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Posted on Tue Feb 7th, 2023 @ 9:59am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Ivy Kinsley & Lieutenant Laviana zh'Nolon MD
Edited on on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 10:22am

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Deck 7: Medical Section
Timeline: M2 MD04 (2268.6.06) 0930

A week has passed since her initial check up by Dr. Amato and Ensign Ivy Kinsley was due for her follow up. Frankly she wasn't looking forward to it. Dr. Amato had reported that nothing was permanent down there, just bruises and scratches but still she wanted to be cautious.

Sickbay was fairly empty as most people were still on the starbase. Ivy made her way passed the nurses station to the examination area. She was wearing her class C Starfleet sweatsuit made out of a silky nylon looking material in Command yellow. The doctor's always say wear something easy to take off.

She saw Dr. Amato and smiled, "Good afternoon doctor," she said.

"Good afternoon Ensign," he said, "I know you have an appointment with me, but we have a new female doctor. So I wanted to give you the option given the sensitivity."

"Oh, alright," Ivy asked a bit surprised, "I suppose we could try it if you don't go too far."

"Of course Ensign, I'll just be down the hall," Mike responded.

Emerging shortly afterward from an office down the hallway was an attractive, young Andorian woman. She definitely hadn't been here before; could she be the one Amato had spoken of? "Welcome to sickbay, ensign... Kinsley, right? I've had a look at some of the crew's personal files already." She said with a friendly smile. "How may we assist you today?"

Dr. Amato looked at the Andorian doctor, "Ah, doctor this was the sensitive case I was talking about," he said before walking passed her. He stopped and said in a soft voice, "She was sexually assaulted by the Orion Pirates, almost raped. Physically she's alright, but emotionally..."

There was a sort of sobering up of the Andorian's demeanor, despite the friendly smile on her face that stayed equally as bright as before. "I see. Understood. I'll handle it accordingly." She assured the other doctor before turning back to Kinsley. "Well, ensign, is there anything I may assist you with today?"

"Yes doctor," Ivy responded, she was already sitting on the examination table, her long legs dangling off the side, "I was taken hostage by the Orions as were several others... But I was beaten the worst and one tried to rape me. I fought him off but everything down there has been tender... Everything..."

"Alright. Let's get you checked out, and we can see what's wrong and what we can do about it, alright?" Laviana's tone was soft and kind, yet warm. As she had been trained to do. She picked up a medical tricorder and began to scan the ensign with it. She'd have to watch what she said and did, especially around sensitive cases like her who'd just survived great trauma. It was only polite, and only right as a doctor.

"Do you want me to remove my pants?" Ivy asked, her big blue eyes looking up at the doctor.

"It would be helpful, yes." Laviana replied gently. "My tricorder can get better readings that way."

"Ok," Ivy responded. She slid the gold sweatpants down her long legs and then her pink panties. She leaned back onto the exam table. She was still rather bruised down there even after Dr. Amato's treatment.

The Andorian waved her tricorder over her lower region. Her lips twisted as she did so; evidently she did not like what she saw. "There's still quite a lot of scarring down here - and I'm picking up some strain down here as well. Like overexertion. We can start with healing these scars, and then work on the rest. That okay with you?"

"Please, I want to be back to normal down there as soon as possible," Ivy responded with a shudder, "I want to forget about it all." Her blue eyes were wide and filled with fear at the Andorian's reaction.

"I know, ensign. In your shoes I'd feel the same way." Laviana gently patted her hand and picked up a dermal regenerator, running it over the scars on her lower half. "I'd like to send you to a counsellor." She said as she worked. "You need someone better qualified to help you resolve what you've gone through. I'll be filing a request for that, and I'm sure the appropriate personnel will be in touch afterward with a date and time." She smiled kindly as she closed the last scar. "Is that alright?"

"Yes, that's alright," Ivy responded as the doctor finished. She also felt less tender, she looked down. Everything looked closer to normal. She sat up and then retrieved her pants and underwear. "Thank you doctor," she said.

"You're welcome, ensign. Don't worry. We'll help you work through what's happened, and eventually I know you will get better." Laviana said softly. "For now, I won't keep you if you want to leave. Take care, alright?"

"Thank you doctor," the young woman responded as she pulled her sweat pants back up. "I will try my best," she added before getting off the table and heading out of the exam room. She still wasn't sure how she felt about the whole situation and still wasn't sure what to do about it. At least things were getting better if nothing else...



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