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Good Morning Captain

Posted on Sun Aug 21st, 2022 @ 3:18pm by Captain Tristan Faust & Commander Lucy Heartfilia
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:35am

641 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Various
Timeline: M1 MD02 (2268.16.05) 0700 - 0730

By sunrise Captain Faust stood waiting in line at a transport hub within Starfleet Command in San Francisco. Any old public transport hub could easily have carried him to the orbiting Starship, but personnel movement was sensitive in nature, even then one needed the proper clearance to get anywhere near an active service Starship. Tristan wondered what shape the ship would be in. He had read Commander Heartfilia’s brief message left for him, Main Power and Propulsion Systems Online, Condition Green.

Now it was time to play the waiting game… The countdown to zero hour. He approached the transport pad. The porter stood in his way, “Dunnage Captain?” he asked politely.

Captain Faust nodded and handed the crewman his attache’ case before stepping onto the red platform. He gave a nod to the transporter chief before the room melted. The transporter room aboard the Midway looked nearly identical to the transporter room at Starfleet Command, but the shade of the artificial sunlight was just different enough from the real thing.

“Welcome back Captain,” the young transporter chief said from behind the console.

“Thanks chief,” Tristan responded, “Let the bridge know I’m on my way.” He gave a brief nod before heading out into the corridor. Even at this early hour the ship was full of life. Alpha shift was preparing to come on duty. Today wouldn’t be the day, but it was getting there.

The doors of the bridge opened and his approach was heralded by one of the junior officers. Tristan looked down at Commander Heartfilia who was in command, “Good morning Commander,” he said.

“Good Morning Captain” Lucy replied. The blonde science officer held a clipboard in her arms.

"Good morning Commander," Tristan responded as he walked down the steps and into the well, "No problems while I was gone, I hope?"

“Not at all” Lucy replied “In fact, we have full warp power available and the ship is now running on her own power. We’re just waiting for the last of the crew to arrive and we’ll be in Bristol Fashion sir," she told him proudly.

"Yes, I got your message, good work," Tristan responded as he traded places with his executive officer, "I managed to get us a ship's surgeon… So we have met the bare minimum requirements to leave dock. I hope we can rustle up a few more officers before we depart." He signaled to a yeoman passing by. The administrative staff knew that meant, coffee and make it quick.

“That's good news. All we need now is a Chief Engineer, Helmsman, Comms Officer, Navigator…” she said before trailing off. “You’d have thought we’d have plenty jumping at the chance to work on a Constitution Class Starship. Or are these starting to lose their charm?”

"So many trained staff are either on assignment in deep space or are slated for command roles," Tristan explained, "And they're launching us six months early so we're in between crew rotation cycles."

Lucy sighed. “Yeah, it seems that Starfleet are pretty short of staff these days. Then again, that's what you get when we keep losing ships.”

"Well, I don't intend upon being the next one," Tristan responded, "So we better make due." The yeoman returned, setting the mug down onto the armrest of the Captain's chair. Tristan gave a nod and continued, "This may be time for some junior officers to shine," he added, "Maybe we can convince a few to cross train roles during this shakedown cruise."

"Might be a good idea" Lucy replied. "After all, we have no idea what's out there, we need a crew thats adaptable to any circumstances."

"Agreed," Tristan responded, "That is the nature of the space service."

Captain Tristan Faust - Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander Lucy Heartfilia - First Officer, Chief Science Officer


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