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The Space Hilton

Posted on Tue Jan 31st, 2023 @ 11:09pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Peter Novak & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Ensign Avis Larant
Edited on on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 12:15am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 2: Rendezvous At Starbase 10
Location: Starbase 10: Hilton Hotel
Timeline: M2 MD01 (2268.6.03) 1420

Shoreleave meant one thing, a brief respite from being cramped aboard ship and being constantly on duty. Starbase 10 was well stocked with amenities being the headquarters for a fleet operations in the area.

Dr. Amato and Mr. Dienstag were planning on making the most of their leave by spending it on the starbase. The two of them, in civilian attire stepped into lobby of the Hilton Hotel aboard the starbase. The lobby was a stark white accented by bright red modern furniture.

Mike approached the desk while Toby offloaded their baggage to the porter. "Reservation under Amato," he said to the man standing behind the desk. He looked up from his computer terminal at the young doctor. Mike always wore a semi bored expression and bags under his eyes.

"Two guests, correct? And would you like me to charge the Federation Express card on file?" The concierge asked.

Mike smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, one suite for five days. The spa is open 24/7 as is the lounge. Dinner will be served at 1800 with cocktails served starting at 1730," the concierge said in a smooth mellow tone, "Enjoy your stay and thank you for being a Hilton Honors premier member."

As they started to walk towards the turbolifts, the doors of the lobby opened again and this time Peter and Avis walked through them.

The lobby was very white, almost blindingly so with rounded metallic features. The lobby furniture was bright red and the chairs were all molded in odd shapes and sizes. The floor was real marble however and clacked as Peter and Avis walked across it.

"Impressive," Avis actually whispered like this was some sacred place or something.

"Ah, reservation under Novak," Peter said as they approached the desk.

"Oh hey Avis," Toby said, waving to Avis with his usual doe eyed look.

Avis turned. "Well, Toby. You know if you are looking for a bell boy job, I honestly think you are way over-qualified," she teased with a grin.

"I'd hope so!" Toby responded with a laugh, "Finally enjoying your R&R? Nice place to enjoy it eh? Spa, pools, restaurants, bars, everything at our fingertips."

"So I've been told. Just hope the beds are nice," Avis smiled.

"You and the Doc huh? Got it," she glanced for a second toward Amato who nodded.

"I'm here with Peter Novak, he's in security also. Not sure why but he is crazy over me," she added.

"Eh you have a lot going for you," Toby responded, "Funny, pretty and you give a damn about people."

"Hmmm, two out of three there, kiddo,"chuckled Avis.

He shrugged his slight shoulders, "That's why I like Mike," he said, "Although it's also nice to have someone who will stick up for you."

"I bet," she nodded.

Dr. Amato's bored expression cracked and he smirked at that comment. "We're going to for drinks with the Captain later if you want to join us," he said, "But I imagine you want to test out the beds... That's what we're going to do." He shot a grin towards Toby.

"Whoa! Not that's really kind of tacky...I mean who acts like that anyway?" Avis was still grinning,"Peter and I are planning on, playing a rousing game of Earth checkers."

"Oh I'm sure," Toby responded rolling his eyes, "Be sure to work every muscle on that fabulous body of his, you're lucky..."

"Playing checkers?" Avis pretended to be oblivious.

Mike's eyes widened and he looked at Toby.

"But... I'm into twinks," Toby chuckled and then Mike joined him. "See you all later, I heard Thraxxy wants to plan something for while we're in the starbase... So that'll be interesting," Toby said as he picked up his suitcase.

"Really? Run for your lives then," Avis chuckled.

"Pretty much, and it involves you as well apparently," Toby responded with a chuckle, "Well we better go and let you two go as well."

"Me? I have no idea how I can be involved? She never told me a thing," Avis rolled her eyes.

"Alright well enjoy your leave. I will try not to bore Peter too much," she lifted one hand in a half wave.

"All set," Peter said as he walked over from the desk, "I didn't realize you were friends with Mr. Dienstag and Dr. Amato. I know they are rather close to the captain."

"Well, they are a whole lot closer to each other really if you get my drift," Avis smiled up at him.

"So we heading on up then?" she inquired, "I can't wait to order room service just so I can say I ordered room service once in my life."

"What ever you want my dear," Peter responded with a smile as they stepped over to the open turbolift. "I for one want to get more comfortable," he said.

"Careful, I might have a lot of wants," she grinned and joined him in the lift.
The turbolift in this expensive hotel was a fast one and in a blink it seemed they had arrived on the correct floor.

"What's our room number?" she inquired as they exited.

"Suite 402," Peter responded as he looked down the hallway, "Ah here we are." He waved in front of the door and it opened for them revealing the massive room. It was the size of both their quarters on the Midway put together and then some. One room was a generous sitting area with an attached bedroom and bathroom. It was nicer than either of them were used to.

Avis swept on in looking in every direction as she tossed her duffel bag onto the closest plush chair.

"Oh this is really nice. I think we can survive quite well for a few days and nights in this place, don't you? She peeked into the bathroom, "And look at this. A hot tub."

She spun about, "And me not bringing my bikini. How sad."

"Nah, you won't need it," Peter responded with a smirk. He took off his leather jacket and dumped it onto a chair and then tore off his Addidas sneakers and dumped them nonchalantly the same.

"Oh you think so then do you?" she grinned.

She now spotted a minibar in the corner, "And there we go! We can make our own drinks now." Not that they would make them but simply order them thru the synthesizer.

"So what's your cunning plan? Get me drunk before you ravish me?"

"How about we both get drunk in that hot tub?" Peter offered before ripping his shirt off and throwing it to the floor.

"You gonna wait til there's water in it first?" she chuckled as he began to strip. Not like she didn't like what she was seeing.

Moving to the minibar, she spoke into the control, "One Rigelian whiskey on the rocks."

Looking back to Peter she asked, "What do you want?"

"Wait, I know what you want already - I meant to drink?"

"A mimosa," Peter responded with a smirk, "I'm on vacation." He dropped his pants, revealing his boxers which were a heart pattern.

"Umm, and I'm not? OK, one mimosa coming up. Drink request: Mimosa," she commanded the machine.

Mere seconds and two glasses were now sitting on the tray, ready for consumption. Avis glanced once more at Peter doing his strip tease, sans music.

"Awww how cute. Little hearts. Sorta romantic," she smiled as her eyes ran up and down his chiseled physique.

"I try..." Peter responded, "To hard sometimes."

Taking both drinks in hand she approached him and held out his.

"Here ya go. I did the last toast, you say this one," she readied to raise or clink her glass with his, depending on his preference.

Peter smiled and nodded, "How about to... getting away from it all," he said before he both raised and clinked his glass against hers.

"It'll do I guess," she clinked glasses with him and took a gulp of it then made a bit of a face, it was strong alright.

"Well, I suppose I should get the hot tub filled? Before you are prancing around completely au natural," she grinned.

"Why?" Peter asked before letting his boxers fall to the ground. He was quite sure of himself. He smirked.

Sure she looked. Who wouldn't? They both knew what was going to happen this night.

"Nice," she nodded then downed the rest of her whiskey.

"Hmmm, looks like you are in a real hurry, Peter? Suppose you want me to start my strip tease act then?" she asked as she kicked off her shoes.

"Fair is fair," Peter responded as he retrieved his underwear and placed it onto the couch. He was well built even below the belt and he knew it based upon his continued smirk. He took a long swig from his beverage. It wasn't bad for synthesized.

"Some people would tell you I'm not fair but here goes," Avis put down her drink and began to wiggle out of her tight dress before letting it puddle down at her feet then stepped out of it. She was down to a bra and panties, light blue but no hearts.

It was sort of silly to pretend modesty given the whole obvious situation so she was not going to turn around and present her back to him while she undid the bra snaps. That took all of a few seconds ending when she tossed it onto the carpet a few feet away.

She had petite breasts with pink flat nipples, least for now. She paused now on removing the panties to let him have a look. If he was a man who liked big breasts, well, he would just have to deal with it.

"Perfection," Peter commented simply as his blue eyes scanned her from head to toe. It was evident that he was not lying. Not in the slightest. Hopefully she would agree.

"I would hardly go that far but glad I please you," honestly Avis, for all her brash outward behavior, had been a bit nervous about this reveal and was genuinely relieved.

"Oops, one last little thing I guess," she declared and dropped her panties, she was smooth, obviously she waxed down there.

And there they both were, no more to reveal. The question was now what would they do next?

The young man walked up to her, embraced her and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. He poked her down there by accident, "Sorry," he said with a bit of blush on his pale cheeks.

"Nothing to be sorry about. I want you, Peter Novak. Nevermind the hot tub, let's jump in bed so you can jump me. And the harder the better, tough guy," she grinned .

That was it then, no more hard to get for her.

"Your wish is my command," Peter responded as he picked her up like a twig and carried her over to the bedroom, a big grin on his face.

They didn't actually sleep all that much that night.


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