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No Leftovers...

Posted on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 7:16pm by Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag & Lieutenant Azrel Vox & Lieutenant Thraxina & Ensign Avis Larant

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Officer's Mess
Timeline: M1 MD08 (2268.23.05) 0750

The mess hall steward approached the table, "Can I take this for you?" he asked. The young man motioned towards the stack of empty plates by Thraxina and Toby's abandoned coffee cup.

"Hold on!!" yelled Thraxina, sporking the other half-eaten sausage on Toby's plate before it disappeared. She spoke with her mouth full again as she pointed her spork at Lt. Vox's head and neck.

"I know where you can get some freckle cream that'll completely remove those spots, you know." she swigged down the sausage with the remains of Toby's cold coffee "Or is it part of your species or something?"

"They are part of my species as you put it. No Trill has the same pattern so they are very much like fingerprints. Speaking of creams, hope I packed my skin cream I use for my complection. " Aze commented.

"Well if you haven't, don't ask me to lend you any, I don't need it: my complexion's naturally beautiful. Avis's probably got some, though, haven't you Avis?" she asked the girl with the Romulan hairdo.

Avis blinked, "No, I do not." Was that a shot at her complexion somehow?

"Mmmm, you might want to think about it, Aves." Thraxina advised, helpfully.

She looked to Aze for confirmation. "What do you think... erm... oh, we haven't introduced ourselves have we? I'm Thraxina, "i" one "n", and this is my best friend Avis Larant. As you can see from her hairdo, she's in Security."

"My hair has nothing to do with security," Avis pointed out.

"I am still getting to know everyone. I am somewhat confused, what do I think about what exactly?" Aze asked.

"Skin care treatments for Avis" said Thraxina, starting to stand "And what's your name?"

"I do NOT need skin treatments," Avis glared. However she would have to doublecheck the mirror when she got back to her quarters later.

"Vox. Azrel Vox. Most people call me Azrel or my nickname, Aze." She replied. "As for skincare, I leave it up to the individuals judgement if they need any." She added.

"Which I do not," Avis emphasized then added, "Nice to meet you, Aze."

The helmswoman was walking backwards now with her tray, obviously had somewhere to go, but she kept talking as she went.

"Well listen, Voxxy..." (she totally didn't listen there) "... see if you can change rotas and get on the Captain's shift with me, that's where all the fun happens, and it'll save me from having to look at that big useless blue potato when I'm on duty!"

She crashed backwards into someone, told them to watch where they were going, and then flounced out of the door with a quick wave and a shout across the room of "I'm on the Bridge now, I'll leave you two to sort out your spots!"

Voxxy, that's a new one she thought, smiling as she did so. She turned to her colleagues who were still present. "Erm blue potato?" She asked.

Avis shrugged, "No clue. I'm not really the close friend she says I am. We only met the other day when she challenged me to a fight in the gym."

"A fight, really? Did you accept? " Aze asked curiously.

"I said we could scrimmage. Which we did. It got pretty serious. Then someone in the gym ratted us out and called security. It was kind of embarrassing for me, a security officer, to get arrested and marched in to my department head. Second day on the job," Avis explained.

"Ouch. I can imagine that. All is good now though, I take it?" She asked.

"Yes, fine. Both of us pointed out to Lt. Miyake that we were not seriously angry or trying to hurt the other merely sparring even if it looked worse than it was. She did not press charges. Since then ...well, you saw it for yourself. Thraxina and I get along. We talk. She routinely takes verbal jabs at me and I ...well...disagree with them. She's alright," Avis replied.

"I have a theory that those cities she and her kind live in above the mines. I think maybe the zenite gas wafts upward and affect the cloud dweller's brain synapses too," Avis smiled, hard to tell if she was serious or not.

"I am not familiar with her planet of origin but anything is possible. Is she always like this, very erm assertive with a hint of a superiority complex?" Aze asked.

"She comes from Ardana, the well to do live up in a cloud city and on the surface the unfortunates mine zenite. Or so I've read, I've never been there myself," Avis answered the easy part first.

"She lacks a filter, I would have to say. Like I said though...I honestly don't know her that well," once more Avis shrugged. They'd known each other mere days and did not even work in the same departments.

"I see. I have met people before like that. They can be challenging to deal with and can cause a fair amount of problems if alcohol punches holes in what little filter they might have." Aze replied.

"Good point, I honestly don't even know if she drinks or does drugs. But yeah I think you could put her in the 'challenging' category. I'm fine with her though, there is all types on a ship, we got that pounded into our heads in he academy. Tolerance, right?" Avis remarked.

"Oh yes. Tolerance. But also the skill to know when to give someone a wide berth comes in handy." She added.

"There is that," Avis nodded and finished the last of her breakfast, "Still like real eggs like back on my homeworld over these things."

"Excuse me, maybe I missed it, but what do you do on the bridge?"

"I am the Chief of Communications and I have a talent for xenolinguistics." Aze replied.

"OK, got it. If I ever need to communicate with a really angry xeno I will know who to call," Avis grinned then stood up.

"I'm going to take off now. Nice talking with you. I'm sure we will see each other around," she left her tray behind. There were people for that.

Aze finished her coffee and left the messhall.


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