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Double Booked

Posted on Mon Jul 31st, 2023 @ 8:30am by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 5
Timeline: M4 MD01 (2268.07.10) 0820

The ship's chronometer beeped 0820, and the morning senior staff briefing had just let out. This morning the briefing had been just that as he was due to meet with the Commodore in 30 minutes. He was about to head down to the messhall to pick up something quick when Lt. Knowles stopped him.

Marcel was nursing a warm beverage when he saw the Captain approaching, and he had been meaning to get some time with the Captain. "Oh!" exclaimed the lieutenant. "Captain, do you have moment or two? I wanted to talk to you about something. "

"Unfortunately that's all I have," the Captain lamented, "Walk with me. I am heading to a meeting with Commodore Anderson to hopefully solve some of our remaining staffing problems."

Walk with him? Marcel nearly fainted at that recommendation. Only the important personnel got to be an entourage for the Captain. At least that was how Marcel saw it. "It's the staffing problems that I wanted to talk about, Captain" he replied, his feet carrying him alongside the Midway's Commanding Officer. You hot this he encouraged himself. It was a bit intimidating to be at Faust's side. "Respectfully Sir, everyone is going to flock to applying for a posting aboard a Constitution class."

He knew the Constitution class meant a lot. "We don't have time to shop around, and you can't afford trying out a Chief Engineer or Chief Helmsman of the week" Marcel noted. "I like being on the bridge, Captain, and I'm familiar with the ship."

"Are you asking to take the Chief Helmsman spot?" Tristan asked as they neared the turbolift. He was hoping the lieutenant would be direct and ask. Being direct was what he expected out of his senior officers. He liked Marcel but still, he was relatively unproven.

Marcel stepped into the lift with the Captain and wrapped his hand around the shaft of the lever. "Where to, Captain?" he asked uncertain of the destination the Commanding Officer needed to go to meet the Commodore. "I'm not asking to take the Chief Helmsman spot, Sir. Respectfully, I'm telling you to expect me there starting next shift rotation. You can decide whether or not you want to keep me there or not."

"Deck 13," the Captain responded and then nodded, "Sounds like a plan to me lieutenant. Do you have any experience in helm or general pilotry?"

"Deck 13" he said and twisted the lever. "As a relief bridge officer, Captain. I have always tried to ensure that I could be helpful in a pinch. Right now, I feel I could be of more use to you as helmsman than environmental control officer."

The Captain nodded before shooting Marcel a glance, "I would prefer someone who is familiar with the ship to take the helm," he said, "It and navigation are two most pressing positions we need filled before we leave dock. I am hoping the Commodore will have some candidates for navigation... Thank you for taking helm off the list...

Marcel smiled. "I'm happy to help, Captain. It was either go for helm or pursue Engineering, but truth be told, I am more comfortable on the bridge than down in engineering" confessed Marcel. "This will be a good opportunity for me, especially if I want to work towards climbing up in rank."

"The bridge is always the best spot if you're focused on moving up," the Captain agreed. He was trying his best to focus on the conversation at hand and not his meeting with the Commodore but it was tough, "It's the easiest spot to get noticed and the CONN is best spot to be."

"And I get to see more of you" teased Marcel with a small chuckle. "Well, more like you get to stare at the back of my head, but hopefully it means more landing party time for me and the opportunity to inch my way closer and closer up the chain of command." Marcel knew he was years off from being Captain of his own starship, but this was the step on that path.

The Captain cocked an eyebrow at the first comment but shrugged it off. "Potentially more landing party experience, but more likely making sure the ship is still here upon our return," he responded, "Anyway I'm glad someone spoke up in regards to the position... Keeps me from having to read service records and browsing the pending pool."

"I'll prove my worth as a helmsman up here, Captain, but I will endeavor to show that I am worth adding to landing parties" Marcel replied. "I am glad that I'm able to keep you from having to read through those. I won't keep you any longer, Sir. I know you are on your way to a meeting" he added.

The turbolift doors opened, "Of course lieutenant, thank you for stepping forward," Tristan responded. He gave him a brief smile before heading down the corridor. That was one weight lifted off his shoulders, but there was still too much to do and no time to do it in.


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