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Ludovico Undone

Posted on Tue Jan 10th, 2023 @ 12:13am by Lieutenant Michael Amato & Ensign Tobias "Toby" Dienstag
Edited on on Mon Jan 16th, 2023 @ 8:31am

640 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Mission 1: A Fool’s Errand
Location: Deck 5: Dr. Amato's Quarters
Timeline: M1 MD08 (2268.23.05) 1900

The lights in Dr. Amato's quarters were dimmed, with the only light coming from the projector screen. Mike and Toby were lounging on the tiny black leather couch as a movie played on the screen. Toby's head was resting on Mike's shoulder, enjoying his comfortable flannel of his boyfriend's pajamas.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," Toby said, still watching the screen.

"Of course," Mike responded, "That quack deserved it."

After decking Dr. Meddows, Mike was confined quarters except when on duty which was fine by him. He could use the rest anyway. He was trying to clear his mind of the potential consequences of the entire affair. Soon it would be 2200, the ETA for the Midway to intercept the Orion ship and all hands were ordered to report on deck, them included.

Toby nodded in agreement, "So is that why you had to show me this movie?" He asked. Mike had described it as a mid 20th century psychological thriller and a good one at that. Crime, drama, a touch of science fiction and psychological brain washing.

"Yep, exactly," Mike responded as Queen Anne's Funeral Dirge roared from the speaker, "I'm surprised you've never seen this one."

"A few people have recommended A Clockwork Orange over the heads, but you know I generally prefer old fashioned hard boiled detective stories," Toby admitted. He yawned, "Nice to be back here though," he said.

"Back where you belong," Mike responded with a grin.

"Absolutely," Toby responded before he reached down and grabbed his glass of wine off of the coffee table.

Mike took his glass and they clinked their glasses together.

"I hope nothing bad happens though," Toby responded, "That guy could still press charges against you and open up a whole can of worms."

"He could," Mike responded, "But I'm sure I'll be alright... I'm sure we'll be alright. I doubt Tristan would go through the trouble of anything drastic especially when everyone who would be involved can't stand that guy either."

"Still," Toby responded.

"Sheesh, when did you become such a Debbie downer?" Mike asked.

"Since that shrink scrambled my brains, or at least tried to," Toby responded, "So you think we're alright?"

The two of them were always worried some negative consequences would come of their relationship. Not because they were same sex, since it was generally accepted in the 23rd century but of Starfleet 's strict fraternization regulations. Although archaic they were in place to prevent ship's crew from becoming distracted and blurring the lines between duty decisions and their personal lives.

To Mike the whole thing made it seem like the brass didn't trust their officers to make the right decisions. Even then some doctors would refuse to treat those close to them as patients. He hoped things would change for the better soon.

"You seem better," Mike observed.

"I do feel better," Toby responded, "I don't know why I reacted the way I did. That doctor was a wacko and the stuff he was doing was certainly out there, but I've been in weird situations before but... I don't know..."

"Doctors tend to like having power over their patients," Mike explained, "Some doctors go too far... Psychiatry is particularly dangerous since psychiatrists can exert even more control over their patients and mess with with them. From what I've heard Meddows likes messing with his patients. They also like inventing diagnoses. You'll be alright."

"Yeah I guess so," Toby said then a confused look came across his face, "What, he jerks off to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that," Mike responded with a chuckle, "He has this man crush with Beethoven. What's even more twisted is in the book he's 15 when he commits his spree of robberies and rapes."

"What a lovely boy," Toby chuckled.


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