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Straight Up With A Side of Klingon Poison

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2023 @ 9:53pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D. & Lieutenant Laviana zh'Nolon MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2023 @ 7:55pm

727 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M4 MD01 (2268.07.10) 1300

Orders had come down from command to synthesize a Theragen derivative to inoculate the crew. The senior staff had just finished their briefing and were ordered to head to the Medical Division for the first round of inoculations. Dr. Amato was in an emotionally mixed state. He was both excited for this next mission, but dreading it at the same time... The Captain had pulled him aside personally and told him they were going after the Defiant. At least finally he'd have closure, one way or another.

"Gentlemen ..." Marc said stepping into the Sickbay common area. "We are going to need to replicate 400 doses of Theragen derivative. We are also going to need to break into the medicinal alcohol stores. From what I recall it goes down easier with a shot of the real thing." Marc said chuckled. "The Captain has requested Gin for his." Several of the techs laughed. Tony Jenkins just put her head in her hands.

Harmony's nose wrinkled up at the mention of alcohol, and at first she thought to stay quiet, but then decided that the worst they could do would be to scoff at her. "Um...Sir...maybe we should let people decide what sort of alcohol they want? Might make them more receptive to the shots, and gin..." Well, yuck! ", is there an alternative to people who don't drink?" She knew she couldn't be the only one.

Amato chimed in, "The prescription can also be filled via an injection, according to the report. So I would imagine everyone gets a choice."

Marc looked at his young protégé. "Doctor, that will be an option of course. So let's make up 100 doses in each before we make more antidote. Dr. zh'Nolon will you tend to that please."

"Of course." The Andorian bustled off. Preparing two hundred doses would take a while, but it wasn't anything she couldn't handle. She was no stranger to hard work, after all.

"Usual procedure for the hard heads Dr. K?" Tony Jenkins asked.

Marc smiled as did a few others in the room. Tony Jenkins was a skilled and compassionate nurse but she didn't take any crap from anybody. She hauled two of the ships Marines in at phaser point during the last round of physicals. "If you must Tony. If you must."

Laviana smiled to herself. Rumors about Jenkins' methods for getting the especially stubborn members of the crew to come into sickbay were as real as they came - she pitied them, really, the poor saps. Especially those two Marines; she'd never seen a grown human man melt before someone about three quarters his size like one of them had before. "I find human males to be the most stubborn of the lot," She remarked with a giggle. "Especially those with thick beards. I still can't work out why they think it's at all healthy to act tough all the time when it actively harms them."

"Well, I suppose we've been assessed," Mike commented with a chuckle, turning to look at Dr. Kitchner. "I'll come up with a schedule," he said, "This shouldn't take too long if we use the wards as injection sites. I suppose we could have just served this at dinner, but the food is poisonous enough without adding to it."

Marc nodded. "Thank you Michael." He waited for a moment to let the murmur to die down. "The trouble folks is we only have 48 hours to pull it off. Dr. zh'Nolon, take whomever and whatever you need. If there is any trouble Jenkins and I will tend to it. Lets go to it folks."

There was a little chatter as the meeting broke up. Marc turned to head into his office and caught Jenkins standing there staring. "Thoughts?"

"Just that I need to cancel my dinner plans." Tony said with a light shrug.

"It's going to be a long two days," Mike admitted, looking down at the clipboard, "But I knew we weren't going to be at the starbase long enough to visit..."

One of the nurses brought out a bar cart filled with the first round of innoculations, the medical staff. "Well, bottoms up," Mike said as he walked over to the cart and selected a glass. He took a sip, "Well, not too bad... Straight up with a side of Klingon poison..." He commented.


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