Ensign, do you think you'd like more bridge time?"

The young man blinked and then responded, "Thank you Commander," he said, "And yes... I actually wanted to speak with you about that, but there never seems to be a good time."

The First Officer smiled. "Yeah, it seems we're always busy doesn't it." She replied. She stepped to the side of the science console. "Ok, convince me."

"Ok, ah..." Toby stuttered a little bit being put on the spot, "During our first mission, during the hostage situation I filled the science station on the bridge. I was also involved in those away teams. Additionally I've put in nightshifts on the bridge, but since our last mission I've been assigned to days to man science lab 1... " he stopped, not sure if he should continue this elaboration, but he took a deep breath and continued, "Although I've enjoyed the extra lab time... Being under toe our Lt. Karashka has been a tad demeaning," he finished.

"I see..." Lucy said in response. "What can you bring to the bridge Ensign?" she asked.

"Quick analytical response, expert in computer linguistics and a mind like a steel trap Commander," Toby responded with his rehearsed elevator pitch and a big smile.

Lucy pondered on what Toby had said for a brief moment. "All good in theory," she told him. She held a hand out towards the Science Station. "Prove it for me. Show me what you can do here. You never know when you might be needed to do something."

"Ok," Toby responded as he set the clipboard down onto the console. He took the controls and began to key in the calculations, programming them into the computer by memory. He only looked at the clipboard once to verify the calculations and required settings. "How's that?" He asked, relinquishing the station back to the Commander.

"Not bad Ensign," Lucy replied, a stoic expression on her face. "You seem to have a good understanding on the basic principals of the science station." She said as she leant on the red handrail that circled the center of the bridge. "Put the console into training simulation mode." She said simply.

Toby was surprised the Commander wanted to do a test like this now given the ship's circumstances but he nodded and did as he was instructed, "In training mode, Commander," he said.

"Ok then," Lucy said as she slipped down into the seat on the adjacent console. "I'm sending you some sensor readings. Analyse," she instructed him.

"Ok," Toby responded slightly nervous as the data fed into the viewer. "Astroid bearing 111 mark 14... 5% nickel, 10% copper with 85% iron ore... Basically a rock in space... However, on its surface appears to be a wrecked spacecraft..." He adjusted the viewer using the dials on the side, "No atmosphere and all powerplants dead," he concluded.

"Lifesigns?" Lucy asked simply.

Toby continued to look through the scope and sighed, "None that I can see Commander," he concluded.

Lucy nodded as she confirmed the readings. "Hypothesise on what happened." She stated.

"Based upon the burn marks on the hull, I would say some form of disruptor," Toby responded, "Used by multiple entities from the Orions to the Klingons."

"Disruptor fire huh..." Lucy said. She wasn't going to lead him on, she wanted to see what he could determine from the wreckage.

"Engines obliterated," the young man commented. It took all he had to remain calm as the commander was quite intimidating. He looked through the scope once more and then turned to the computer interface. "Aligns with the tactics of several piracy groups, although given the region of space, the Orions are the most likely culprit," he concluded, wondering what she was looking for.

'Time to throw him a bone.' Lucy thought. "Timeframe?"

"Ah, at least 2 solar days given the degradation of the wreck and...," Toby responded, "since I am not picking up any warp signatures."

"Suggestions on what we should do then?" Lucy asked.

Toby's eyes widened and he let out an exhale, "Ah..." He thought for a moment, "According to the Star Chart there is a trade route nearby with a neutral trading outpost three systems away, it is possible whomever attacked this ship and stole its cargo may go there to unload the stolen goods."

Lucy nodded. "Good, so, what should we do with the wreck?" She asked. She was hoping that he would pick up on the slight magnetic field that the asteroid was creating which may scramble or block sensors.

"Well there are two options, stay and investigate via an EV mission considering the sensors cannot be certain of anything given the magnetics field being emitted from the asteroid. The other option is to check along the trade route for the pirates... The longer we wait the further away they will get from us. Frankly I think going after them is the smartest move." He thought it was interesting that this situation almost mirrored the same as their first mission, "We were fairly successful in our first mission taking this course of action," he commented.

"I see..." Lucy replied. She wasn't giving anything else away. "So, your suggestion is to track the pirate vessel?"

Toby hesitated for a moment then looked up at Lucy," Yes Commander," he said.

"Go ahead. Track them then." Lucy replied.

"Aye aye, Commander," Toby responded before returning to the viewer. "The pirates' flight path has been sent to navigation. Navigation confirms and intercept course has been plotted." He looked up, "I guess now we wait," he said.

"Now its upto the Captain to make the next decision. However, he would benefit from your recommendations..." Lucy replied with a smile.

"My recommendation? Ah, my recommendation is to alert the nearest outposts to be on high alert, alert command base and proceed at yellow alert," Toby responded, trying to sound as sure and determined as possible. He shot a look at the empty command chair.

"Not bad," Lucy said. "I would recommend the same. Well done, you pass." Lucy told him with a smile. "I am clearing you for bridge duty ensign. Congratulations. You may now take the console out of training mode."

The young man smiled, "Thank you commander," he responded as he complied. He didn't want to remind the Commander he had manned the console during their first mission when she and several others were taken by the Orions. "I must say, that was a tough exam," he commented with a sigh of relief.

"That's the idea." Lucy replied giving him a slight smile. "After all, a science officer is always needed on the bridge. I will put you forward now in the duty roster." She told him.

"Thank you for the opportunity Commander," Toby responded, grinning ear to ear as she handed the clipboard back to him.


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