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Touch Base

Posted on Fri Jun 30th, 2023 @ 12:11pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Lieutenant Azrel Vox
Edited on on Sat Jul 1st, 2023 @ 10:52pm

1,111 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Mission 4: Through a Glass, Darkly
Location: Deck 20: Aft Crew Lounge
Timeline: M4 MD01 (2268.07.10) 1900

With the Midway underway and the crew inoculated, all that was left was the waiting game. Tristan retreated to one of his usual haunts, the aft crew lounge. He was sitting in the usual rounded section he preferred. One evening when he arrived he found a reserved sign stating "Reserved for His Majesty," which caused him to chuckle. He pulled down the sleeve of his long pique knit navy blue poloshirt and checked the time on his antique Bulova, 1900 and sighed. Still plenty of time to kill...

Aze had just come off duty. She decided, before heading to her quarters, to go for a quick Cortado. This time, however, she decided for a change of scenery and opted for the aft crew lounge. Stepping into the room, she went straight to a food station and ordered her Cortado. At this point she hadn't noticed the captain sat in the rounded section of the lounge.

Once her drink was ready she picked it up from the machine and carefully took a sip. She savoured that moment, the almost magical sensation from a freshly brewed strong coffee. It was at this point she noticed the captain. She pondered whether or not approach him and whether now would be a good time to discuss some issues. He seemed relaxed so she decided to approach him.

As she neared his table, she noticed the reservation notice. She thought a moment and then remembered the book she read recently on Royalty and customs. As he noticed her, she bowed her head and curtsied. "Your Majesty, may I join you?" she said trying so hard to keep a straight face but there was a clear hint of a smirk on her face.

The Captain rolled his eyes, "Thanks," he responded, "Someone's idea of a joke." He sighed and took down the sign, "What can I do for you lieutenant?" He asked.

"I wondered if you had a moment to talk about something that's been bothering me and whether you could give me some advice." Aze asked.

"By all means," Tristan responded as he gestured for her to have a seat at the translucent glass table. He finished off his martini, figuring he was going to need it.

"If I am not mistaken, that was a Martini and if memory serves me correctly, aren't you meant to savour them rather than gulp? " She said taking a seat.

"Usually," Tristan responded, as he straightened up his posture, "But it sounded like our topic of conversation will need my full attention."

"You might need another one if I tell you that the topic involves Michael Slatterly. " Aze replied.

The Captain rolled his eyes and sighed, Dr. Slattery's short stint on the Midway was littered with complaints from both his colleagues and from several women aboard. Apparently he believed he was God's gift to women and couldn't keep his hands to himself. Thankfully his assignment had been brief.

"I will come right out with this, Captain. The guy led me on and pretty much used me. I honestly thought he cared about me and yet, after he left, I found out that all I was to him was some curiosity with me being the only Trill onboard the Midway. I have calmed down somewhat since I found out but at the time, I was absolutely furious. I have broken a few things in my quarters, nothing that can't be replaced. What I would like to know, Captain, is whether or not there is anything we can do to protect others from him."

"There is," Tristan responded. He hesitated for a moment, "I have to say you are not the the only one he used... I've received several complaints... That much I can say without breaching confidentiality," he said, "I have yet to fill out my evaluation of him, same with Dr. Kitchner. We have compared notes, and with these negative marks we are preparing, there's no way he's going to land a position in the fleet again." He paused again and then said, "There are other avenues if you allege misconduct, but they are more difficult and more serious to prove."

"Part of me does want to pursue it further but considering the notes you and Dr Kitchner are preparing and the likelihood that he won't land a position in the fleet again, I think I can leave it your capable hands. This has shaken my trust in men to some degree, captain. Present company not included though. " Aze replied.

The Captain sighed, "I am sorry lieutenant," he commented, "I hate to say it, but not everyone enters the space service for the right reasons. The process is suppose to weed those folks out, but sometimes they slip through the cracks, like Slattery did. Fortunately, his stint was brief. If you need anything from me, some leave time, someone to talk to, just reach out."

The waiter arrived at the table and took the Captain's Martini glass, and replaced it with a full one, knowing full well Captain's modus operandi. "Care for a drink?" he asked the young Trill woman, trying to give a reassuring smile.

"I would love to" she said turning to the waiter. "I brought a bottle of Trill Brandy when I came aboard, can I get a small shot of that in a tumbler glass please, no ice."

The waiter nodded and went to get the drink. They soon returned with a short glass containing a dark red liquid. "Thank you." Aze replied as she picked up the glass and gave it a smell. "Ah, home." she took a sip. "Ooh yeah that's the good stuff right there. Bottled in 2258. The distillery is actually 20 miles from my family home." Aze commented.

"Good item to bring onboard, certainly," Tristan responded and then sighed at the mention of a family home... "My Dad was always in the service, so I don't really have a home outside of this ship. My parents have lived in San Diego for the past decade or so, but it was mainly for convenience," he commented.

"I guess that's a drawback to having parents in the service. Always on the move. My father is a local Councillor and my mother runs a local restaurant. " Aze replied taking another sip, savouring the taste. She was starting to relax.

The Captain nodded before taking a long drink from this glass. He would need to follow up with both Mr. Zon and with Dr. Kitchner about this. This conversation yielded more items to add onto their already lengthy report regarding Slattery's conduct. The joys of command...


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