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A Deep Connection

Posted on Tue Feb 7th, 2023 @ 10:44am by Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Tue Feb 14th, 2023 @ 9:39am

968 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10: Hilton Hotel
Timeline: M2 MD02 (2268.6.04) 0600

The viewscreen in the suite's bedroom was still on but at a low volume level. Peter was lying in bed propped up, Avis was lying on his broad chest tucked under his arm. The previous night was incredible to Peter. He felt such a strong connection already to Avis, much more than just a physical attraction, although that helped immensely. But frankly he still didn't know her.

Still he wondered why she picked him of all people? Maybe he just had nothing to lose. It was morning or almost anyway. Peter was a light sleeper and always got up early anyway. He figured last night more than made up for skipping his morning run.

Maybe he moved a bit, maybe something in her subconscious stirred her but suddenly Avis opened her eyes. It all instantly came back to her, their night of love making. It had been a rough roll between the sheets too, mostly because she had insisted on it, egging him on to do anything but take her gently. He got into it though and her head was buried in the pillow, clenching the covers as he pounded her hard. It hurt and yet it felt incredible. In fact some of the best sex she had ever had. She had been drenched in perspiration when they were finally spent and exhausted. And after it all, she thanked him.

Now she moved slightly off him, she was still naked and completely nonplussed about by now. She smiled, "Mornin', Petey dear."

"Good morning Aves," Peter responded with a chuckle exchanging the awful nicknames, "Glad to hear I'm your dear now. I suppose that's what happens."

"Well in the heat of things last night I know I called you a whole lot worse names," she pointed out.

He smiled at her, "I hope you're not too sore," he said.

"You banged me hard and that's just the way I like it. Oh and look," she boldly flashed one of her breasts, "You drew blood with that one bite. I hope I tasted good?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Peter responded before leaning over and kissing the spot tenderly, "I suppose we both got a bit carried away. At least I didn't split you wide open or something."

"Well that's hope not. Not sure about you, but last night was ...well, amazing. That better not have been our one night stand?" Avis was actually quite sure it was more likely only the beginning.

Peter chuckled and then his expression went serious, "No, of course not," he said, "I definitely feel something... Something strong. I hope you feel the same." He smiled.

"Hey, it's going well right now. We click. Let's leave it at that. You know how I feel about anything ....long term. I'm your girlfriend now...the future? Let's wait til we get there," she grew serious too.

"Ok, I'll take it," Peter responded as some of the color drained from his face, " I wasn't trying to create a problem."

"You aren't. I don't see any problem. All I see right now is a sexy man in my bed...OK, technically the hotel's bed. So any excursions up for today? At some point I promised Harmony, my roomie, I'd go spend some time with her just so you know."

Peter smiled, "I've been trying to keep things open... We never did try out that hot tub," he said, "The front desk mentioned something about a spa in the hotel as well. And that's alright, I know I can't be the center of attention all the time."

"As long as you are 90% of the time," Avis remarked then playfully gave him a loud slap on one of his rock hard pecs and jumped out of bed.

"I'll get the water going in the hot tub," she called out as he could get a nice view of her shapely butt.

The young man practically leaped out of bed to follow her, "90% is more than reasonable," he said, calling after her. He was just as nice looking in the daylight as she was. He caught up behind her and put his arms around her. "Good morning again," he said, kissing her on her neck.

"Yes, I know it's morning, dearie," she slowed but did not stop her attempt to reach the hot tub.

Peter chuckled, "I guess you're determined to get in to that tub eh?" He commented as he let go of her.

Avis turned and pointed out, "You were the one who just suggested we do that. Besides to be honest, I've never been in one. I'm curious."

"Yes, I know," Peter responded with a smirk, "They can be fun." They reached the bathroom and Avis turned the hot tub on. "Certainly can relax some sore muscles, which we both need," he added, "Besides with all of that warm water I bet I could get you off again." He grinned.

"Fair enough, you're on," she smiled as she flaunted her perky boobs in his face.

Actually she was quite certain he could but she needed to pretend like this was going to be competitive.

"I'm always up for a challenge..." Peter responded with a smirk as he stepped down into the sunken hot tub, "Oh this is nice," he said, "I wonder if they'd serve us breakfast in here." He chuckled.

"Hope not," she now eased in next to him...."ahhhh, this feels great. And how can you think of breakfast now? When you got me right where you want me?"

"Heh I'm hungry," Peter responded, "For several things." He smirked at her before scooting over next to her. He dipped his hand under the water. "You're hungry too I bet," he said.

"Depends on what's on the menu. Hmmm, maybe you?" Avis closed her arms around him for a sensual kiss.


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