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Quick And Painless... Maybe

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2023 @ 11:13am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Lieutenant JG Marcel Knowles
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2023 @ 7:55pm

1,062 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 7: Medical Division
Timeline: M4 MD02 (2268.07.11) 1100

The medical department was about halfway through the inoculations for the officers. Dr. Amato assigned himself and Dr. zh'Nolon each half of the junior officers while Dr. Kitchner took the senior officers. Mike was standing next to the intake session, reading his clipboard. Next was a name he had been waiting for... Lt. J.G. Marcel Knowles. He had been hoping to run into the lieutenant after what had been revealed during the counseling session with Toby.

This is the stars laughing at me thought Marcel as he learned he was due to come into Sickbay for inoculations. As destiny would have it, Marcel had drawn the short straw because it was Doctor Amato who he would need to see, and when he stepped through the doorway of Sickbay the lieutenant's eyes fell upon him.

"Mikey," Marcel said with a heavy sigh. He had been doing his best to avoid the awkwardness. Marcel knew what he had done and he wasn't sure if Toby said anything to Mike or not. In a way, Marcel wanted to say something that night. He did not. He had hoped that Toby said something, but he also was terrified. "I was requested for inoculations I think."

"Yes, lieutenant," Dr. Amato responded in a professional tone. His usual bored expression masked his annoyance over being called "Mikey" by Marcel. Although he knew full well what had happened, his face revealed nothing. "The crew is being innoculated against the effects of the interphase... Being an officer you have a choice between taking it orally mixed with an alcoholic beverage of your choice, or via injection," he explained.

"Oh just inject me" Marcel replied. I deserve the discomfort he thought. "Yeah, the interphase. Would the effects of it cause someone to do anything stupid or brash? In theory at least?" Marcel was seeking anything he could to explain his behavior recently.

"Like kissing someone else's boyfriend?" Mike asked with a completely straight face as he readied the seemingly massive metal hypospray. "See we have yet to enter the area of space with the interphase. The Captain wants the inoculations finished before we do" he added.

Marcel swallowed hard Yep, he knows. "What if I'm super sensitive to the interphase. You know? Like so sensitive to it I do stupid things in advance" he said. He looked at Mike. "Like kissing someone else's boyfriend, Doctor...Mikey. I'm not going say I wasn't stupid."

"I find that highly unlikely given what we know of the interphase," Mike responded as he held up the hypospray. "Base of the neck, which side would you prefer, unless you want it in the behind," he added, adding emphasis indicating that he would prefer it to give it to Marcel in the latter method

"I kissed your boyfriend" Marcel admitted openly and bluntly. "The least I can do is drop trow and let you jab me in the ass" he teased but was fully ready to do so. "I want to talk about it, Mike. I know what I did wasn't morally right and I'm sorry I betrayed you like that."

The Doctor let a smirk break his expressionless facade for a moment and said, "No, that won't be necessary... That was my moment of unethical behavior..." He sighed as he raised the hypospray. "I'm not sure what there is to talk about. You've made your feelings known, in both respects... Ready?" He asked.

"There's plenty to talk about especially since you haven't fired a fist across my jaw" asserted Marcel. He prepared himself for the jab. "Honestly, when I first came aboard if I were to envision myself kissing someone it probably would have been you, not Toby, but he's just so..."

Marcel sighed. "Frustratingly oblivious and damn adorable" he added.

Mike let his facade drop and he chuckled, "He is one of a kind, isn't he?" he asked, misty-eyed, "But he is very much focused on his work... Coming up with the next big thing or even the next small thing... Trust me, it is tougher to compete than you think... Even then, I am a doctor and am much the same way." He was still holding the full hypospray.

"So, you do actually love him?" Marcel looked at the physican. It was something that Marcel had wanted to know with as much certainty as he could. "He is one of a kind, Doc. I just couldn't shake him. It was making me restless at night."

The Doctor did not acknowledge, but he didn't deny it either. "He is relentless... As am I..." he said before he pressed the hypospray to the base of Marcel's neck. "There you are lieutenant, that is the full procedure. You may feel lightheaded for awhile, but that feeling will subside," he said, his facade returning.

Marcel found it interesting that Mike did not answer the question. He played a bit with a bit of a twirl. "And if I happen to get dizzy and happen to start to stumble here? Will you catch me, Doctor?" The twirling probably wasn't a good idea as he did feel a little lightheaded.

"We have orderlies for that lieutenant," Mike responded, not taking the bait. He also remembered they were standing in the middle of the intake ward and not somewhere more private. "If the effects are prolonged, or inhibit your duties, you may return to sickbay at your convenience," he added.

"I see," Marcel quipped. He steadied himself and looked at Mike. "I have feelings for Toby. I wouldn't have kissed him if I didn't at least feel something for him, but I'm not looking to to break the two of you up. It's not honorable, but that isn't going to just erase me feelings for him. When does your shift end?"

"1500," Mike responded. He wasn't sure what Marcel wanted from him, but he didn't exactly want a long drawn out conversation about how the other man felt about his boyfriend. He was annoying, awkward and potentially infuriating.

Marcel smiled. "Perfect," he said simply. "See you later, Doc."

Mike rolled his eyes as Marcel left. He wasn't looking forward to whatever the young officer had in mind. Frankly he had enough on his mind. He shook his head before returning to his clipboard.


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