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This is Sickbay, Doc

Posted on Tue Aug 16th, 2022 @ 7:55pm by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Commander Lucy Heartfilia & Lieutenant Commander Marc Kitchner M.D.
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:34am

1,325 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Various
Timeline: M1 MD04 (2268.19.05) 0805

Marc Kitchener had gotten aboard the Midway just as the duty shift changed. He didn't know if he should go to his quarters or Sickbay first. He stopped outside the transporter room before he could decide someone tapped him on the shoulder.

Lucy Heartfilia had been checking in with the departments before the ship's departure. She stumbled across the older man standing in the middle of the corridor. Approaching slowly so as to not seem intimidating she made her way up to him. “Lost?”

“Not exactly, young lady. I’m just getting aboard. Marc Kitchner, ship’s surgeon.” Marc said, putting down the larger of his two bags and extending a hand.

“Ah, so you’re our new resident doc” Lucy replied as she took the man's hand. “Lieutenant Commander Lucy Heartfilia. Chief Science Officer and First Officer” she paused for a brief moment. “First time aboard a Constitution Class?”

“Pleasure to meet you Commander. It’s been a long time since I’ve been aboard anything bigger than a transport shuttle.” Marc said, picking up his bag again. “It feels different, but 15 years will do that I suppose.”

“Fifteen years huh” Lucy said with a slight smirk. “You’re making me feel young, Mister Kitchner. Fifteen years ago I was only fourteen years old and far from where I am today” she explained as she indicated with her hand for him to follow her. “I suppose you want to be shown to the ship's sickbay?”

Marc grinned, he was feeling his age a bit. “I’d like that Commander. Lead the way …” He shifted the strap from his bag. “How long have you been aboard?”

“Well” Lucy began. “The Midway is a new ship, so I’ve been aboard her since they started recrewing her” she told him as she led him down the curved corridor. “It's been a couple of weeks since we started coming aboard, there’s still a lot to do however”

“That’s what the old man said.” Marc chuckled as he said it. Old man hell, I have books older than that kid. “Tris said things have been uphill since he got the job.”

“Ah, you know the Captain then?” Lucy asked with a curious tone in her voice.

“You could say that Commander. The Captain’s father and I went to Medical school and did our residencies together, and we’ve been friends even longer.” Marc said, stepping aside to let a crewman step out of a lift.

They rounded the corner. “Well that makes sense” Lucy nodded and then proceeded to lead the doctor up to the deck that sickbay was located on. A short turbolift ride later, she stopped outside a blue door. Engraved in white into the black plaque on the wall read Sickbay. “This is Sickbay, Doc. I’ll be making my way back to the bridge, unless you need me for anything else?”

“This will do me for now Commander. Thanks.” Marc said, he grinned warmly. He took a deep breath before he stepped through the door. The antiseptic laced smell, and even the feel was just right. “Hello there.” He said softly as he looked around as if he was talking to a child or patient.

The sickbay was staffed by a few nurses and orderlies scurrying about, but a young man wearing a lieutenant’s braid approached Marc as the doors closed behind him, “Good morning sir,” he said, “Dr. Michael Amato, Surgical Resident and you must be Dr. Kitchner, welcome to Sickbay.”

Marc put his bags down. "Morning Doctor." Amato and Kitchner shook hands. Marc could feel the strength in the young man's hands. "How are we situated, Doctor?" Marc had a general impression of things but he wanted to hear what he had to say for himself.

"Coming along sir," Mike responded, "Frankly you were the last piece of the puzzle… I hate to dump a situation in your lap right off the get go but… Well…" He leaned over to the desk and picked up one of several clipboards, "Our requisition of medical supplies are sitting on Starbase One. I tried to get them released and loaded but only the Chief Medical Officer is authorized to release the load," he explained.

Marc fished out his glasses and began looking over the lengthy requisition. "Here's why. Class one narcotics and these lab supplies …“ He said flipping the page and ran his finger under two items in particular, “... are restricted substances. They need to have a security clearance, and probably be escorted aboard." He reached over and pulled a pen from Amato's shirt pocket and quickly signed off on the report. "I would let the bridge know before you bring this stuff aboard, just to be safe."

He looked at the antique fountain pen for a minute before putting it back into the young man's pocket. "Nice pen, I prefer them with some heft myself." Marc put his glasses back into his jacket. "How's about a tour?"

“Heh my Dad gave me a set when I graduated from the academy. They’ve come in handy more times than I can count,” Mike responded, “Of course. First, this is the main lobby and intake area… This new sickbay is twice the size of the previous module with two wards totalling 30 beds, two operating suites and the labs are equipped with the latest and greatest. Of course it’s never enough given the crew complement of these ships.”

"I can imagine, with a crew of 470 and a medical staff of about 30, we’ll have our hands full." Marc stopped long enough to put his bags in his office. "I understand there's a research lab in addition to the standard pathology lab?"

"Yes, located down the corridor," Mike responded, "Frankly I don't understand why there's no direct access from Sickbay other than Starfleet Medical worried about cross contamination. Of course with how these ships are built, the ship commissioned after us may have the door I want…"

"It'll give me an excuse to stretch my legs going back and forth. I've been predominantly a researcher the past few years." He said looking at the door signs Marc didn’t catch what the young man said right away. "I want … ?"

"A door between sickbay and the medical research labs," Mike repeated as he led Marc around sickbay, "It makes sense to me for all of the medical areas to be connected and self-contained from the rest of the ship. As it stands we need to walk in the public corridor to walk between sickbay and the medical labs."

"Oh, I follow you now. I'll talk to the Captain about it." Marc said thinking to himself. 'It'd have to be a negative pressure door, but that should be simple enough.' "Anything else I should worry about before I go and unpack my socks?"

"I'm not sure if they'll be able to pull this off before we leave the dock since the Captain is adamant about leaving by command's deadline," Mike responded, "That's the general lay of the land… The particulars you can access from your computer terminal.".

"Can't hurt to ask." Marc said with a slight grin. "Mike if you would be kind enough to arrange a section chiefs meeting for tomorrow at 11 and a full departmental meeting at 1300, I'd appreciate it. If anybody groans, it shouldn't take terribly long." Marc grinned again.

"I'll take care of it, doctor. No worries." Mike as he turned to leave.

Marc stood looking at the young man as he went back to his duties. I think he'll do alright. As long as the head nurse is as amiable, things will work out nicely. He chuckled to himself before heading back to his office.

Lt. Commander Marc Kitchner, M.D. - Second Officer, Chief Medical Officer

Lt. Michael Amato, M.D. - Medical Officer (Resident)


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