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A Completely Different Type of Engineer

Posted on Tue Jul 18th, 2023 @ 10:21am by Captain Tristan Faust & Ensign Peter Novak & Lieutenant Commander Darrod Hanous

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 7: Transporter Room #1
Timeline: M4 MD01 (2268.07.10) 1400

The Captain looked down at his wrist to read his antique wristwatch, which read 2pm or 1400. The Midway was set to depart dock at 1900, just after dinner.

"How are you holding up Peter?" Tristan asked, looking up at the young burly security officer standing behind him.

"It's rough, but I'm taking it day by day. Thank you for asking sir," Peter responded with his usual serious expression.

The Captain nodded. Peter's girlfriend, Cadet Avis Larant was just commissioned an ensign and reassigned to a different ship, pretty much ending their relationship. He felt for him, Peter was a 6' 3" broad shouldered bouncer of an officer but possessed a calm, easy-going demeanor and had fallen head over heels for Avis.

"They're signalling ready Captain," the transporter chief said from behind the console.

"Energize chief," Tristan responded.

Darrod had a small duffel bag with him which contained a few personal possessions. He was accustomed to traveling light, after all. Between what he'd dealt with growing up and his Starfleet history of transfers at the end of starship missions made him decide it was just simpler to bring very little with him. A spare uniform, an overall, and some small personal effects - a picture of his parents and another of his sister chief amongst them. He'd been transferred off the Joyeuse to the Midway a few weeks before at Starbase Five, then he'd been put onto a small frigate for transport after a brief shore leave. They'd made good time and now was the time for the rendezvous,

Dar looked at the frigate's captain and said his polite goodbye. Then a moment later, he felt the ever-common tingle of the transporter as the confinement beam caught him. Mere moments later, he'd appeared from what looked like a cloud of glitter, the green of his skin standing out very strongly against the red of his uniform shirt. He looked around and nodded - so far, Midway looked like any other Constitution-class starship, which was good. Based on his quick glance at the braids on the wrist of the man in front of him, that would be Captain Faust. Everyone in cruiser service knew the list of Constitution captains - there were few enough, after all, and all of them had strong personalities.

Remaining on the transport pad, Dar smiled at Tristan. His tone was professional, without being overly stiff or stuffy. "Captain Faust, sir. Lieutenant Darrod Hanous reporting for duty. Permission to come aboard, sir?" He reached into his bag and pulled out the transfer order, stepping to the edge of the transporter and passed it over, still smiling.

"Of course, welcome aboard," the Captain responded with a smile as he took the copy of the lieutenant's orders, "Glad we were able to find a chief engineer so quickly."

With the "official" business out of the way, the Engineer walked down from the transport pad, toward the Captain and the transport operator, giving the Ensign a quick nod of appreciation before turning to face the Captain directly. It was always good to leave a positive first impression on your subordinates when you came aboard a new ship, after all. "So am I, sir. Mustering office didn't even know you were looking for an Engineer when the Joyeuse was concluding her mission; if they had, I'd have been here even sooner. I'm glad to join a ship in her first mission year, finally. Are there any mechanical quirks or shipboard policies I should know about, Captain?"

It was obvious that Dar had heard a little bit about the rushed early launch. It wouldn't be right to mention Fleet wide scuttlebutt right in their first meeting, though.

"There are some yes," Tristan responded, "Mr. Knowles and some of the other engineering staff would know better although Mr. Knowles is transferring to the vacant Chief Helmsman role. Your staff would know the specifics." He looked over at Peter, "Mr. Novak is one of our security officers and will show you to your quarters and take your baggage if you like... Afterwards we can meet for a chat about shipboard specifics, unless you care to do that now?

Dar nodded at Peter as well, but shrugged at the offer of carrying his bag. "I can handle my bag; this is all I've got." He traveled light, the side effect of being accustomed to having nothing at all. "All things being equal, Captain, I think a meeting later would be better - at your convenience, sir."

The Captain nodded, "I will leave you too it the ," he said, "Again welcome aboard. Just stop by my cabin once you are settled in. I will be finishing my administrative to do list so we can launch on time."

Dar nodded, and gestured for Novak to lead the way. "Of course. I'll speak to you shortly, sir. Glad to meet you."


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