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House Call

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2023 @ 10:55pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles

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Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 5: Dr. Amato's Quarters
Timeline: M4 MD02 (2268.07.11) 1500

Lieutensnt Marcel Knowles had tried to have the conversation with Mike in sickbay, to confess to kissing Toby and to ideally clear the air. Doctor Amato though did not seem to want to do anything but answer few questions and avoid the uncomfortable bits. Marcel had even offered to take the inoculation right in the rump, but Mikey went for the typical neck jab. He had asked the physician when his shift ended, and proceeded to the Doctor's quarters a few minutes past.

He was hoping Doctor Amato was in. Though what he was hoping or anticipating was not guaranteed. The stars did have a way of toying with him in a trolling manner as of late. He stood there outside the door waiting for a response.

Mike was lying on his bunk. His boots were thrown in the corner by the dressing with his blue Starfleet scrub top sitting ontop of the boots in a similar haphazard fashion. He was dredding the next conversation. He stood up and grapped the nearest shirt he could find, an American flag patterned t tank top, "Come in," he said with mild distain. He put the tank top on over his bare torso as the door opened.

"Don't mind if I do," replied Marcel walking in and catching the tank top just falling over the last inch or two of bare torso. "You didn't need to get dressed on my accord" Marcel said blushing slightly. The Doctor did look attractive, he couldn't deny that nor would he attempt to. "I know I'm probably the last person aboard you want to see right now. I can't blame you. You barely know me, I've befriended your boyfriend, and I kissed him. That's pretty low" he summarized.

He looked at Mike and tried not to perspirate too much. "We aren't starring off on the footing I wanted for us, you and I. I was hoping you'd be a little more talkative away from the public ears and eyes?"

The doctor sighed, "I suppose we could talk it through," he said before gesturing towards the small seating area of his quarters. Mike was not a senior officer, but the doctors were always treated better than most junior officers, his quarters were a tad larger than what was typical. "And I can take it back off if you like?" he teased with a smirk on his handsome face.

"The problem is I would like" Marcel confessed. "Which is bothersome. You look like an Adnois and Toby has the most ridiculous brain" stated the engineer. "I don't want to hurt Toby, but I also don't want to hurt you either, Mike. I didn't kiss him with the intent of hurting anyone."

"Adonis is a stretch, but I'll take the compliment," Mike responded as he sat down, "What's the old saying, there are fish in the sea? Or maybe it's never rub another man's rhubarb?"

Marcel bit his cheek. "I'm pretty sure the latter is actually preferred in some societies" the lieutenant commented. "There are plenty of fish in the sea, but I'm not interested in all the fish. Though there are two fish I'd love to pull onto a transporter pad and experiment with because if I could take merge the two into one, that's a hell of a catch."

"I'm not sure if that's how the transporter works," Mike responded. He wasn't sure how to exactly handle this. Sure people had made passes at him before and some at Toby but this was different. "Look, both of us are spoken for," he said, "There's no ring on the finger but there may be some day..."

"I miss Denobula" he said simply. "And you are correct. That's not how they work, usually" added Marcel. Many terms the engineer did not like. Hypotheticals, possibilities, and in Sickbay an avoidance of Mike saying he loved Toby. "Some day" echoed Marcel.

"Well, this clearly isn't Denobula, or Andorian for that matter," he responded. He stood up, "I need a drink. Would you like one?" He asked. He wasn't sure how he could be considered beautiful while his hair was a mess and the bags under his green eyes had only gotten worse over the last few months. He needed a shower on top of everything else.

Marcel groaned. "If it were, this wouldn't be so complicated. The Denobulans have a beautiful and open culture" he noted. "Yes, please. Whatever you have. I'm off duty and not due back for a while, I just pulled a double."

"Well, I assume on Denobula they still require consent to a relationship, even an open one," Mike responded as he pulled out a bottle of Grey Goose vodka from one of the small cabinets. "I don't remember signing up for anything," he concluded.

"Jeez," Marcel said with a wincing. "I'm infatuated and dumb, Mikey. I'm not a monster" the young engineer from Mars stated. "I got caught up in a wave of frustration and emotions when I kissed Toby. It wasn't like I would do anything if he pushed me away. In fact, I pulled myself away and rather quickly. Consent is important to me."

"That I don't doubt," Mike responded as he poured the drinks, after retrieving the mixers from the synthesizer. "I meant consenting to a polygamous relationship," he clarified, "That's not what I want and I don't think that's what Toby wants either."

"Linguistically speaking, it would be polyamorous rather that polygamous given no marriages have taken place" Marcel clarified. He looked at Mike as if to apologize for being a dork. "Not that it matters. In some ways, I wish I were an a-hole, but I don't have it in me to break a relationship up for my own happiness. You want Toby. Toby wants you. That's what matters." Marcel would gladly take a whole damn bottle of vodka. He'd settle for the glass.

"I say either, you say either..." Mike responded, dismissing the correction as he brought over the two drinks. They were a mix of red and orange, "It's a Madras cocktail," he said as he sat down the fruity beverages. "And it would take a lot more than that to break us up," he commented, "If anything you've made me realize how strong our relationship is... Maybe you can go knocking on Carter Page's door. He's also had his sights on Toby "

"Just say the word and whamo bamo, another red shirt casualty" Marcel teased. "I'm glad I could uh strengthen your relationship with my stupidity. I'll try not to do it again," Marcel stated and drank the Madras cocktail. "But you keep wearing tank tops with disheveled hair and I'm going to be stupid more often."

"Heh, this is just my normal post duty disheveled look," Mike responded before a took an long drink."Maybe you'll like Carter when you get to know him, he's as much of a know it all as Toby, but he is in your department," he added.

"I prefer blue shirts," Marcel teased. "Far Sexier. More my speed, but thanks for trying to throw some man steak at me. I appreciate you trying to distract me, but I'm a one track mind kind of guy." Marcel finished the glass. "I'll do what I can to back off."

"Heh, I suppose," Mike responded, "Although when Toby and I met we were both wearing mylar." He nodded, "I hope we won't have any more problems," he responded.

"We won't" Marcel confirmed, setting the glass aside. He took in one last look at Doctor Amato. The good ones are always taken he pined. "Thanks, Mikey."

Mike slightly grimaced and then set his glasses back down, "You're welcome and good luck," he added.

"Keep him close, safe, and loved," Marcel replied with a nod as he headed towards to doorway. "I'll be seeing you, Doc."

The doctor raised his glass in a toast as the doors closed behind Marcel. He would be keeping an eye out from now on...


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